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- Volume 37, Issue 1, 2024
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics - Volume 37, Issue 1, 2024
Volume 37, Issue 1, 2024
La mediación textual a partir de estrategias de reformulación
Author(s): Laura Nadal and Sarah Thomepp.: 1–26 (26)More LessResumenEl Aprendizaje Integrado de Lengua y Contenidos o CLIL (por sus siglas en inglés, Content Language Integrated Learning) constituye un enfoque ecléctico en el que la lengua meta se emplea como medio para la enseñanza de contenidos de diferentes áreas. En este contexto, las actividades comunicativas de mediación propuestas por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER) cobran especial interés. Este estudio a pequeña escala compara, a partir de una actividad de mediación lingüística de procesamiento textual, el rendimiento de dos grupos de alumnos de alemán como lengua extranjera (DaF) de nivel A2-B1: uno inmerso en un programa CLIL y otro bajo un enfoque tradicional (grupo no CLIL). A la luz del análisis de los datos se comprueba que los alumnos CLIL demuestran mayor recursividad en el empleo de estrategias de reformulación en la presentación de un texto mediado. Igualmente, los datos permiten observar un efecto positivo en la integración de la L1 en actividades comunicativas de mediación.
El efecto Dunning-Kruger en la autoevaluación del español como L2
Author(s): Enrique Santamaría Bustopp.: 27–56 (30)More LessResumenEl presente experimento analiza las divergencias entre la autoevaluación que un grupo de 40 hablantes de español como L2 emite sobre su grado de comprensibilidad, acento extranjero y fluidez, y las evaluaciones que recibe por parte de dos grupos de jueces: 109 No expertos sin experiencia en la enseñanza y 42 Expertos o profesores de español como L2. El propósito del experimento es analizar las diferencias entre estas evaluaciones considerando los grados de desempeño de los hablantes, ya que diversos estudios han demostrado que los participantes con peor competencia tienden a sobrevalorar su habilidad, mientras que aquellos situados en lo alto de la escala tienden a subestimarla (Kruger & Dunning, 1999). Este efecto, conocido como «Dunning-Kruger», resulta relevante para conocer hasta qué punto la autoevaluación de estas tres dimensiones por parte de aprendientes de español se corresponde con la evaluación de los interlocutores nativos con los que ellos interactúan habitualmente dentro y fuera del aula. Los resultados muestran que, efectivamente, los hablantes con peor desempeño se sobrevaloran y los que fueron mejor valorados se infravaloran, aunque la experiencia de los jueces resulta relevante a la hora de marcar la significatividad estadística de las diferencias y los tamaños del efecto.
Subtitling short films to improve writing and translation skills
Author(s): Noa Talaván and Pilar Rodríguez-Arancónpp.: 57–82 (26)More LessAbstractThis paper presents the results of SUBFILM, a teaching innovation project that studied the benefits of reverse didactic subtitling to improve both foreign language learning writing skills and general translation skills. Didactic subtitling is to be understood here as the active production of subtitles by the students within a guided online task. SUBFILM made use of complete short films as basic audiovisual resources, and students of a Translation course within the degree of English Studies at a Spanish university were asked to subtitle them from Spanish into English over a period of one and a half months. A total of 26 students finished the project, where interdisciplinary individual and collaborative learning were constantly being stressed. A quasi-experimental research design including diverse data gathering tools has provided sufficient evidence to prove the benefits of reverse subtitling of complete short films for the enhancement of translation skills and writing production, as well as for vocabulary and grammar proficiency. Hence, the conclusions derived from the study complement previous research and open new related paths for didactic subtitling research and practice.
Sobre la enseñanza de la elisión sintáctica en la clase de gramática del español como lengua extranjera o segunda (ELE/L2)
Author(s): Iker Zulaica Hernándezpp.: 83–108 (26)More LessResumenEn este artículo se aboga por la inclusión de la elipsis verbal y nominal en el aula de español para extranjeros, principalmente en niveles intermedios y avanzados. Un análisis cualitativo de libros de texto y manuales de gramática del español revela que los procesos de elipsis se ignoran frecuentemente en este tipo de materiales didácticos. Se presenta una descripción lingüística sucinta de los principales procesos elípticos en español (elipsis verbal, nominal, fragmentos y anáfora de complemento nulo) y se propone una serie de actividades didácticas de muestra para la práctica de estas construcciones y su inclusión en materiales pedagógicos. Al mismo tiempo, se defiende la importancia de la llamada gramática del discurso y de los mecanismos de coherencia y cohesión discursiva, de los que la elipsis es un ejemplo, en la construcción del discurso complejo y, en consecuencia, en la enseñanza integral del español como segunda lengua.
