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Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics - Online First
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La fractocomposición
Author(s): Ivan SolivellasAvailable online: 03 May 2024More LessResumenLa fractocomposición es un proceso de formación de palabras que ha generado diferentes incógnitas y que, generalmente, se ha estudiado desde la afijación o desde la composición culta. Por ello, este trabajo consiste en una aproximación a los fractoconstituyentes y a las construcciones que generan. Así pues, el objetivo principal es analizar las propiedades de estas unidades y definir qué es la fractocomposición como proceso de formación de palabras. Así, el trabajo ofrece una revisión bibliográfica de diferentes aportaciones teóricas y un estudio empírico a partir de un corpus de unidades de la lengua catalana. Además, el trabajo pone énfasis en el carácter fronterizo de los fractoconstituyentes, que se sitúan entre los afijos y los elementos cultos.
Creating and validating a corpus-based English academic word list for physics
Author(s): Milica Vuković-StamatovićAvailable online: 01 May 2024More LessAbstractIn this study a Physics Research Articles Word List (PRAWL) is built, which includes the most extensively used English vocabulary in the genre of physics research articles outside the most frequent general-purpose vocabulary. PRAWL can be of great use in English for Physics teaching and learning. This discipline-specific academic word list was produced from a corpus of 1.25 million running words, consisting of 200 physics research articles. PRAWL contains 929 words and has a 17.48% coverage in the corpus it was derived from. Together with 2,000 high-frequency general-purpose words, as well as words bearing no or minimal learning load, PRAWL reaches a coverage close to 95% in this corpus. We validate PRAWL in three independent corpora and also discuss the pedagogical implications and recommendations regarding its use. The list is intended for students of physics who do not have a command of English which is sufficiently adequate for reading research articles in it without outside support.
Delimitación, visualización y metalenguaje
Author(s): Beatriz Carbajal-CarreraAvailable online: 19 April 2024More LessAbstractaEl presente artículo adopta el marco teórico del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) como acercamiento cualitativo para examinar la accesibilidad de la enseñanza de las emociones en los manuales de español lengua extranjera (ELE). En concreto, se aplican de forma sistemática las tres pautas del principio de representación del DUA en el análisis de unidades didácticas sobre las emociones de 16 manuales de ELE de nivel B1. El análisis aborda de forma crítica las limitaciones presentes en estos materiales con un foco en tres factores clave en la representación de emociones: su delimitación, su visualización y su metalenguaje. La revisión de materiales se estructura en torno a las tres pautas del principio de representación y revela conexiones entre las carencias curriculares identificadas por estudios previos y los aportes del principio de representación. Las conclusiones de estudio contribuyen al creciente cuerpo de investigaciones sobre DUA en entornos de aprendizaje con diversos grados de competencia lingüística.
Linguistic variation in two written academic sub-registers
Author(s): Ahmad Ansarifar, Hesamoddin Shahriari, Shelley Staples and Mohammad GhazanfariAvailable online: 08 April 2024More LessAbstractThe present study aims to compare abstracts written by graduate students and internationally-published authors using Biber’s (1988) Multi-Dimensional (MD) model. To this end, two corpora of abstracts (1800 texts each) from research articles (RA) published in top international Applied Linguistics journals, and theses completed in the same field were compiled. We compared the two corpora with regard to three of Biber’s (1988) dimensions: involved versus informational production; elaborated vs. situation-dependent reference; and abstract vs. non-abstract style. Our results revealed that RA abstracts and thesis abstracts are similar when compared to non-academic registers of English, but different when compared to each other. Relative to thesis abstracts, RA abstracts are more informational but less elaborated and less impersonal. Interestingly, we found that RA/thesis abstracts differ from Biber’s (1988) academic prose register along the three dimensions. Our findings can further our understanding of the differences between RA and thesis abstracts, thus contributing to the instruction of academic writing at the graduate level.
The function of the pointing gesture-speech combination in children’s story retelling
Author(s): Aline Minto-García, Elda Alicia Alva Canto, Natalia Arias-Trejo and Tania JassoAvailable online: 05 April 2024More LessAbstractThe use of multimodal communication provides information about children’s language development. From early ages, combinations of gesture and speech are part of communication and meaning processes in different discursive contexts. Our aim was to identify the types of pointing gesture-speech combinations and their communicative functions in the story retelling of 30-, 36-, 42-, and 48-month-old children. We analyzed the children’s retellings (in the context of joint attention with a book) by first identifying whether the pointing gesture-speech combinations were complementary or supplementary and then coding the communicative function of the combinations as assertive, directive, or expressive. The results showed a greater proportion of complementary combinations in all age groups, and a greater frequency of the assertive function in both complementary and supplementary combinations. This study provides evidence about the role of the pointing gesture-speech combinations in Mexican children’s story retelling and how their multimodal communication develops in this narrative context.
