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- Volume 54, Issue 2, 2019
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 54, Issue 2, 2019
Volume 54, Issue 2, 2019
How and how much?
Author(s): Chiara Romagnoli and Sergio Contipp.: 93–121 (29)More LessAbstractVocabulary plays a crucial role in foreign language learning, and vocabulary mastery proves to be challenging at different competence levels. Compared to other areas of research into Chinese as a foreign language, vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary teaching have rarely been investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size and to verify whether vocabulary size is positively correlated to proficiency level. A total of 95 Italian undergraduate Chinese learners, from elementary to intermediate levels, participated in this study. The participants were first given a vocabulary learning questionnaire and then a vocabulary size test. Statistical and qualitative analyses of the data revealed two trends: a poor variety of vocabulary learning strategies and a positive correlation between vocabulary size and proficiency level.
现代汉语常用文言虚词的语块教学 [Formulaic language instruction of classical grammatical words in modern Chinese]
Author(s): Yu Liu (刘瑜)pp.: 122–144 (23)More Less抽象现代汉语中保留了许多文言成分,文言虚词的使用是现代汉语书面语体的重要特征之一,不仅让语言表达更为书面,也能够使语言表达更典雅。本文对两组面对汉语二语学习者的词表进行统计,总结出现代汉语中二语学习者需要掌握的常用文言虚词。并提出应重视对现代汉语中的常用文言虚词进行系统性的教学和训练,文言虚词的教学不应局限于词语本身,而需要进行联系和拓展,从词素、词,到词语搭配、固定结构,多层面地为学习者展现文言虚词的用法,进行语块教学。本文在语料库分析的基础上,总结了常用文言虚词的常见语块,包括词语搭配、实词和虚词组合的固定结构、框架结构及话语标记语等类型,并讨论了如何培养学习者的语块学习意识、加强对语块的正确使用、促进对语块语体特征的理解以及引导学习者输出语块四个方面的教学操作问题,以期为汉语作为第二语言的教学和教材编写提供参考。
印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機及其影響因素 [Motivational orientations of secondary school students of Mandarin Chinese as a heritage language in Indonesia]
Author(s): Hugo Wing-Yu Tampp.: 145–182 (38)More Less摘要學生學習動機的研究是當前華語第二語言教學的重要課題。華裔學生的繼承語言學習動機更是華語學習成效的重要關鍵。本研究通過問卷調查了印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機的類型,並檢視了不同背景變項對印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機類型的影響。研究者親自赴印尼中爪哇省進行華語教學與研究,以前導訪談和繼承語學習動機文獻為基礎,經專家進行題項審閱後,編製了印華雙語版本的「繼承語學習動機量表」。研究以分層叢集比例取樣的方式,向兩所初中和一所高中每級各兩班發出共 310 份問卷,共收回有效問卷174份。透過因素分析歸納出6種動機類型:學習情境、族裔傳承、學習期望、學習情感、綜合型、工具型。總量表Cronbach α = .85,六個分量表的α = .695~.884,顯示此量表的信度品質頗佳。研究分析顯示華裔印尼中學生的繼承語學習動機因性別、學校階段別、族裔語言背景和家族語言背景而有顯著差異。最後,文章結合研究結果提出教學應用與未來研究的具體建議,以期供繼承語教師作參考。
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language – The way of the learner, by Jane Orton and Andrew Scrimgeour
Author(s): Cilei Han (韩慈磊)pp.: 183–186 (4)More LessThis article reviews Teaching Chinese as a Second Language – The way of the learner
An A to Z grammar for Chinese language learners, 當代中文語法點全集, by Shou-hsin Teng
Author(s): Yu-Hui Leepp.: 187–190 (4)More LessThis article reviews An A to Z grammar for Chinese language learners