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- Volume 26, Issue, 1986
Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen - Volume 26, Issue 1, 1986
Volume 26, Issue 1, 1986
Een Onderzoek Naar De Effecten Van Luister- En Leesvaardigheids-Training: (Enige Resultaten van de Schriftelijke Eindtoetsing)
Author(s): Heiko Anceauxpp.: 7–17 (11)More LessThis article discusses the final written results of a research project carried out in a number of first-year forms in three Dutch schools for secondary education.In each of the three schools the research project offered a light-weight extra listening programme in class A, and a light-weight extra reading programme in class B, while the regular programme for French was carried out in class C, which served as a control group.At the end of the school year the pupils' reading and listening ability, grammatical knowledge and vocabulary (receptive as well as productive) were evaluated in classes, and C.The general conclusion is that at the elementary level a light-weight extra listening programme does indeed lead to a high degree of listening ability when compared with the other groups. This holds good to an even slightly greater extent for the light-weight extra reading programme.Moreover, it appears that the extra reading programme also leads to a high degree of listening ability.The control groups who had the greatest amount of grammatical training, do indeed score highest in grammar tests, but this knowledge does not become apparent at all in the ability tests /reading and listening).The results of the vocabulary tests are hardly clear. It is probable that at this level reading promotes the acquisition of a productive vocabulary.In the ability test girls generally score higher than boys.
Determinanten Van Succes Bij Het Leren Van Frans In De Brugklas. Verslag Van Een Replicatie-Onderzoek.
Author(s): Paul Bogaards and Tom Duijkerspp.: 18–38 (21)More LessIn his dissertation Bogaards (1982) developed a model of the relations between the factors that affect the success in learning French as a foreign language. This article reports on the results of a replication investigation in four forms of two Dutch schools, employing the pad-analysis, the principles of which are briefly expounded. The results support to a certain extent those obtained in other research.
Tweetalig Onderwijs In Friesland: Een Bijdrage Tot Het Behoud Van Het Fries?
Author(s): Yolande Emmelot, Dolly van Kooten and René Appelpp.: 39–50 (12)More LessIn general the use of minority language in schools is supposed to contribute to the maintenance of that language. The present study investigates whether this assumption is true for bilingual education in Friesland (i.e. the use of both Frisian and Dutch as media of instruction and communication). To this end 39 bilingually and 31 monolingually Dutch educated 6th graders were questioned on their language attitudes and usage (in various domains) and skills with respect to both Frisian and Dutch by means of a questionaire with multiple choice items. Analyses indicated that bilingual education in Friesland does not have a positive influence on attitudes and skills with respect to Frisian (as reported by the children). Usage of Frisian was more frequently reported by the bilingually educated group, although mainly in the expected school domain. Bilingual education in Friesland does not seem to contribute to the maintenance of the Friesian language. This study did reveal a stron. indication of the importance of Frisian as a subject for language maintenance based on the relation found between language skills in Frican and language use and attitudes. Because of its explorator nature, the conclusion of this study must be tentative.
Spaanse Si En Cuando Zinnen En Hun Equivalenten In Het Nederlands Een Contrastieve En Foutenanalyse
Author(s): G.Th. Fraaipp.: 51–69 (19)More LessThe object of this investigation was to conduct a contrastive analysis of the following Spanish and Dutch conjunctions:.on the one hand the Spanish pair si_, as a conjunction of hypothesis or condition, and cuando, as a hypothetical/conditional or temporal conjunction, and, on the other hand, the Dutch equivalents als, wanneer, indien and the synonymous conjunctionless construction (0). On the basis of the"strong" predictive version of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) one or more hypotheses were formulated, which served as predictors of errors likely to be made by Dutch learners of Spanish. The hypotheses were tested in an experimental investigation, involving 31 students.
Het Bepalen Van De Moedertaalbeheersing Van Brugklassen In Het Kader Van Een Onderzoek Naar De Effekten Van Luistervaardigheidstraining
Author(s): Martina van de Graaf and Ed Volkertspp.: 70–79 (10)More LessThe achievement of a foreign language in instructional education appears in the presence of an established first language. The purpose of the present study was to determine the level of first language development of Dutch schoolchildren in the first year of three hierarchical secondary schooltypes, M.A.V.O., M.A.V.O./ H.A.V.O., H.A.V.O./V.W.O. respectively. Two tests of a test bat-tery were used. The one assessed the vocabulary and the other the powers of abstraction in the first language. Extensive differences in performance between the different school types were found on both tests.
Fouten In Het Nederlands Van Marokkanen, Theoretische Implicaties En Practische Remedies.
Author(s): P.J.M. Groot, R.Th. Otten and J.J. de Ruiterpp.: 80–94 (15)More LessThis article reports on the first results of an investigation into the errors in Dutch as a 2nd language of Moroccans in Holland. Two competing models (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Creative Construction Hypothesis) to explain second language acquisition are briefly described to demonstrate their implications for FL teaching as to the selection and ordening of FL syntax and especially the way errors are dealt with. One of the implications of the CAH is that the necessity of integrating the results of a contrastive analysis of source and target language will positively correlate with their typological distance. Consequently, it is highly important for the teaching of Dutch as a second language to Moroccans to choose between these two theoretical positions especially as regards the analysis and remedy of errors. To collect empirical data relevant to this theoretical controversy, an investigation was set up to determine the nature and origin of errors of Moroccan Dutch L2 speakers. Subjects were taken from four age groups to gather evidence on the persistence of certain errors, accounting for fossilisation phenomena.
Woordkennis Duits In Havo 3: Een Vergelijking Van Twee Methoden
Author(s): Jos Schumans and Wim Hermanspp.: 95–102 (8)More LessThis paper deals with the question whether the method of vocabulary instruction affects the knowledge of German vocabulary of secondary school pupils. We also investigated to what extent vocabulary knowledge affects scores on multiple-choice reading comprehension tests. Subjects were two groups of 'HAV0-3' (i.e. the third year of 'higher general secondary education') pupils. One group used the textbook 'Kennzeichen D' for acquiring FL-vocabulary. The other group used teaching materials which had been constructed by their teacher. In an experiment we used a translation task and multiple-choice reading comprehension tests, which were administered twice with an interval of six months. The method of instruction affected vocabulary knowledge as we measured it. The results of the group which used 'Kenzeichen D' were lower than those of the other group. The influence of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension appears to be large, but factors like reading experience and reading proficiency are undoubtedly important too.
Het Herkennen Van Grammaticale Fouten
Author(s): Uriel Schuurspp.: 103–117 (15)More LessIt is assumed that the teaching of writing should be based upon knowledge of the problems students have. In this study the question is addressed which grammatical errors can be regarded as an in-dication of real problems, and which errors must be categorized as mere mistakes. In order to answer this question two methods are used:- pupils had to revise grammatical errors marked in their own texts.- pupils had to revise grammatical errors in a test.The results suggest that errors such as word repetition and word omission are mistakes, to which a teacher should not pay much attention. Word order problems and discongruencies between subject and verb are real problems for writers, but it is argued that these are not the most serious problems for readers. If one wishes to pay attention to grammatical errors, one should there-fore draw the students' attention to errors concerning anaphora, connectors and gapping.
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