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- Volume 51, Issue, 2016
Revue Romane. Langue et littérature - Volume 51, Issue 1, 2016
Volume 51, Issue 1, 2016
Vocalismo acentuado do Noroeste português
Author(s): Fernando Brissos and Celeste Rodriguespp.: 1–35 (35)More LessThe paper’s aim is two-fold: 1, to give an acoustical depiction of the vowel systems of Portuguese northwestern dialects; 2, to establish a correlation between those vowel systems and the ones that can be found in central-southern Portuguese varieties. The data call for a revision of some important aspects of Portuguese dialectology, namely: a) the description of northwestern dialects, as different types of diphthongs are found in different areas than the ones pointed out by dialectal studies; and b) the adequacy of the phonological vowel system traditionally used to describe European Portuguese as a means of representation of the continental dialectal varieties. Seven different systems are needed to represent all dialects comprised in this study.
EFFE-Escreves como falas – falas como escreves?
Author(s): Maria do Carmo Lourenço Gomes, Celeste Rodrigues and Isabel Alvespp.: 36–69 (34)More LessThis paper introduces the project EFFE that applies and develops a methodology for data collection primarily intended for the study of the correlation between oral and written production in European Portuguese, and that also aims to serve a broad range of studies in different areas. It comprehends (i) a brief review of two scientific contexts occupied with learning to read and write, which are at the basis of the methodological planning of future corpora; (ii) the methodology adopted for the collection of speech and writing material of 48 children of a private school in Lisbon, and a summary of the quantitative data already observed; (iii) some considerations on unconventional forms (UF) observed in written production that reflect the speech of those children.
La polisemia de los verbos de colocación
Author(s): Marie Comer and Renata Enghelspp.: 70–94 (25)More LessThis article compares the syntax and semantics of the locative verbs poner and meter in Spanish with their French cognates poser and mettre. In some contexts these lexemes are clearly interchangeable, whereas in others they are not. The purpose of this study is double. First, based on a large contemporary corpus for Spanish and French, it describes the intricate polysemy of the verbs. It shows that in modern Spanish mainly poner presents more grammaticalized uses — that is as a semi-copulative or causative verb. In contrast, its near-equivalent meter behaves more frequently like a true locative verb. In French, the situation is the other way around: mettre seems to display more grammaticalized uses, mainly as inchoative auxiliary verb, than poser does. The second part of the analysis provides an explanation for this different behavior and maps out the diachronic semantic development of the verbs, from the 13th century up to now.
Notes sur les assises méthodologiques d’une « histoire littéraire structurale »
Author(s): Sarah Alharbipp.: 95–124 (30)More LessThis article examines the conditions in which H. R. Jauss, in his conference entitled Literaturgeschichte als Provokation (1967), elaborated a new theoretical approach of “structural literary history”. The central position this essay holds in literary theory has accounted for its enabling a turning point in the practice and the pedagogy of literary studies : it provides a model for the problematic articulation between structural analysis and historical interpretation of texts. In an attempt to put his theory into perspective, the German historian conducted two research projects in medieval genre theory. He bases his argument on the example of animal tales from the satirical Roman de Renart of the late 12th century, and asserts that philologists, in their extensive search for evidence based on manuscript sources, have discarded both the hermeneutical interest and the structural variety developed by storytellers in their texts. This study wishes to measure the scope and the results of this instructive methodology in the context of its didactic application. It discusses the roots of the problem, as well as the potential significance of “structural literary history” for our contemporary understanding of the theory and the practice of reading.
Narrazione dell’abbandono tra letteratura e cinema
Author(s): Roberta Colonna Dahlmanpp.: 125–146 (22)More LessThis paper aims at offering a comparative analysis of the narrator in the novel I giorni dell’abbandono (2002) by the Italian writer Elena Ferrante, and the narrator in the cinematographic version of the same work I giorni dell’abbandono (2005), directed by Roberto Faenza. The paper focuses on some narrative properties that emerge in Elena Ferrante’s novel and compares the literary narrator to the cinematographic narrator in Roberto Faenza’s movie. Furthermore, the paper discusses different narrative strategies as used in these two different media, literary text and cinematographic work.
Montedor, de J. Rentes de Carvalho
Author(s): Carlos Nogueirapp.: 147–162 (16)More LessAfter four decades of literary recognition in Holland, where he lived and was a professor of Portuguese Literature, the Portuguese author J. Rentes de Carvalho (born in Vila Nova de Gaia, 1930) was almost completely ignored in Portugal until about five years ago. Today he is read and valued in Portuguese literary journalism, but academic studies of his work are rare. This article analyzes the author’s first novel, Montedor (1968), which combines traditional and modern elements, and is regarded as one of the great works of Portuguese literature. In particular, we will see how the novel presents a special type of pícaro (rogue), to whose distinctive and hyperactive consciousness the reader gains access through the narrative technique of stream of consciousness.
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New thoughts on an old puzzle
Author(s): Martin Maiden
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