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- Volume 53, Issue 3, 2018
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 53, Issue 3, 2018
Volume 53, Issue 3, 2018
Roles of action research in the professional development of Chinese language teachers
Author(s): Fangyuan Yuanpp.: 201–221 (21)More LessAbstractThis study examined the roles of action research in the professional development of Chinese language teachers. Participants were a group of Chinese teachers enrolled in a teacher training course. In light of theories and research, participants were guided to reflect on their own teaching beliefs and practice and design a research project about their own teaching. Using a descriptive-explorative design, this study elicited data from multiple sources, including students’ pre-course survey, professional journals, reflective essays, project reports, group interviews, email exchanges with the instructor, and instructor’s field notes. Three categories emerged from the data analysis that reflected students’ gains from the process: a broader conception of research on language teaching and learning, a more sophisticated understanding of foreign language teaching in general and their own teaching in particular, and a learning process of how to be a teacher-researcher. Contributing and impeding factors are discussed and values of teacher research are suggested.
中文社交问答网络社区中的情境学习 (Situated learning in a Chinese question-and-answer online community)
Author(s): Zhini Zeng (曾稚妮)pp.: 222–256 (35)More Less摘要“知乎”是使用频率最高 (7.6%) 的中文社交问答网络社区 (CNNIC, 2017)。本文从中级汉语媒体课中运用“知乎”开展教学活动的案例入手,以“情境学习”理论 (Lave & Wenger, 1991) 的视角,揭示了学生在目的语社会中的网络平台上参与集体知识构建取得的收获及遇到的挑战,并以此为契机,介绍一种将社交问答网络平台运用于中高级对外汉语教学的思路。本文共有三个部分:首先,在充分参考前人研究的基础上,本文通过介绍三种围绕“知乎”展开的教学活动,提出了一个将网络社交问答社区运用于对外汉语教学的模型。其次,通过一项针对十名在中文课内、外使用“知乎”的学生的前导型调查,以及分析学生在“知乎”平台上创作的文本,本文进一步检测了该教学模型在实际应用中的收效与阻碍。最后,基于对现有案例的分析结果,本文总结了将网络社交问答社区引入对外汉语课堂的五个优势,并为未来的教学实践提出了两点建议。
A qualitative inquiry of video learning by Chinese L2 learners
Author(s): Ting Huang and Jayne C. Lammerspp.: 257–294 (38)More LessAbstractPrevious research in Chinese L2 learning has shown that video learning is an effective way to engage students, especially for learning social realities such as cultural values (e.g., dating practices). Chinese L2 learners commonly have experience with learning social realities from videos, including textbook videos, television dramas, music clips and talk shows Using the lens of internalization, this qualitative study provides a detailed interpretation of what video offered its Chinese L2 participants and what challenges the participants experienced learning about social realities. This article discusses three focused cases with 12 interviews, 30 observations, 3 clip-elicitation conversations, and documents (including memos and field notes). Use of a three-phase Constant Comparative Method (CCM) revealed that the learning processes of Chinese L2 learners displayed similarities and differences. Participants had distinctive trajectories in their learning of social realities. Implications for Chinese L2 research and education are discussed.
The knowledge base of Chinese as a second language teaching in K-12 settings
Author(s): Ziyi Geng and John Murphypp.: 295–307 (13)More LessAbstractThe field of teaching Chinese as a second language (CSL) is expanding and growing in importance worldwide. Related fields, such as Chinese language pedagogy, language policy, and the acquisition of Chinese as a second language, are attracting increased attention in research. However, research into K-12 CSL teacher cognition (what teachers know, think, and believe) has been very limited. It has been reported that more understanding of language teacher cognition has significant impacts on the development of teacher training and professional development programs (Borg, 2015; Kubanyiova & Feryok, 2015). Many aspects of CSL teacher cognition are underexplored when compared with language teacher cognition research in general and K-12 language teacher cognition research specifically. This article reviews current theoretical and empirical research into language teacher cognition with a particular focus on existing studies in the field of CSL teaching in the context of K-12 education. The purposes of the review article are (1) to document the current knowledge base of CSL teaching, and (2) to discuss current gaps in and future directions of teacher cognition research in this area. It first discusses general theories and research concerning second language teacher cognition within current research paradigms, and then provides a review of CSL teacher cognition research. Finally, it reviews pressing issues and suggests directions for future research in K-12 Chinese teacher cognition.
《中美跨文化交际误解分析与体演文化教学法》,秦希贞著 (Analysis of Chinese-American Cross-cultural Miscommunications and the Pedagogy of Performing Another Culture)
Author(s): Ying Liu (刘颖)pp.: 308–311 (4)More LessThis article reviews 《中美跨文化交际误解分析与体演文化教学法》
Intercultural Communication 《跨文化交际》, by Xiaomei Zu
pp.: 312–316 (5)More LessThis article reviews Intercultural Communication