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- Volume 46, Issue, 2011
Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures - Volume 46, Issue 1, 2011
Volume 46, Issue 1, 2011
L’emploi du gérondif et de la construction V1 och V2 dans l’incise: Étude contrastive français-suédois
Author(s): Mari Mossbergpp.: 1–41 (41)More LessThe aim of this study is to compare the syntax of French and Swedish inserted (parenthetical) clauses appearing after a direct quotation. More specifically, the study explores the relationship between the French gérondif and the Swedish “V1 och V2” construction in contexts such as dit-elle en souriant / sa hon och log. The analysis is based on a translation corpus, comprising French and Swedish literary texts, and their translations into Swedish and French, respectively. It is argued that the function and use of these constructions are related to the typological profiles of the two languages, French being an exocentric language which considers the different aspects of a communicative situation according to their importance (hierarchic information structure), and Swedish being an endocentric language which divides the communicative situation into successive actions (linear information structure).
La historia de la partícula aparte en español
Author(s): M.ª Elena Azofra Sierrapp.: 42–68 (27)More LessThis paper deals with the history of the Spanish particle aparte. We describe this evolution from an adverbial usage (with spatial and modal values) to its current function as an additive discourse marker, taking into account its special character, which distinguishes aparte from the rest of the elements included in the subsystem of additive adverbs. As we show, the evolution of aparte is a typical instance of a subjectification process. Certain questions arise as to its adscription to a given syntactic category in certain contexts and about its lexicographic description in the Nuevo Diccionario Histórico.
Les composés français VN — aspects sémantiques
Author(s): Maria Rosenbergpp.: 69–88 (20)More LessThis study addresses the semantics of French VN compounds within a lexeme-based and lexicalistic approach to morphology. The N constituent can correspond to one of the two semantic macroroles: PATIENT (ouvre-boîte) or ACTOR (croque-monsieur). In addition, there is a special type of unproductive VN compound in which the N is a hyperonym of the hyponym compound (gratte-boësse). The study confirms that there are no strict constraints on the V and the N: the four Aktionsarten, as well as unaccusative and inergative Vs, are accepted. Moreover, it shows that the compounds are formed by different semantic patterns : Agent/Experiencer, Instrument, Locative, Causative, Event and Patient/Theme. The Agent/Experiencer and Instrument patterns in which the N is a PATIENT are the most productive ones.
La néologie expressive et onomatopéique dans l’étymologie du français
Author(s): Gilles Quentelpp.: 89–104 (16)More LessIt is generally well-accepted that, in every language, a significant amount of unknown etymologies can be explained by the means of “echoism”, which states that a historically unexplained word can be of onomatopoeic origins.This paper objects to the theory in general, taking the particular case of French to illustrate its drifts. It aims at demonstrating that most onomatopeic or “expressive” related etymologies are speculative, unattested and based upon very thin argumentation. It proposes other ways to undertake the search for etymologies of French words.
Una ciudad dilatada por la luz: La función del arte en la novelística de Antonio Muñoz Molina
Author(s): Hans Lauge Hansenpp.: 105–126 (22)More LessThe purpose of this article is to analyze the function of art in the narrative of Antonio Muñoz Molina. Through the interpretation of the narrative function of paintings by renowned artists like Cézanne, Rembrandt, Velázquez and Mark Rothko in four works, The Winter in Lisbon, The Polish Rider, Sefarad and The Windows of Manhattan, I will pursue the hypothesis that the works of art play the role of identity giving metaphors for the characters. At the same time the painting play the role of “entelechies” in the narrative structure, as well for the characters as for the reader, because it is only through the interpretation of the paintings that each narrative obtains coherence and plenitude.
Jeux transgressifs: Sur les égarements rochiens
Author(s): R.-L. Etienne Barnettpp.: 127–135 (9)More LessRETRACTION NOTICE. This article has been retracted. For more information, please read the Editorial in Revue Romane 50:1 (2015).
In the textualized universe of Denis Roche, the poetic impulse is inextricably linked to the unstable framework in which such matter is cast. Utterances of language translate the power of transgression.The text is birthed as an object of inquiry, ultimately to be dismantled : the poem is both “inadmissible” and “inexistant.” As a self-fixed interrogator focused upon the residual matter that it is and which it only can be, it is no longer subservient to the references it struggles to invoke, much less to signify. Writing, then, is an unending auto-reflexive process of annihilation and reification, and subsists, as such, to the sole extent that it disassociates from all conventional voices of articulation. More obtusely, to poeticize is to re-transcribe — otherly and with abruptness — the withered sputtering(s) of the artistic imperative. Poetry, like photography, aims and frames, slices the world into sequences and images — partial, scattered, at once undone so as to be resuscitated, briefly, again. The extant is eschewed. At stake and at center-stage : a propelled form of motivity, speed, accelerations and dead-stops, an aleatory array of unremitting shifts, “instantanées” — obstinately un-emblematic. Raging or controlled, the poem or the photo can only be a non-representational sliver, the transitory residue of an infinite combinatorics of possibles. Hence, arbitrary breaches, clamoring interruptions, ludic contortions of incompleteness. A curious dynamic.
Le rôle de certains facteurs (morpho-)syntaxiques et informationnels dans le choix de il ou de celui-ci
Author(s): Annemie Demolpp.: 137–164 (28)More LessThis contribution1 provides a corpus-based analysis of some (morpho-) syntactic factors that influence the choice between the third person clitic pronoun il and the demonstrative pronoun celui-ci : the syntactic function of the antecedent, as well as its form, and the syntactic function of the pronoun itself. Special attention is paid to a series of counterexamples to Zribi-Hertz’s (1992) constraint on discursive promotion. The different tendencies observed for il and celui-ci with respect to the syntactic criteria examined, provide evidence for the hypothesis that il marks topic continuity and celui-ci a topic shift and ultimately lead to a reformulation of the constraint on discursive promotion in terms of topic promotion.
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