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未來不等於非現實語氣 [Future is not irrealis mood]
Available online: 20 September 2024More Less抽象的台灣南島語言在構詞上沒有顯性的時制範式,但有不同形式的未來標記,在時間系統上呈現非未來和未來二分。過去文獻因為這些未來標記具有情態性,認為非未來/未來的區分可由真實/非真實事態的區分來推導,主張它們代表非現實語氣且台灣南島語言是所謂的非現實語氣顯著語言。本文根據泰雅語的第一手語料、以及詳細檢視鄒語和邵語的材料,證明這些語言的未來標記是帶有未來性的情態詞,不適宜分析為非現實語氣這個語法範疇。迥異於跨語言非現實語氣的表現,這些未來標記在各種非真實環境不是不能出現就是侷限於未來性,它們也不能出現或不必然使用在反事實條件句的結論句。跨南島語來看,台灣南島語言與具有現實/非現實語氣範式的大洋洲語言在焦點和語氣的有無上形成顯著對比。在理論分析的意義上,真實性是結合時間與情態的廣義語法範疇,但在這三個台灣南島語言,未來標記的功能僅為非現實語氣的下位詞。釐清未來標記不等於非現實語氣後,未來更多的研究可關注其他可能表達非真實事態的標記及時制的有無。
上古漢語不及物動詞用為使動之條件與限制 [The conditions and constraints of intransitive verbs used as causative verbs in Old Chinese]
Available online: 19 September 2024More Less抽象的上古漢語的不及物動詞有使動用法的相當多,然而不論是不及物動詞用為使動的狀況,還是其用為使動的條件與限制,都還是有待釐清的,本文即是針對這些問題來進行探討。本文一方面對不及物動詞用為使動式的狀況給與了一個精要的描述,另一方面則從動詞與論元的屬性、句法的限制等幾點來探討不及物動詞在產製使動式上是依憑怎樣的條件與限制。本文還對上古漢語的使動式和表示致使的「使…V」式進行了比較,指出了二者間之異同。
論上古漢語副詞的全稱量化與相關問題 [On the universal quantification and related issues of adverbs in Old Chinese]
Available online: 19 September 2024More Less抽象的本文主要是探討上古漢語副詞的全稱量化功能的問題。所涉及的副詞有「皆、咸、俱、盡、悉、具」等六個,其中較為深入探討的為「皆、俱、盡、悉、具」等五個。本文所探討的議題主要有三;一,這些副詞所約束的語法成分為何?二,這些副詞的性質與功能為何?三,這些副詞使用上的限制與其來源動詞間的關連為何?第二個議題是本文的中心議題,在這個議題上本文得到如下的結論:「俱」不能算是具有全稱量化的功能。至於「皆、盡、悉、具」等雖然不能說沒有全稱量化的功能,但是這些副詞的全稱量化功能是次生的,是由這些副詞的主要功能或核心義衍生出來的。
Non-past and past verb stems in Tangut
Author(s): Mathieu BeaudouinAvailable online: 13 September 2024More LessAbstractOver the past decade, the documentation of Gyalrongic languages has shed light on grammatical phenomena which were poorly understood in Tangut, a language of critical importance in the field of Sino-Tibetan comparative linguistics. This paper provides an explanation for the last remaining unelucidated verbal alternation in Tangut (-ɨ1 /-i2 ), which, as I will demonstrate, encodes a non-past/past distinction. By doing so, it also gives fresh arguments for placing Tangut and the Horpa languages together within one clade. Finally, methodologically speaking, it offers an example of grammatical reconstruction from above, i.e. employing sister languages to better understand the grammar of an extinct language through their common ancestor, revealing a rare example of complex distributional retention uncorrelated with regular phonetic correspondences.
Light predicate raising in the Mandarin post-VP adverbial nominal constructions
Author(s): Ning ZhangAvailable online: 12 September 2024More LessAbstractIn Mandarin, a nominal may follow a string that is composed of a monomorphemic verb and its monomorphemic object. The nominal exhibits the same constraints as a preverbal PP. Also, unlike a canonical or non-canonical object, such a nominal cannot be deleted. It is argued that such a nominal is the object of a preposition; the PP is base-generated as a left adverbial of a shortest transitive VP; and after the leftward raising of the light VP and deletion of the preposition, the nominal surfaces to the right of the VP. Based on this study, the paper reports a form economy in syntactic operations.
