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- Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
Revue Romane. Langue et littérature - Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
El influjo de Séneca en el estilo de escritura de Montaigne
Author(s): Álvaro Luque Amopp.: 1–21 (21)More LessAbstractThis work presents a comparison between the writing styles of Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Michel de Montaigne. Montaigne is influenced by the writing style of the Moral Epistles, which will be a fundamental source for the development of his Essays. From Seneca, Montaigne carries out a poetics based on the honesty; this is related with a textual construction of the subject. Following Foucault, the development of the subject by this narrative style is analyzed. This explains the origin of a contemporary genre such as the Literature of the Self. In this line, one ends up analyzing the influence of senecan style, through Montaigne, in some of the most relevant authors of the autobiographical genres.
Désintégration modale et temporelle de l’espace théâtral
Author(s): Witold Wołowski and Katarzyna Wołowskapp.: 22–40 (19)More LessRésuméA la nuit la nuit de François Billetdoux est une pièce de théâtre écrite presque tout entière au conditionnel et avec des structures verbales et discursives du mode irréel. L’emploi de cette stratégie linguistique, qui fait le principal objet des analyses effectuées dans le présent travail (à la fois littéraire, linguistique et théâtrologique), est corrolaire d’une intention de fragiliser les bases ’’factuelles’’ sur lesquelles se fonde la construction de l’univers représenté dans l’œuvre. La pièce de Billetdoux s’inscrit ainsi dans la lignée de la Sonate des spectres, de l’Annonce faite à Benoît et d’autres textes littéraires et dramatiques qui montrent une certaine relativité des histoires individuelles.
Las ironías clásicas y modernas en El río del Edén de José María Merino
Author(s): Pol Popovic Karicpp.: 41–54 (14)More LessAbstractIn the novel El río del Edén by José María Merino, the reader learns about the life experiences of Daniel and Tere. This paper analyzes three stages in their lives: the camping trip, the period before the birth of their son Silvio and the consequences of his medical condition on his parents. These critical moments have been seen from the ironic perspectives of classical and contemporary philosophers: Socrates, Cicero, Kierkegaard, Muecke, Glicksberg and Robbe-Grillet, among others. The concept eiron vs alazon, dissimulation, humor and incoherence are the theoretical tools that permitted this study to bridge the gap between the literary text and the philosophical approaches to irony.
Sí and hoc in the history of Catalan
Author(s): Afra Pujol i Campenypp.: 55–85 (31)More LessAbstractOld Catalan presents two affirmative particles competing for the same function between the 13th and the 17th centuries: sí and hoc. This article explores their syntax and the factors that contributed to the rise of the former and the disappearance of the latter and accounts for their distribution in the written record. Traditionally, it was believed that hoc was the only positive sentential proform active in the language until the 15th century. However, sí had already been grammaticalised as such by the 13th century, its new function being obscured in the written record by the pervasive use of the official koine established by the Crown of Aragon’s Cancelleria in learned prose. Nevertheless, in documents closer to speech, sí makes a much earlier appearance and shows great vitality before the 15th century, the last century when hoc was still hegemonic before finally disappearing as a consequence of external and internal factors.
Overlapping subjunctive forms in Gallo- and Ibero-Romance verb paradigms
Author(s): Louise Esherpp.: 86–115 (30)More LessAbstractIn several varieties of Catalan, Valencian and Occitan, inflectional exponents originating in the imperfect subjunctive (reflex of Latin pluperfect subjunctive) are analogically extended into the first and second person plural present subjunctive forms, resulting in syncretism between present and imperfect subjunctive forms for the relevant persons. The scope and directionality of such extensions are remarkably consistent, and are indicative of a change driven by the structure of the inflectional paradigm in the relevant varieties. A significant consequence of this development, which fits into a general Romance tendency for analogical remodelling of first and second person plural forms, is alignment between previously overlapping distributions of stem allomorphs and stress placement, and thus greater predictability of inflected forms.
À propos de la grammaticalisation/constructionnalisation de la relative attributive en français
Author(s): Malinka Velinovapp.: 116–139 (24)More LessAbstractIn this article, I revisit the origins of the attributive relative clause in French (in Je le vois qui vient), in order to advance the hypothesis that reanalysis preceding grammaticalization of this construction originates from a double ambiguity which is situated on two different planes of analysis: (1) on the plane of (non-)restriction of the referent of the antecedent of qui; (2) on the plane of informational structure of the sentence; and that the mentioned reanalysis originates from certain semantic and syntactic link between the attributive relative and the narrative relative clauses, which is best discernible in a kind of mixed relative clause which has relatively high frequency in Old French. In conclusion, I verify the relevance of the application of the concept of constructionalization to the evolution of the attributive relative clause.
Opinions about perceived linguistic intelligibility in late-medieval Italy
Author(s): Alessandro Carluccipp.: 140–165 (26)More LessAbstractThis article contributes to the historical study of intercomprehension between speakers of closely related languages by focusing on Italy in the period up to the mid-fifteenth century. After an introduction to the topic, the second section will be devoted to methodological questions, including certain differences between research based on experimental testing and research based on historical evidence. The third section of the article reports opinions by medieval speakers about the intelligibility of different Italo-Romance varieties, and then compares them to opinions about genealogically and/or geographically more distant languages. While the dominant view among experts on Italy’s linguistic history is that speakers were trapped within mutually unintelligible vernaculars, this review of the extant evidence suggests a greater degree of intercomprehension than is usually supposed.
Review of Hummel & Lopes (2020): Address in Portuguese and Spanish. Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction
Author(s): Sandi Michele de Oliveirapp.: 166–171 (6)More LessThis article reviews Address in Portuguese and Spanish. Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction
Critique de Saiz-Sánchez (2020): Les marqueurs d’accord et de désaccord du français et de l’espagnol. Étude diachronique XIe-XVIIIe siècle
Author(s): Amalia Rodríguez Somolinospp.: 172–174 (3)More LessAbstractReview of Marta Saiz-Sánchez (2020). Les marqueurs d’accord et de désaccord du français et de l’espagnol. Étude diachronique XIe-XVIIIe siècle. Berne : Peter Lang. 460 p. L’ouvrage que nous présentons est une étude exhaustive sur le fonctionnement des marqueurs d’accord et de désaccord oui, non et si du français, et sí et no de l’espagnol, mais également des structures anciennes qui en sont à l’origine, comme oïl, si feray ge ou non est, pour le français médiéval, et si faze ou sy haré, pour l’espagnol médiéval.
Critique de Mathieu (2020): Les Fleurs du Mal. La résonance de la vie
Author(s): Bengt Novénpp.: 175–179 (5)More LessThis article reviews Les Fleurs du Mal. La résonance de la vie
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