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- Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022
日籍学习者对汉语空间移动事件描述方法之研究 [A Study on Japanese Learners’ Acquisition of L2 Chinese Motion Expressions]
Author(s): Takako Nunome (布目孝子), Shu-Ling Wu (吴淑铃) and Jun Wang (王骏)pp.: 1–20 (20)More Less摘要本研究采用了看图写句子的方式考察日籍学习者如何用L2汉语描述空间移动事件。研究结果显示虽然学习者的趋向补语偏误只占4%,学习者的平均趋向补语使用率仅56%,远不如母语者91%的使用率。细部分析学习者的描述方式可发现学习者对处所宾语位置易产生的偏误有自觉,为了避免错误,倾向策略性地回避使用趋向补语。当学习者使用趋向补语的时候,也往往采用不容易产生偏误的简单趋向补语或者“到+目的地”的基本句型。这些语用行为受 L1 的影响相对有限,受L2语内迁移、趋向补语句型复杂度,以及学习者采用的交际策略等因素的影响更大。
基于华语流行歌曲的词汇附带习得研究 [A study of incidental vocabulary acquisition based on Chinese popular songs]
Author(s): Shan Wang (王珊) and Shaoming Wang (王少茗)pp.: 21–57 (37)More Less摘要听华语歌曲是汉语学习者在课外接触词汇的主要途径之一。已有对华语歌曲的研究大多是选择个别歌曲进行课堂教学设计,缺少对听歌习得词汇的系统考察。本文首次创建大规模“华语流行歌曲语料库”,包括“华语歌曲语料库”(957874个汉字、679278个中文词例)和“华语热门歌曲语料库”(37911个汉字、26943个中文词例)。在此基础上,统计三大词表对语料库中歌曲的词汇覆盖率、语料库中大纲词汇等级分布、大纲词的频次、超纲词的数量、达到不同理解阈值所需的词汇量等,分析掌握常用词对学习者认识歌词的影响、听歌常接触的大纲词等级、大纲词的复现是否有助于词汇习得、歌曲中的超纲词是否有学习价值、学生感兴趣的话题中的大纲词和超纲词等,并提出歌曲教材编写和多模态歌曲教学的建议。本文在特色语料库建构、大纲词表处理、词汇计量分析、教材编写等方面实现突破,能够为词汇学的理论研究和词汇的教学实践提供重要参考。
Perceptions of effective foreign language teaching
Author(s): Yan Xie and Laura Ziebartpp.: 58–84 (27)More LessAbstractDifferences between teacher and student perceptions of effective language teaching methods can have an immense effect on learning outcomes, and discrepancies between what teachers believe and practice can likewise have a great impact. This study investigated how the perceptions of college instructors and learners on effective Chinese language teaching can be compared. It also explored what consistencies and inconsistencies existed between what teachers believed were effective practices and what they actually practiced. The results displayed several differences between teacher and student perceptions. It was also discovered that most of the teachers taught according to their perceptions of effective teaching. Applying this knowledge implies that teachers should incorporate culture into their teaching, introduce Chinese characters earlier, use communicative teaching methods and a variety of learning activities to ensure a good learning outcome. Instructors should also increase their awareness of their perceptions of effective teaching and attain regular feedback from their students.
Review of Liang (2020): Teaching Chinese in American Colleges
Author(s): Shaohua Fang and Yi Xupp.: 85–90 (6)More LessThis article reviews Teaching Chinese in American Colleges
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