Spanish enrollment decline and students’ beliefs and attitudes
Author(s): David Balmaceda M., Cindy Brantmeier and Mark C. Hogrebepp.: 109–142 (34)More LessAbstractUniversities across the USA are experiencing a decline in foreign language enrollment and in advanced Spanish courses (Looney & Lusin, 2019; Lusin et al., 2023), with a trend of higher female enrollment (Brantmeier et al., 2019; Chavez, 2001). Literature in Second Language Acquisition and Sociopsychology has studied how beliefs can influence a student’s thoughts and actions regarding their decision to enroll in a particular course (Mills & Moulton, 2017; Omrod, 2011; Taylor & Mardsen, 2014). The present study aims to investigate advanced Spanish learners’ awareness, beliefs, and attitudes toward four language learning skills and their differences by gender. Overall results indicated that participants from two different advanced Spanish courses had more positive beliefs and attitudes toward speaking and listening than reading and writing. Additionally, a higher proportion of female students had more positive beliefs toward the four skills than male students. Pedagogical implications and future directions on student uptake are suggested in this study.
Who does it better?
Author(s): Tamara Gómez Carrero and Anastasiia Ognevapp.: 143–171 (29)More LessAbstractThis study addresses the acquisition of second language (L2) Spanish grammatical gender by native speakers of two typologically different languages: English (n = 39) and Russian (n = 37). We aim to explore if the presence or absence of gender features in the first language (L1) influences the acquisition of Spanish grammatical gender. Participants completed an acceptability judgment task consisting of 40 sentences with grammatical and ungrammatical Spanish Determiner Phrases (DPs). They included masculine and feminine Ns (Nouns) with transparent or opaque endings. Our findings show that (1) both groups are sensitive to gender non-matching structures, although L1 Russian speakers gave the lowest scores to ungrammatical structures in Spanish; (2) higher rating scores to masculine matching DPs point to the use of masculine as default by both L2 groups; (3) Ns with transparent endings act as cues for L2 Spanish learners, since both groups of participants rated the non-matching DPs with transparent Ns more accurately than those with opaque Ns. Therefore, our findings suggest that gender in L2 Spanish can be acquired regardless of the presence or the absence of these grammatical property in the L1, although its presence in the L1 seems to accelerate this process.
Teaching listening for interpreting through mind mapping
Author(s): Xiangdong Lipp.: 172–199 (28)More LessAbstractInterpreting scholars claim that mind mapping can be used pedagogically to enhance trainees’ interpreting-specific listening skills. However, so far relevant empirical studies have been rare. A single-group post and retrospective self-assessment design was used to examine student interpreters’ attitudes towards the use of mind mapping in teaching listening for interpreting and its effectiveness. Eighty-two students were involved as participants. An instruction experience questionnaire was administered at the end of the pedagogical intervention to examine their attitudes towards the mind mapping exercise. Two self-assessments of knowledge and skills were conducted at the end of the pedagogical intervention to investigate their pre-test post-test gains. One was a retrospective self-assessment about their competence before the exercise (then self-assessment) and the other was a post self-assessment about their competence after the exercise (now self-assessment). The results indicate that the participants perceived mind mapping as a positive learning experience and that it was effective in developing students’ interpreting-specific listening knowledge and skills.
Propuesta metodológica para determinar el núcleo semántico de los gestos emblemáticos
Author(s): Helena S. Belío-Apaolazapp.: 200–232 (33)More LessResumenEn la configuración de los gestos emblemáticos o emblemas intervienen cuatro elementos: la forma, el significado, el uso y las unidades léxicas asociadas. Estos elementos se relacionan intrínseca y dependientemente en la comunicación, pero no de manera unívoca: para un mismo gesto pueden aparecer diferentes exponentes verbales que comparten el mismo significado. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar una metodología que establezca el núcleo semántico de estos gestos, de manera que pueda utilizarse como denominación homogénea y sistemática a la hora de referirnos a ellos en investigaciones, repertorios y diccionarios kinésicos. Para ello, se proponen una nómina de criterios no excluyentes y se lleva a cabo la propuesta para encontrar el núcleo semántico de 25 emblemas del español de España. Específicamente, se considera la relación icónica entre el significado y la forma de cada gesto, se elabora una prueba de reconocimiento y denominación con hablantes nativos, se examinan diez inventarios gestuales y se analiza la presencia y marca lingüística de las diferentes unidades léxicas asociadas a cada emblema en cinco diccionarios de la lengua española. A partir de los anteriores, se propone una denominación para cada uno de los 25 gestos analizados.
