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Spanish in Context - Volume 4, Issue 2, 2007
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2007
Escalas informativas aditivas: Pruebas del español
Author(s): José Portoléspp.: 135–157 (23)More LessAdemás de la diferencia entre escalas semánticas y escalas pragmáticas, ya generalmente admitida en los estudios de pragmática, se defiende en este artículo la conveniencia de la distinción entre escalas sustitutivas —en las que un valor escalar superior reemplaza a uno inferior, o viceversa— y escalas aditivas —en las que el valor escalar superior consiste en la suma de un elemento al valor inferior (n+1). La pertinencia de estos dos últimos tipos de escalas se prueba con el análisis de diversas partículas discursivas del español, como: sólo, con… y todo, incluso, hasta, además y al menos.
Natural speech vs. elicited data: A comparison of natural and role play requests in Mexican Spanish
Author(s): J. César Félix-Brasdeferpp.: 159–185 (27)More LessThis study investigates issues of reliability and validity in pragmatics research and examines the extent to which role-play data approximate naturally-occurring discourse with respect to the content and frequency of requests in Mexican Spanish. The data were gathered from naturally-occurring conversations and field notes in a wide array of contexts and included requests from males and females in formal and informal situations. The results of the current study indicate that natural data represent the most valid way of observing different aspects of speech-act (verbal and non-verbal) behavior in social interaction, as there are various types of request forms that cannot be generated if one follows the role-play path. However, open role plays, if constructed with sufficient contextual information, may offer some advantages over natural data in that they have the potential of eliciting interactional data for research purposes while controlling for various sociolinguistic variables.
Characteristics of the Spanish grammar and sociolinguistic proficiency of dual immersion graduates
Author(s): Kim Potowskipp.: 187–216 (30)More LessDual immersion schools in the United States, which combine native Spanish speakers and students learning Spanish as an L2, encourage English development while promoting Spanish learning. However, relatively little is known about the levels of Spanish attained by dual immersion graduates. This case study describes the performance on a number of measures of a graduating class at a Spanish-English dual immersion school. It analyzes their proficiency in speaking, reading and writing, their production of three grammatical forms, and their ability to identify and produce appropriately polite Spanish. Heritage Spanish speakers evidenced fairly strong Spanish systems. L2 Spanish learners scored low on several measures, but overall could communicate their ideas. Several recommendations are offered for immersion classroom pedagogy.
Attitudes towards lexical borrowing and intra-sentential code-switching among Spanish-English bilinguals
Author(s): Tyler Kimball Anderson and Almeida Jacqueline Toribiopp.: 217–240 (24)More LessThe present study seeks to evaluate bilinguals’ attitudes towards the contact forms that are manifested in the speech of Spanish-English bilinguals in the United States, and the factors that contribute to this linguistic assessment. Towards that end, bilinguals of diverse proficiencies are presented with five versions of the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood/La Caperucita Roja: a normative Spanish text, two Spanish texts that contrast in the type of English lexical insertions made, and two code-switched texts, differentiated by type of intra-sentential alternation represented. Multiple measures are used to evaluate participants’ attitudes, including scalar judgments on personality characteristics of the authors of the texts. Data from fifty-three participants unveil a continuum of preferences that largely confirms the hypotheses posited: Spanish-English bilinguals evaluate single-noun insertions more positively than code-switching and report more fine-grained distinctions — differentiating specific versus core noun insertions and felicitous versus infelicitous code-switching — as commensurate with social and linguistic factors, such as language heritage and linguistic competence.
La mancha del plátano: Language policy and the construction of Puerto Rican national identity in the 1940s
Author(s): Elise DuBordpp.: 241–262 (22)More LessThe present work seeks to identify sources of the persistent link between the Spanish language and national identity in Puerto Rico. By examining mass media discourse in the 1940s as a turbulent period of language policy conflict between Puerto Rico and the U.S. federal government, I suggest that the federal imposition of language policy without the consent or approval of local politicians or educators was influential in the construction of national identity that included language as a major defining factor. Local elites reacted to the colonial hegemony by defining Puerto Rican identity in opposition to American identity. The construction of identity in the 1940s is characterized by a cultural conception of nation that redefined national symbols, such as language, in social rather than political terms in order to avoid disturbing the existing colonial hegemony.
El contacto de lenguas como factor de retención en procesos de variación y cambio lingüístico: Datos sobre el español en una comunidad bilingüe peninsular
Author(s): José Luis Blas Arroyopp.: 263–291 (29)More LessCon independencia de cuál sea el grado de protagonismo que concedamos a la interferencia en la configuración de las lenguas, en la bibliografía sobre el tema es recurrente la idea de que el contacto interlingüístico —en particular si es estable y prolongado en el tiempo— actúa favorablemente para el desarrollo de soluciones lingüísticas novedosas, así como para la aceleración de cambios que se hallan latentes o en fases evolutivas poco avanzadas en otras regiones. Sin embargo, se ha escrito menos acerca de otro desenlace posible, y que supone el reverso de lo anterior; esto es, que el contacto de lenguas represente un importante factor de retención de variantes sometidas a intensa variabilidad y cambio en otros dominios. Ello puede ocurrir, por ejemplo, entre lenguas tipológicamente próximas, aunque con suficientes puntos de conflicto estructural como para favorecer procesos de convergencia en torno a aquellas variantes que resultan comunes. En el presente artículo se presentan los datos empíricos de algunas investigaciones variacionistas que hemos emprendido recientemente en torno a dos variables lingüísticas en una comunidad de habla bilingüe peninsular, donde el español convive con el catalán desde hace siglos. Los principales resultados del estudio muestran algunas diferencias destacadas en función de factores asociados al entorno etnolingüístico de los hablantes.
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