Journal of Argumentation in Context

<p>The <em>Journal of Argumentation in Context</em> aims to publish high-quality papers about the role of argumentation in the various kinds of argumentative practices that have come into being in social life. These practices include, for instance, political, legal, medical, financial, commercial, academic, educational, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication. In all cases certain aspects of such practices will be analyzed from the perspective of argumentation theory with a view of gaining a better understanding of certain vital characteristics of these practices. This means that the journal has an empirical orientation and concentrates on real-life argumentation but is at the same time out to publish only papers that are informed by relevant insights from argumentation theory. These papers may also report on case studies concerning specific argumentative speech events.</p><p>The journal aims to attract authors from various kinds of disciplinary background who are interested in studying argumentative practices in their fields of interest. In all cases, in papers published in the journal an interesting and revealing connection should be established between certain insights from argumentation theory and some particular context of argumentative practice.</p>
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