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- Volume 174, Issue 2, 2023
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics - Volume 174, Issue 2, 2023
Volume 174, Issue 2, 2023
Vocabulary size estimates for Lithuanian native speakers
Author(s): Laura Vilkaitė-Lozdienė and Loreta Vilkienėpp.: 177–201 (25)More LessAbstractThe vocabulary size estimates suggested for native speakers used to vary considerably. More recently, researchers using Yes/No tests reported numbers that are much closer together. This article seeks to answer the question of whether we can give an estimate of an adult native speaker’s vocabulary size without specifying a language. First, it presents the estimate for a native speaker’s vocabulary size in Lithuanian and explores its variation depending on the person’s age (ranging from 16 to 71 years old), place of residence, their reading for pleasure habits, and gender. Then it compares this estimate to the ones suggested for German, English, and Dutch native speakers. The analysis suggests that the estimates for different languages, at least the ones based on empirical data rather than statistical predictions, do not differ considerably.
The acquisition of L2 Hungariangrammar rules and the implicit-explicit debate
Author(s): Hedwig Gerits and Kris Van den Brandenpp.: 202–229 (28)More LessAbstractThis study contributes to the explicit implicit debate by investigating to which extent adult learners of Hungarian develop knowledge of new grammar rules, and the proficiency to use them, through listening activities complemented with explicit grammar instruction or not.
In a quasi-experimental study, we compared the acquisition of three specific rules of Hungarian grammar by 80 Flemish adult students in two conditions. Both methods involved listening activities, but in one condition explicit rule explanation and practice was given and in the other one, meaningful activities were created without grammar explanation. The findings indicate that for teaching simple rules, compared to more complex grammar features, listening activities and exposure to comprehensible input have a significantly positive effect on grammar acquisition at the basic level. The explicit condition did not have an added beneficial effect. Exposure to L2 is the main driver of language development.
The development and preliminary validation of a new measure of self-efficacy
Author(s): Gulsah Kutuk, David W. Putwain, Linda K. Kaye and Bethan Garrettpp.: 230–262 (33)More LessAbstractLearners’ self-efficacy plays a crucial role in achieving success in second language (L2) acquisition. As a determinant of success and failure, self-efficacy should be measured appropriately and effectively using empirically and theoretically based instruments. Many of the current measures, however, are either not necessarily designed to assess self-efficacy in L2 learning, or they are lengthy, making them impractical to use alongside other instruments. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop and validate a new 11-item Questionnaire of Self-Efficacy in Learning a Foreign Language (QSLL). In Study 1, the initial items were piloted with 323 English as a foreign language (EFL) learners from three universities in Turkey. In Study 2, a revised version of the questionnaire was administered to 701 EFL learners from an additional three Turkish universities. The analyses supported a bifactor model over the other four models tested. The bifactor model had one general L2 self-efficacy factor that underlined each of the items. Separately, there were two specific factors, namely L2 reception (i.e., reading and listening) self-efficacy and L2 production (i.e., speaking and writing) self-efficacy. Empirical evidence supporting measurement invariance and predictive validity were also provided. Overall, the results show strong evidence for the reliability and validity of the QSLL. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Measuring the visual in audio-visual input
Author(s): Geòrgia Pujadas and Carmen Muñozpp.: 263–290 (28)More LessAbstractThis exploratory study investigates the effects of imagery on word learning through audio-visual input. A total of 82 adolescent EFL learners were exposed to 8 episodes of a TV series under four conditions, depending on the language of the on-screen text (L1 or L2) and whether they were pre-taught target words or not. The effects of co-occurrence of the word with its image, and the image time on screen (ITOS) were explored, alongside frequency, proficiency, and learning condition variables. Results showed that both image-related variables and frequency predicted word-form learning, while only ITOS predicted word-meaning recall, with a longer exposure to image associated to higher gains, suggesting that, at this age and proficiency level, the images associated with the words can be conducive to learning.
Young learners’ bilingual status and cognitive development in foreign language aptitude testing
Author(s): Maria-del-Mar Suárez and Charles W. Stansfieldpp.: 291–315 (25)More LessAbstractYoung learners’ L1s preference, cognitive development and bilingual status might influence their performance on language aptitude tests, particularly if these are language-dependent. The objective of this study was to test the validity, reliability and consistency across populations of two such tests: the Modern Language Aptitude Test-Elementary in Catalan (MLAT-EC) and in Spanish (MLAT-ES). 629 bilingual students from grades 3 to 7 took the MLAT-ES and the MLAT-EC for test comparison in a counterbalanced order. The results show that their performance on both tests presented hardly any significant differences considering students’ L1 preference (Catalan, Spanish or no preference). In addition, these bilingual examinees outperformed the predominantly monolingual samples in the MLAT-ES norming study. The same score patterns related to young learner cognitive development stages were found across test versions. These results reinforce the confidence in the validity of the MLAT-E adaptations and support the hypothesis that bilingualism results in greater aptitude.
Review of Benati (2022): Key Terms for Language Teachers. A Pocket Guide
Author(s): Paul Pauwelspp.: 316–320 (5)More LessThis article reviews Key Terms for Language Teachers. A Pocket Guide
Review of Carhill-Poza & Kurata (2021): Social networks in language learning and language teaching
pp.: 321–325 (5)More LessThis article reviews Social networks in language learning and language teaching
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The updated Vocabulary Levels Test
Author(s): Stuart Webb, Yosuke Sasao and Oliver Ballance
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