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- Volume 56, Issue 3, 2021
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 56, Issue 3, 2021
Volume 56, Issue 3, 2021
Tone and vocabulary learning for classroom-based L2 Mandarin learners
Author(s): Zhiyin Renee Dongpp.: 179–208 (30)More LessAbstractThe primary function of Mandarin tone is to encode and differentiate otherwise similar-sounding words. In that regard, proficient tone use is essential for both intelligible L2 pronunciation and successful vocabulary learning. Recent research investigating L2 tone use in online Mandarin word recognition revealed persistent difficulties among proficient learners. This paper reviews these findings in light of several tone teaching issues and challenges and proposes a few potential improvements to the current tone word pedagogy. It is suggested that tone instruction can be more effective if it is form-focused, systematically given in conjunction with vocabulary teaching, and backward-designed based on articulated tone word learning objectives and matching assessments. While highlighting the potentials of computer-mediated tone instruction and self-directed learning, the paper also identified a few directions for future research.
「粵語語法學習概覽」的建構 [Development of the Cantonese Grammar Profile]
Author(s): Hugo Wing-Yu Tampp.: 209–228 (20)More Less摘要隨著亞洲經濟崛起和全球人口流動的持續增長,近年來粵語作為第二語言的教學開始受到重視。粵語學習者大多認為缺乏有系統的教材,使得要長期地學習粵語變得非常困難。本文的研究目的是建構出「粵語語法學習概覽」(Cantonese Grammar Profile),步驟如下:一、抽取現有教材中的語法點;二、參照語法工具書和參考書,對語法點進行分類;三、判斷現有教材中的語法點是否符合教學語法理論中對語法點的定義;四、討論是否有必要進一步把語法學習目標整併或刪除。本文除了提出了新的語法點判斷原則,也制訂出涵蓋歐洲共同語言參考架構中A1和A2級的語法點,共246項語法能力描述(grammatical competence descriptor)。本文亦呼籲專家學者和香港政府盡快成立研發小組,針對香港和其他粵語區的多語多文環境,制訂粵語粵文能力標準體系,以期使課程規劃者、教材編者和考評人員有更全面的共同參照依據。
A multimodal approach to the technological representations in CFL textbooks
Author(s): Qi Zhang and Angela Leahypp.: 229–254 (26)More LessAbstractThe study scrutinizes the intermodal relations and interactive meaning-making of the textual and visual semiotics involved in modern technology representation, which indicates the engagement of authentic communication in language learning. The findings show that both textbooks show attempts to capture the up-to-date technology of modern life. Learners tend to be involved with the interpretation of the indexical relations between the visual and textual resources in one textbook, while the other textbook consists of a few texts and images that are not indexically related and are less likely to be interpreted interactively. Findings indicate the importance of being aware of the different emphases of these two textbooks through multimodal research, for the purpose of effective adaptations in CFL teaching and learning.
书评 (2021): 《跨文化交际案例—汉语教师海外工作实训教程》 & (2021): 《生存攻略案例—汉语教师海外生活实训教程》
Author(s): Liu Lixin (刘立新)pp.: 255–258 (4)More LessThis article reviews 《跨文化交际案例—汉语教师海外工作实训教程》《生存攻略案例—汉语教师海外生活实训教程》
Review of Ling (2018): The Field of Chinese Language Education in the US: A Retrospective of the 20th Century
Author(s): Madeline K. Springpp.: 259–267 (9)More LessThis article reviews The Field of Chinese Language Education in the US: A Retrospective of the 20th Century
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