Review of Traugott (2022): Ten Lectures on a Diachronic Constructionalist Approach to Discourse Structuring Markers
Available online: 29 August 2024More Less
Pseudo matrix sluicing constructions in Mandarin Chinese
Author(s): Chi-Ming Louis LiuAvailable online: 09 August 2024More LessAbstractSpeakers of Mandarin Chinese have a variety of ways to respond to others, one of which is the employment of a single wh-phrase to form a follow-up question. However, using a short wh-phrase to ask a question is not without any restrictions. Sometimes, the antecedent sentence needs to contain an indefinite NP, while at other times it does not. I first consider the possibility of applying the movement and ellipsis approach and the base-generation approach to these Mandarin short wh-phrase questions. Given the fact that neither of these analyses captures the syntactic properties of this type of question in Mandarin Chinese, I propose to deal with it in terms of an analysis that is based on LF-copying. More specifically, I propose that the wh-phrase in a short wh-phrase question is base-generated in the Spec of CP, which is followed by an empty IP in the underlying and surface structure. When this structure is processed at LF, it becomes interpretable after the antecedent IP is copied into the empty IP position. Since the wh-phrase remains in its original position throughout the derivation, I call this type of question a pseudo matrix sluicing construction. This analysis not only successfully accounts for the derivation of Mandarin short wh-questions, but also respects the fact that Mandarin Chinese is a wh-in-situ as well as a non-preposition-stranding language.
Foot-shift and disyllabification in the history of Chinese
Author(s): Huibin Zhuang, Pusong Zhao and Shengli FengAvailable online: 22 July 2024More LessAbstractThis paper argues that the Chinese language has undergone a foot-shift from the Old Chinese monosyllabic foot to a Modern Chinese disyllabic foot. It will be shown that the natural simplification of Old Chinese syllables has caused the foot-shift, resulting in disyllabification. The disappearance of bimoraic feet in Old Chinese has resulted from the loss of consonantal codas, including codas of consonant clusters, which has led to the disappearance of heavy syllables, as well as super-heavy syllables. In other words, this foot-shift can be explained as a compensatory transformation of a heavy Old Chinese dimoraic monosyllable to a pair of light monomoraic disyllables. One way of understanding this evolution is that disyllabification of feet in Modern Chinese is a compensatory mechanism to maintain foot complexity.
A typology of alternative questions in Chinese and other East Asian languages
Author(s): Xinyi LiAvailable online: 19 July 2024More LessAbstractThis paper presents a typological study of the coding strategies of alternative questions (AQs) in Chinese and its linguistic neighbours in Asia. An AQ is a type of question in which the speaker asks the hearer to decide which of two or more alternatives holds. Previous studies have noted that some languages use a general disjunctive conjunction to connect the alternatives while others use an AQ-dedicated conjunction, like haishi 還是 in Mandarin. Our investigation finds that this latter kind of conjunction is preferred in southern varieties of Chinese, while some northern Chinese dialects tend to drop the conjunction and add a modal particle to each alternative. The divergence reflects a more general picture of AQ-type distribution across and beyond East Asia, where languages in the north and the west with OV order prefer to add a question marker to each alternative without using conjunctions, while languages in the east and the south with VO order prefer to use a conjunction and allow the items to be non-question-marked. In the transition zone from OV to VO, two atypical AQ types emerge in Sinitic languages. One type uses modal particles or the copula verb shi 是 as the connector; the other type simply juxtaposes the alternatives without any marking, or adds a modal particle or shi 是 to each option. With data from and beyond East Asian languages, we argue that many of the AQ-dedicated conjunctions developed from non-assertion markers in the sentence-initial position, which is more likely to happen in VO languages.
西北漢語助詞「著」的比較研究 [The suffix -zhe in northwestern Chinese]
Author(s): Xiaolei Fan (范曉蕾)Available online: 30 May 2024More Less抽象的漢語的助詞「著」是一個用於表達持續性事件的非完整體標記,北京話裡它緊附於謂詞上形成「V著O」式,用例如「墻上掛著畫」「他騎著車上學去了」。在中國太行山以西的北方漢語方言(簡稱「西北漢語」)裡,助詞「著」有一系列迥異於北京話「著」的語法表現。首先,西北漢語的「著」在標示非完整體時經常遠離謂詞而位於賓語之後,如「<寧夏中寧> 我寫作業著呢我正在寫作業」。而且,這種「VO著」式可表達的非完整體意義遠多於北京話的「V著O」式,如「<烏魯木齊>路堵死底呢路是堵死的狀態」。其次,甘肅、青海、新疆的西北漢語裡助詞「著」還可以插在兩個VP之間承擔「連鎖標記」的功能,如「<西寧>家抱住娃娃著餵奶著她正抱著孩子餵奶呢」,這種「VP1+著+VP2」式的連鎖結構偏離了漢語為「連動型語言」的基本模式。由於「著」的這些特異現象既不見於古漢語文獻,也不見於其他地區的漢語,我們便比較了中國西北民族語(蒙語、藏語、突厥語)的相應表達式,最終證實:西北漢語「著」的各種特異表現源於漢語跟西北民族語接觸引發的創新性演變,其演變機制代表了語言接觸性演變的一種新模式「妥協性創新」。簡言之,兩種語言如果類型迥異,在接觸中就偏向創造一種「各讓一步、達到雙贏」的新形式。
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Structure of numerals and classifiers in Chinese
Author(s): One-Soon Her (何萬順)
From caused-motion to spatial configuration
Author(s): Meichun Liu and Juiching Chang
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