The Spanish Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor
Author(s): Violeta Martínez-Paricio and Jacques KoremanAvailable online: 05 April 2024More LessAbstractThis article presents the Spanish version of the Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor (CALST), an online platform that can be used to complement pronunciation training in the classroom. The Spanish CALST offers listening, speaking, and spelling exercises for Northern-Central Peninsular Spanish as an L2. Exercises are tailored by an automatic comparison with the learner’s native language based on a database of phonetically specified phoneme inventories for over 500 languages, with the result that learners with different L1s are exposed to different exercises adapted to their specific needs. In this article, we present a description of the exercises as well as the criteria used to develop Spanish content for CALST. We discuss the limitations of the platform, the logging of user results as a partial solution to these limitations, and the possible future use of the logged data to increase our understanding of L2 acquisition.
University students’ perceptions of team teaching by native and non-native speakers in a Spanish course
Author(s): Yerim SongAvailable online: 05 April 2024More LessAbstractThis study investigated the perceptions of 200 Korean students of Spanish as a foreign language regarding team teaching by a Korean Spanish teacher (KST) and a native Spanish-speaking teacher (NST) in a university Spanish course. The survey focused on the students’ views on the weight and demand of learning areas in the lectures, the teaching method and attitude of each instructor, and the advantages and disadvantages of each teacher. The questionnaire asked the students to evaluate the overall team teaching to discern their expectations of the Spanish classes. The results showed that the students had high demands for speaking in both the KST’s and NST’s classes and indicated the advantages and disadvantages of both types of teachers. A relationship was found between the language proficiency level of the students and their preference for instructors, and the use of the first language was considered positive. Overall, the team teaching was evaluated as ideal.
Assessing voice vs. writing quality
Author(s): Maryam Homayounzadeh and Mohammad RahimiAvailable online: 05 April 2024More LessAbstractUsing a mixed-methods design, the study aimed to distinguish voice features from the criteria considered in most L2 writing rating scales (e. g., topic development, organization, and quality of language use). Accordingly, a sample of 200 argumentative essays written in English was scored for voice, writing quality, and the critical features of academic writing such as text length, lexical sophistication, and grammatical complexity (see Cumming et al., 2005). Multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) were conducted to verify which of and how the critical elements of academic writing interacted to determine the scores for voice and writing quality. Think-aloud protocols (TAPs) of raters scoring voice and writing quality were also compared. Voice was found an indication of genre competence, rated independently of language use and mostly based on the structure of arguments and the quality with which writers employed certain textual voice elements. In assessing writing quality, however, textual voice elements were dismissed, and the writing quality scores mainly reflected the quality of language use rather than the argument structure. The study provides implications for second language writing assessment and instruction, as well as for future research to be conducted.
Estrategias introductoras y tipo de reproducción de las citas directas en el corpus oral PERUSEV
Author(s): Doina RepedeAvailable online: 04 April 2024More LessResumenEn las últimas décadas diversos estudios han dado cuenta del amplio abanico de marcos introductores de cita directa en las diferentes variedades del español hablado. Más allá de los verbos dicendi como introductores de cita directa, se ha observado el empleo de la conjunción y, los marcadores discursivos, el adverbio así o la construcción ser de que (De la Mora, 2018; Gallucci, 2018a, 2018b; Gallucci & Vargas, 2015, etc.). En este trabajo buscamos una primera aproximación a las distintas estrategias introductoras de citas directas en el habla de los peruanos residentes en la ciudad de Sevilla, con el fin de conocer cómo se materializa la cita directa en esta variedad de habla, así como el tipo de información que se reproduce. Para lograr estos objetivos, utilizamos 22 entrevistas semiestructuradas que constituyen el corpus oral PERUSEV. El análisis muestra que en nuestros materiales predominan los verbos dicendi y los marcadores nulos como estrategias para introducir el discurso directo. Asimismo, revela la aparición de nuevas formas que no habían sido documentadas en otras variedades de habla hispana. Por tipo de reproducción, se ha observado la presencia, aparte del habla directa del propio hablante o de terceros, también del discurso estereotipado e hipotético.
