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- Volume 52, Issue, 2017
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 52, Issue 3, 2017
Volume 52, Issue 3, 2017
Lexical accessing for ambiguous words among advanced Chinese L2 learners
Author(s): Helen H. Shenpp.: 209–231 (23)More LessThis study investigated factors associated with and strategies used by advanced Chinese L2 learners in accessing the meanings of commonly used polysemous words (lexically ambiguous words) in sentential reading. The participants included 26 learners of Chinese from a Midwest university in the US. The results showed that word frequency, meaning frequency of polysemous words, and learners’ knowledge of polysemous words affected successful lexical access in sentential contexts. Learners mainly used five types of strategies to solve lexical ambiguity problems, of which three were more frequently used: contextual cues, the intra-word analysis method, and the dominant meaning cue. Contextual cues were the most frequently used strategy.
Effects of providing explicit negative evidence on students’ perception of ungrammatical sentences using –le
pp.: 232–254 (23)More LessThis study investigates the effects of the use of explicit negative evidence in teaching on students’ perception of two types of ungrammatical Chinese sentences in which –le should not be used. Two groups of advanced learners of Chinese were pre-tested immediately before receiving instruction that included explicit negative evidence about the use of -le, and post-tested twice: once directly after the completion of the instruction, and again four weeks later, using a grammaticality judgment test. The results of the grammaticality judgment test indicated that including explicit negative evidence in teaching helps advanced English-speaking learners of Chinese identify sentences in which –le is used incorrectly. The implication is that including negative evidence in teaching can reduce errors caused by negative transfer from a student’s native language.
Applying research-based multimedia design principles in designing and teaching beginning CFL learners the ba construction online
Author(s): Shenglan Zhangpp.: 255–289 (35)More LessTeaching grammar online is an increasingly necessary practice, but the process is resource-heavy, requiring online tools such as grammar videos. Studies show that current online grammar modules have mixed effectiveness, and none of the studies have examined the effects of the design of these modules. This study investigated whether an online module, designed according to basic multi-media design principles, is effective in helping learners understand the use of the ba construction. The study also asked how the students respond to the use of the online module. The findings show that the online module improved learners’ understanding and use of the ba construction. It also found that the students enjoyed using the online module and would like to have similar opportunities to learn grammar via multimedia online modules.
美国学生因果连接标记语篇使用情况研究 (A study of L2 development stages of causal connectives in American students’ written Chinese)
Author(s): Fei Caopp.: 290–306 (17)More Less本文以美国学生初、中、高级阶段所使用的因果连接标记为样本,经过统计调查表明,英语母语学习者习得汉语因果连接标记过程呈非线性路径,两种语言中的共有义较早为学习者掌握;初级阶段较多受到母语语序影响,学生多使用因标后置式;中级阶段出现了多个词项,即母语和目的语标记词一对多或多对一情况增多,学习者容易将母语词的某个义位相对宽广的语义范围错误地推移到目的语的对应词上;高级阶段中介语因果连接标记模式的使用类型虽然越来越接近母语者,但化石化现象严重,高级阶段学习者除单用和搭配使用因果连接标记外,还出现了连用和套用模式。
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