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- Volume 41, Issue, 1991
Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen - Volume 41, Issue 1, 1991
Volume 41, Issue 1, 1991
The Two Faces of Language Ego
Author(s): Alexander Z. Guiorapp.: 5–14 (10)More LessA fair amount of attention has been paid over the years to a unique domain in second language behavior, namely pronunciation. Pronunciation seems to be different from other domains, such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax and idiom. The difference lies in its intractability beyond a certain age. Most people, most of the time, in most circumstances will fail to acquire native pronunciation in a foreign language. Guiora has offered a psychological theory, a theory of inhibition, to account for this phenomenon (Guiora, 1991, 1992). This theory is based on the constructs of language ego and permeability of language ego boundaries. It can account, alone of the contending hypotheses, for both the extreme rigidity and relative flexibility of the pronunciation behavior.The need arises now to develop a general theory that could also explain the reasons why other language domains, such as voca-bulary, syntax, grammar and idiom seem to be governed by rules different from the rules governing pronunciation. In this paper an attempt is made to formulate such a theory, going beyond the psychological theory of pronunciation, and extending it to all language behavior. And perhaps suggesting a theoretical relevance that may go beyond language behavior itself.
Convergence and Divergence of Dialects: Language Change or Cognitive Dialectology?
Author(s): Kees de Botpp.: 15–26 (12)More LessIn this paper two approaches to the concepts of convergence and divergence are described. The first concerns dialects as linguistic systems that may converge or diverge from each other or from the standard language, the second level concerns convergence and divergence as linguistic behaviour of in relation to the various registers a bilectal speaker has at his or her disposal. It is claimed that the latter approach is the more fruitful one in socio-dialectological research.
Ontwikkelingen in Tl- en T2-Vaardigheidsniveau Van Turkse en Marokkaanse Leerlingen
Author(s): Geert Driessenpp.: 27–35 (9)More LessIn this article the results of a large-scale investigation into the level of language proficiency are presented. The central question is whether there can be identified developments in first and second language proficiency of Turkish and Moroccan pupils. As a point of reference for the second language level of both non-indigenous groups the language level of their indigenous classmates is used. The sample consists of 120 schools and 368 Turkish, 254 Moroccan and 1582 Dutch pupils in the last year of primary education. The main results are: (1) the proficiency of Turkish is fairly good, while the proficiency of Arabic is extremely low; (2) there are large differences in the influence of moment of entrance in Dutch primary education between Turkish and Moroccan pupils with regard to their first and second language level; (3) because nowadays most non-indigenous children enter Dutch education in the first grade it must be expected that the level of (especially written) Arabic will go down further soon, this notwithstanding the fact that most Moroccan pupils attend some hours of Arabic language teaching every week; (4) compared with their indigenous classmates the Dutch language proficiency of Turkish and Moroccan pupils is very low, even after controlling for moment of entrance and socio-economic milieu.
Taalhandel Onder de Loep1: Kwaliteit van Ongesubsidieerde Instituten die contactonderwijs in moderne talen verzorgen
Author(s): Wilma Elsingpp.: 36–56 (21)More LessIn the Netherlands a considerable amount of language teaching activities is offered by non-subsidized commercial language institutes.This article describes a survey that was carried out among a number of these institutes in the Amsterdam area. The aim of the survey was to describe the different ways in which these institutes work (what they offer, how and to whom; how results are assessed?). The results of the research may be used for the purpose of certification of non-subsidized language teaching activities. For certification a distinction should be made between certification of the system (how should the system work for the learner to have the best chances of success) and certification of the product (the language proficiency that is aimed at).
Het Begrip Van Teksten Met 10% tot 25% Onbekende Woorden
Author(s): L.J.A. Nienhuispp.: 57–66 (10)More LessThis article describes two small scale studies aimed at defining the number of words necessary for comprehension.of written texts in the native language (Dutch) and in two foreign languages (English and French) In the literature one finds coverage percentages varying from 75% for global comprehension to 98% for almost complete comprehension. The subjects in these studies were students from different age groups and different learning backgrounds (HAVO-4, VWO-5 and university). It is concluded that it is not so much the knowledge of the language as the age and the greater knowledge of the world that account for the difference in scores.
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