The effect of fluency training on interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness
Author(s): Mahmood Yenkimaleki and Vincent J. van HeuvenAvailable online: 02 April 2024More LessAbstractFluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness are considered important parameters of interpreting quality but have rarely been studied systematically in training programs of interpreting. Therefore, the present study was set up to investigate the effect of fluency training on speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness of interpreter trainees. Two groups of interpreter trainees at a university in Iran took part in the study, receiving the same amount of instruction and practice (12 hours over 4 weeks). The experimental group (N = 30) spent 33% of the time (i.e., 4 of the 12 hours in the training program) on dedicated fluency strategy training, encouraging the memorization, repetition, and retelling of audio and video materials. The remaining 67% was spent on training general speaking skills. The control group (N = 30) were only taught general speaking skills in the training program but received no dedicated fluency training. Systematic interviews were run to assess the interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility and accentedness, which were judged independently by three expert raters at three moments of testing, i.e., pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest (one month later). The findings revealed that the fluency training significantly enhanced the interpreter trainees’ fluency, and to a lesser extent the students’ comprehensibility but had only a marginal effect on accentedness. The pedagogical implication would be that awareness training on speech fluency in EFL settings be included in interpreting training programs.
On Arab EFL learners’ production of words with “-ate”
Author(s): Safi Eldeen Alzi’abiAvailable online: 22 March 2024More LessAbstractArab EFL learners encounter difficulty stressing English words, particularly those with -ate, e.g. ‘ˈpercolate’, ‘ˈgerminate’, ‘ˈimpregnate’. They often stress the rightmost syllable. However, earlier studies included a limited sample of such items. The present study further explores and verifies these preliminary findings. It aims at revealing any coherent pattern in learners’ word stress strategies and tracing stress strategies associated with the stimuli’s word class or length. Furthermore, it investigates the effect of specific instruction on the production of the stimuli. To estimate the impact of training in stress placement on subjects’ accurate stress production, the subjects were enrolled in a nine-hour stress-training course that extended over three weeks. Ninety infrequent words ending in -ate were used in pretest and posttest pronunciation tasks with 102 third- and fourth-year Jordanian English majors. They had problems accurately producing the stimuli and tended to place stress on the ultimate syllables. Stress was often assigned to the right syllable as the subjects were prolonging the last vowel, i.e. the -ate syllable, and accentuating it in most stimuli. No significant association existed between the subjects’ performance and word length or word classes of the stimuli. The posttest scores far exceeded the pretests, proving explicit instruction’s benefits.
La memorización de vocabulario y el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística general
Author(s): Tim HammrichAvailable online: 14 March 2024More LessAbstractaEl estudio analiza la importancia de la memorización de vocabulario para el desarrollo lingüístico general. Para ello se compara el impacto de dos diseños didácticos diferentes en la enseñanza universitaria del alemán como lengua extranjera. Mientras el grupo experimental memoriza el vocabulario utilizando una aplicación, el grupo control trabaja el vocabulario mediante tareas de lectura. Al final de la intervención se mide el rendimiento en términos de una competencia lingüística general aplicando un C-Test y se investiga la percepción del estudiantado sobre diversos aspectos de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de vocabulario mediante una encuesta. Igualmente, para el grupo experimental, se analizan las preferencias de actividades de aprendizaje de vocabulario por parte del estudiantado con la aplicación para relacionarlos con su rendimiento. Los resultados del C-Test muestran que el grupo experimental obtiene una mayor puntuación. Analizando las preferencias de actividades de aprendizaje con la aplicación, se deduce que el estudiantado prefiere usar los ejercicios que implican un aprendizaje receptivo. Sin embargo, obtienen mejores resultados en el C-Test los estudiantes que usan con más frecuencia los ejercicios que implican un aprendizaje activo. Por lo general, el estudiantado considera que el aprendizaje del vocabulario es difícil, mientras el uso de la aplicación se evalúa positivamente.
Review of Borg (2022): A Literary Translation in the Making: A Process-Oriented Perspective
Available online: 14 March 2024More Less
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Metonymy and the way we speak
Author(s): Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda L. Thornburg
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