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- Volume 29, Issue, 1987
Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen - Volume 29, Issue 1, 1987
Volume 29, Issue 1, 1987
Primaire Taalverwerving: Schets van een Onderzoekterrein
Author(s): Guus Extra and Ludo Verhoevenpp.: 7–47 (41)More LessUnder the auspices of the Dutch National Science Foundation (ZWO), a research program on primary language development is being prepared. This text aims at contributing to the foundation of such a program by focusing on the main trends in research on primary language development in the Netherlands and abroad. After an Introduction on the goals and scope of the text, the main areas and approaches (section 2), and the main methods and techniques (section 3) of research on primary language development are discussed. Against this background, section 4 offers a survey of Dutch contributions in this field. Whereas sections 2 and 3 focus on main lines of research, our survey of Dutch contributions aims at giving a documented overall picture of the research efforts since 1970.
De Relatieve Invloed van Onderwijsleerpakketten op de Leerprestaties Voor Engels in het Basisonderwijs (EIBO)
Author(s): P. Edelenbospp.: 48–66 (19)More LessThe first results of an investigation into the teaching of English in Dutch elementary schools are reported. Eight sets of teaching materials are analysed and compared. Through multivariate analyses the relative effect of teaching materials on six criterion tests for grammar, listening, vocabulary, reading, writing and speaking is established.
Tweede Taalbeheersing Meten Met Een Multiple-Choice Cloze-Toets
Author(s): W. Jochems and F. Montenspp.: 67–82 (16)More LessThis article reports on empirical research on the psychometric quality of multiple-choice cloze-tests, specifically their validity. The command of Dutch as a second language of groups of foreign students who attended the course "Dutch for foreigners" at the Technical University of Delft was measured. There were high correlations between the scores on a number of multiple-choice cloze-tests and the achievement in (part of) a four-skills test. In addition a clear correlation was found between the degree of language pro-ficiency and the subjects' scores on a multiple-choice cloze-test. These results suggest that a subject's score on a good quality multiple-choice cloze-test is a good indicator of his proficiency in a second language.
Het Meten van Spreekvaardigheid in de Vreemde Taal: De Afname
Author(s): Joost Dekkerspp.: 83–90 (8)More LessThe way in which a test (in this case one to measure the speaking skill in a foreign language) is administered has a direct bearing on the testee's achieve-ment.This article discusses a particular type of oral proficiency test. This test, originally developed by Nienhuis, employs visual stimuli. It will be shown that a slight change in the instruction which accompanied the original test leads to significant higher scores.
Met Deze Kun je Huisje Bouwen
Author(s): Marloes de Biepp.: 91–105 (15)More LessIn the research on the second language proficiency of non-native speakers of Dutch little attention has been paid to the semantic level of proficiency. The research reported in this article is concerned with the relation between the conceptual-cognitive development in the mother tongue and the acquisition of vocabulary in the second language.Six Turkish and six Dutch children, aged between seven and eight years, were tested with a frequently used Dutch language reception and production test, the UTANT. In one of the subtests the subjects were asked to describe four objects. The descriptions were transcribed and analysed on the use of denotational and connotational features. The analysis showed that the Turkish subjects tended to name the connotational features first and to name denotational features only when they were asked to. The Dutch subjects exhibited the opposite tendency. In addition the analysis showed that the Turkish subjects named features in a fixed order. On the basis of the results of this analysis another experiment was carried out, in which the subjects were asked to match two objects in each item which were comparable on one denotational feature. The order in which the features had to be named was manipulated. An analysis indicated that the Turkish subjects did not match the objects according to their specific denotational features and that these subjects showed the same order in naming the features while describing the objects as with the UTANT. This structural tendency seems to point to the fact that during pre-school interaction the conceptual development of Turkish children is organized in another way than that of the Dutch children. If this should be the case - which has to be confirmed by further research - this might influence the acquisition of vocabulary in the second language.
Veranderingen in het Schrijfvaardigheids-Onderwijs
Author(s): U.R.I. Schuurspp.: 106–121 (16)More LessFor many years there has been a discussion on the role grammar plays, or should play, in the writing curriculum. In spite of this not many changes have taken place yet.This article discusses the effects that traditional grammar lessons may have on the writing skills. The correct use of cohesive ties, of conjunctions, and of gapping might benefit by grammatical instruction, provided the instruction focuses on the interaction of macro and micro elements in texts. However, only a minority of the exercises used in the writing curriculum are focused on these interactional aspects, as is shown by a review of the literature and an analysis of frequently used exercises.It is argued that everyday school practice is first and foremost guided by formal testing. If this holds true, an effective way to curricular change is to develop functional language tests that reflect the social needs of language use.
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