¿Acercamiento solidario vs. distanciamiento respetuoso?
Author(s): Francisco Fernández-Garcíapp.: 233–263 (31)More LessResumenA partir de un análisis inicial sobre la naturaleza del acto de habla de invitación y sus relaciones con la (des)cortesía, el presente trabajo contrasta la percepción que hablantes españoles e ingleses tienen sobre dicho acto de habla, con el objetivo de determinar si existen patrones de variación cultural y, en su caso, también de variación social, en este sentido. El análisis, que combina metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, parte de las respuestas a un cuestionario por 240 informantes (cuidadosamente seleccionados conforme a su procedencia geográfica, edad, sexo y formación académica), a quienes se les muestran dos variantes de un diálogo con una secuencia invitación–rechazo justificado–insistencia en la invitación. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la esperable existencia de diferencias culturales, si bien solo parcialmente coincidentes con los perfiles tradicionalmente descritos por la bibliografía especializada, además de la presencia de parámetros bastante definidos de variación social, tanto transculturales como específicos de una u otra cultura.
Typicality effects in Spanish as a Foreign Language of intermediate and advanced level Greek learners
Author(s): María Pilar Agustín-Llach and Kiriaki Palapanidipp.: 264–298 (35)More LessAbstractCategorization and identification of typical exemplars within semantic categories is a universal skill of human cognition which is involved in language development. However, cultural, and experiential aspects might influence typicality effects. This paper examines the role of native language and culture on that categorization process and on typicality effects. Towards that objective, we had Spanish native speakers and Spanish FL learners whose mother tongue is Greek complete a category generation word association task. Data were analyzed within a network and graph theory framework as the best fitting for this type of data, bearing in mind previous descriptions of semantic memory. Results showed how, indeed, native speakers and learners of varying proficiency levels differ in their availability and production of typical exemplars, especially in slot-filler categories versus taxonomic categories. Lexical access during category generation might be determined by native language and culture. Additionally, natives’ mental lexicon seems to feature denser connections responsible for more efficient access.
Further step toward a definition of the core professional development needs of teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes in the European Higher Education Area
Author(s): Violeta Jurkovič, Darja Mertelj and Saša Podgoršekpp.: 299–334 (36)More LessAbstractIn the attempt to make a further step toward a research-based definition of the core professional development needs of teachers of languages for specific purposes (LSP), this paper aims to upgrade the framework of professional development needs of LSP teachers developed by Bocanegra-Valle and Basturkmen (2019). With this objective in mind, the paper will examine the differences in the professional development needs of LSP teachers in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) based on their experience with LSP teaching in higher education, qualification level, and LSP taught. The results suggest that the core LSP teacher professional development needs are distributed across the categories of course development, knowledge of the target discipline/profession/industry, knowledge of language use in the target discipline/profession/industry, peer collaboration, and professional development opportunities. Efficient LSP teacher professional development could be based on a three-stage model: a general LGP teaching methodology course, followed by a general LSP teaching methodology course, and finally discipline-specific acculturation.
Voices of SHL educators
Author(s): Ana Padial, Ariana M. Mikulski and Idoia Elolapp.: 335–365 (31)More LessAbstractEven though the field of heritage language education has flourished in recent years and has placed emphasis on the development of biliteracies in Spanish heritage language (SHL) learners (e.g., Belpoliti & Bermejo, 2020; Samaniego & Warner, 2016), little is known about how SHL writing instruction is conducted in terms of educators’ practices and perceptions. Through an online survey distributed across the United States, SHL educators reported the main challenges they face (e.g., working with accuracy, writing conventions), strategies they use (e.g., modelling), and the technology they use to teach writing. The survey also provides an overview of the importance given to various elements of a composition (e.g., task type, range of vocabulary) when teaching SHL courses. Overall, SHL educators’ perceptions provide a knowledge base of instructor experiences and practices that can assist in teacher training and inform curricular models.
Crítica de Pontrandolfo & Piccioni (2022): Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red
Author(s): Ana Cristina Vivas-Perazapp.: 366–370 (5)More LessThis article reviews Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red
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