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- Volume 115, Issue, 1997
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics - Volume 115, Issue 1, 1997
Volume 115, Issue 1, 1997
L2 Processing of Dutch regular and irregular Verbs
Author(s): Josine A. Lalleman, Ariane J. van Santen and Vincent J. van Heuvenpp.: 1–26 (26)More LessDo Ll and (advanced) L2 speakers of Dutch employ distinct processes — rule application for regulars and lexical lookup for irregulars — when producing Dutch past tense forms? Do L2 speakers of a language that observes the same dual conjugation system as in Dutch (e.g. English, German) produce Dutch past tenses by a different process (i.e. more like that of Ll speakers) than learners of Dutch with a different Ll verb system (e.g. Japanese and Chinese)? We studied the on-line past tense production performance of Ll speakers and of advanced L2 speakers of Dutch varying relative past tense frequency of regular and irreg-ular Dutch verbs. Performance proved slower and less accurate with both Ll and L2 speakers for irregular verbs with relatively low past tense frequency. No frequency effects were found for regular verbs. The results were qualitatively the same for English/German and for Japanese/Chinese L2 speakers, with a striking tendency to overgeneralize the regular past tense formation. We conclude that the mental representation of the Dutch past tense rule is essentially the same for Ll and L2 language users.
Writing Apprehension in Chinese as a First Language
Author(s): Sy-Ying Lee and Stephen D. Krashenpp.: 27–37 (11)More LessFirst year high school students in Taiwan filled out a questionniare probing their writing anxiety and leisure reading and writing habits in Chinese. A strong relationship was found between reported writing apprehension and frequency of leisure writing, confirming results reported by Daly and associates with North American English-speaking subjects. In addition, there was evidence of a relationship between writing apprehension and frequency of reading, suggesting that those who read more have lower writing apprehension.
Personality and Language Learning
Author(s): G. Reza Kianypp.: 111–136 (26)More LessThere is a clear contradiction between the predictions of psychologists and applied linguists regarding the relationship between extraversion and learning. Psychologists claim that extraversion is a disadvantage for learning on the ground that an extravert has "less cortical arousal", is more easily "inhibited" and has a "limited long term memory". In contrast, many applied linguists predict that extraversion is an advantage for learning a second/foreign language on the assumption that an extravert elicits more "input" and produces more "output". To resolve this conflict, forty Iranian Ph.D. students who sat for TOEFL and IELTS were given the Persian restandardised form of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) twice. They were also asked to report their Grade Point Averages (GPA) of Diploma, Bachelor and Master. A pattern of negative but nonsignificant relationship was found between extraversion and GPAs. An even weaker but still negative relation emerged between extraversion and both total and subscores of TOEFL & IELTS. It might be concluded that extraversion may not help in developing cither linguistic skills (e.g. Structure section of TOEFL) or even communicative skills (e.g. Speaking of IELTS) in an Iranian EFL situation where there is no exposure to English and non-communicative teaching methods are used in English classes. It would be more interesting to see if extraversion helps learning English in ESL situation where exposure is present and the learners have the chance to communicate in English both inside and outside the class environment. It may also be more revealing to measure English proficiency by administering various tests with different nature.
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