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- Volume 174, Issue 1, 2023
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics - Volume 174, Issue 1, 2023
Volume 174, Issue 1, 2023
Exploring underlying elements of the motivational self system among learners in two instructional contexts
Author(s): Fatima Ady, Eva Kartchava and Michael Rodgerspp.: 3–48 (46)More LessAbstractThrough the lens of Dörnyei’s (2005) Second Language Motivational Self System, this exploratory study focused on two groups of Canadian newcomers learning English in the traditional classroom setting (English as a Second Language [ESL]; n = 37) and the workplace (Workplace Language Training [WLT]; n = 29) to determine the role of motivation in their integration into Canadian society and development of the ‘Canadian self’. The results, collected by way of a questionnaire and follow-up interviews, show newcomers holding positive attitudes towards English learning and building their Canadian identity in the process. Notably, beliefs concerning the value of employment to fulfill personal obligations and duties promoted the WLT learners’ motivation and willingness to engage with language learning significantly more than those of their ESL counterparts. Pedagogical implications are discussed.
The relationship between extramural English engagement and the vocabulary size of L1 Cantonese speakers in Macau
Author(s): Ho I (Anna) Tam and Barry Lee Reynoldspp.: 49–82 (34)More LessAbstractThis study investigated the relationship between the English vocabulary size of first language Cantonese speakers in Macau (N = 77) and engagement in extramural English activities. The 140-item Vocabulary Size Test was used to collect data on participants’ vocabulary size and a 13-item questionnaire tapped into background learning experiences as well as participation in 16 extramural activities. Small correlations between vocabulary size and book reading, subtitled television viewing, non-subtitled online video viewing, level of education, study abroad experience, and travel abroad experience were found. A medium correlation between vocabulary size and language of instruction in secondary school was also found. A four variable sequential regression accounted for 26% of the variance in participants’ vocabulary sizes, with book reading adding the most explanatory power after language of instruction in secondary school had been eliminated. The impact of extramural activities on vocabulary size and pedagogical implications for the Macau and similar contexts were discussed.
Evaluating multiword unit word lists for academic purposes
Author(s): Thi My Hang Nguyen and Averil Coxheadpp.: 83–111 (29)More LessAbstractWord lists play a critical role in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching and learning, and recent developments include lists of academic collocations (e.g., vast majority, ultimate goal). There is however still a gap in evaluating lists focusing on a similar group of lexis. This paper evaluates two lists of academic collocations by Ackermann and Chen (2013) and Lei and Liu (2018) using three different methods: applying an evaluation framework adapted from Nation (2016), comparing the lexical constituents, and analysing the lexical coverage. The evaluation results give implications for EAP teachers to select the list that best suits their needs. By modelling the practice of evaluating word lists, this study highlights the importance of this work and encourages similar attempts in wordlist development studies.
Cantonese and Korean speakers’ comprehension and appreciation of English textual humor
Author(s): Wing Yan Fan and Jookyoung Jungpp.: 112–134 (23)More LessAbstractThis study explored how L1 Cantonese and L1 Korean speakers would comprehend and appreciate L2 English humor, and whether their L1 background, English proficiency, and the type of humor would play as moderators. For this study, 69 Cantonese and 76 Korean undergraduate students answered a questionnaire that contained 30 English humor items in various types, i.e., lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonological, and cultural. In addition, five intermediate and five advanced participants from each L1 group participated in semi-structured interviews to elicit their English learning and use experiences and beliefs in the role of humor in English learning. The results revealed that humor comprehension scores were significantly higher for Cantonese speakers and for participants with advanced English proficiency, and morphological humor was the easiest to comprehend. Open-ended responses and interview protocols also demonstrated that different contexts of English learning and use may affect the participants’ ability to enjoy and appreciate English humor.
Author(s): Pablo Robles-García, Glen H. Wallace and Claudia Helena Sánchez-Gutiérrezpp.: 135–165 (31)More LessAbstractThis study presents the development and validation of a 132-item Spanish-English bilingual multiple-choice vocabulary test based on the 3,000 most frequent lemmas that distinguishes between North American university students who satisfy the Foreign Language requirement and those who need to complete coursework. 819 students were assigned to one of the two 144-item forms of the preliminary test, which had 72 shared anchor items and other 72 form-specific items. Factor analysis was used to evaluate dimensionality and the Rasch model was used to select the items that best differentiated between these two student populations. This final form was administered to 213 students. Results showed high levels of unidimensionality, and the final form provided a Rasch reliability coefficient of 0.97.
Review of Tavakoli & Wright (2020): Second Language Speech Fluency. From Research to Practice
Author(s): Paul Pauwelspp.: 166–169 (4)More LessThis article reviews Second Language Speech Fluency. From Research to Practice
Review of Szudarski & Barclay (2022): Vocabulary Theory, Patterning and Teaching Studies in Honour of Norbert Schmitt
Author(s): Paul Pauwelspp.: 170–176 (7)More LessThis article reviews Vocabulary Theory, Patterning and Teaching Studies in Honour of Norbert Schmitt
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The updated Vocabulary Levels Test
Author(s): Stuart Webb, Yosuke Sasao and Oliver Ballance
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