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- Volume 57, Issue 2, 2022
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 57, Issue 2, 2022
Volume 57, Issue 2, 2022
以電影為素材進行跨校跨文化交際 [Exploring cultural perspectives of mortality in class]
Author(s): Tiao-Guan Huang, Liang Yin Liu, Yafen Chen and Zhuoyi Wangpp.: 91–118 (28)More Less抽象的本文旨在介紹一次以「生死觀」為主題的包含5C特徵的實驗性跨校交流活動。「死亡」是華人文化的禁忌之一,對面死亡的態度、與死亡相關的文化現象和產物…等,既有文化普遍性,也有文化獨特性,是值得中文學習者學習的文化內容。本文作者為CLTA中文電影教學興趣小組(2016年成立)成員,分別任教於美國三所大學,於2020年春季學期Covid-19疫情初起時,分別使用電影《別告訴她》(英文:The Farewell)與《生生》(英文:Sen Sen)於課堂上,繼而合作規劃一次跨校的文化交流活動。該交流活動基於差異化教學、近側發展區間、鷹架與可理解輸入理論而設計,利用數位工具進行非同步與同步跨校交流,交流結果既強化參與交流之學生的語言能力,亦深化其學習中文和中華文化的動機和興趣。
Applying the performed culture approach in collegiate beginning and intermediate level Chinese courses
Author(s): Donglin Chaipp.: 119–140 (22)More LessAbstractThis paper discusses how to use the Performed Culture Approach (PCA) to design collegiate Chinese beginning and intermediate level courses. As a pedagogical framework to improve learners’ intercultural communication skills, PCA has gained increasing recognition by scholars in the field. However, many instructors still face the challenge of deciding how to apply PCA in different Chinese language programs and with non-PCA informed pedagogical materials. Through a three-year implementation at an American university which adopts Integrated Chinese (IC), one of the most popular pedagogical materials in American college beginning- and intermediate-level Chinese courses, the article analyzes IC’s instructional challenges, PCA-based curriculum design, learning outcomes, and student feedback. The article finally discusses general principles of applying PCA in different programs with various pedagogical materials.
CLAC对美国高校汉语课程建设的启示 [Implication of CLAC for the Chinese curriculum development in American higher education]
Author(s): Kun-Shan Carolyn Lee (李坤珊), Yan Liu (刘艳) and Tianshu He (贺天舒)pp.: 141–153 (13)More Less提要近年来,在美国高等教育界逐渐受到重视的跨学科的文化与语言课程(Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum,简称CLAC)反映了美国社会对多元文化、多种语言和国际化的需求。那么如何将CLAC运用到美国高校汉语课程建设中呢?本文将以美国东南部的一所私立大学的中文项目为例,对这一问题进行探讨。文章首先介绍了CLAC的教学理念及课程结构,然后分析了该校的CLAC汉语课程实践对其中文项目的生源、学生的语言学习以及教师职业能力发展等三个方面的影响,以期对未来美国高校汉语课程建设提供一些初步借鉴。
漢語考試大綱詞表和語料庫詞頻的反向檢視研究 [Reverse inspection on vocabulary frameworks of Chinese tests and word frequency in corpus]
Author(s): Shih-chang Hsin (信世昌), Jingying Rui (芮晶瑩) and Keqin Zhou (周可沁)pp.: 154–183 (30)More Less抽象的國際漢語教材的生詞經過專家編訂及實際教學錘煉,可反向檢視漢語考試大綱詞彙分級的合宜性以及語料庫詞頻的對應性。本研究從九套具有代表性的初級國際漢語教材選出生詞樣本,分別依據中國大陸及臺灣的漢語考試分級詞表及大型漢語語料庫,統計樣本詞的等級及詞頻分佈。發現初級教材生詞竟普遍包括考試大綱的高級詞及超綱詞,顯示大綱的詞量及收詞有待商榷。而其詞頻分佈也普遍有高比例的低頻詞,可見語料庫的詞頻難以作為教材實際編寫的選詞依憑。
Review of Lee & Soufflet (2022): Aktuelle Themen aus Gesellschaft, Politik und Technik: Kommunikatives Chinesisch für die Mittelstufe
Author(s): Zhuo Jing-Schmidtpp.: 184–188 (5)More LessThis article reviews Aktuelle Themen aus Gesellschaft, Politik und Technik: Kommunikatives Chinesisch für die Mittelstufe