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- Volume 58, Issue 1, 2023
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA - Volume 58, Issue 1, 2023
Volume 58, Issue 1, 2023
Author(s): Huiwen Li (李惠文)pp.: 1–22 (22)More Less抽象的永字八法是中国书法的重要概念,经过古代书法家的研究、发展,理论逐渐丰富和成熟。本文以海外汉字书法教学为背景,对永字八法的有关概念、功用、技法、应用进行了梳理,讨论了教学中需要关注的八笔画的写法、四笔画组合的写法、笔断意联、一般结字法、笔锋特征以及外形轮廓特征,同时也包括汉字演变、六书说、笔画笔顺、汉字结构等汉字知识。针对永字八法用于教学,本文也作了总体分析并提供了一份简化的教学设计作参考,涵盖教学目标、教训内容和方法、学习测评。对永字八法进行上述思考旨在客观地认识永字八法在汉字书法教学中的地位,然后据此对相关教学内容进行挖掘。希望这些努力有助于教师看到中国书法在历史文化、字体书体、语言内涵、美学艺术等方面的博大精深。总之,本文认为,永字八法可以作为海外书法教学的重要切入点,帮助学习者逐步了解、领略中国汉字书法之法、之美,建立对中国文化的认知、基本技能和跨文化能力。
Acquisition of three Chinese de structures by English-speaking learners
Author(s): Wenhua Jin, Chunsheng Yang, Yiping Zhang and Wayne Wenchao Hepp.: 23–60 (38)More LessAbstractThis study examines English speaking learners’ acquisition of three Chinese de structures, including Nominalization, Cleft, and Relative Clause. Our findings reveal different acquisition patterns for the three structures and identify several major factors such as structural similarities and differences between the native and second languages, feature configurations, native language transfer, memory factors such as the storage and integration cost, learner avoidance strategy, and motivation as role players in the learning process. This study presents new data and perspectives on the understanding of the second language acquisition of Chinese de structures, reveals the acquisitional effects of the identified major factors, proves the validity of Feature Reassembly Hypothesis (FRH) and Storage and Integration Resources Accounts (SIRA) as potential universal principles that affect the processing and acquisition of the second language, and provides theoretical and pedagogical implications for the fields of Chinese as a second language and second language acquisition in general as well.
Is animation always better for learning Chinese characters?
pp.: 61–91 (31)More LessAbstractThe present study investigated the effect of animations on Chinese character learning in multimedia presentations. In particular, we examined whether animations focusing on different knowledge of characters would yield different performance among students learning Chinese characters. The role of the animations which focused on the etymology of Chinese characters was tested in Experiment 1 with twelve English secondary school students. The results found that etymological animations were superior to flashcards for learners in recognizing forms of Chinese characters but not for understanding their meanings. In Experiment 2, the effect of animations which focused on demonstrating stroke order along with the audio explanations and on-screen written texts was addressed with 60 Thai secondary school students. The results revealed that animations demonstrating stroke order did not provide learners with advantages in orthographic learning. However, the findings support the redundant principle that static imagery and spoken and written text together facilitated character learning. In addition, the study showed that the students’ pace and flexibility of learning, the level of character difficulty, and students’ active processing have significant roles in character learning performance in a multimedia settings. This study provides implications for the design of multimedia instruction in foreign language acquisition and sheds light on the theoretical assumptions of dual-coding theory regarding learners’ cognitive loads in multimedia processing.
Review of Zhang & Zhang (2022): Introducing Chinese Linguistics: A handbook for Chinese language teachers and learners
Author(s): Han Luopp.: 92–96 (5)More LessThis article reviews Introducing Chinese Linguistics: A handbook for Chinese language teachers and learners
Review of Yuan, He & Hu (2023): Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy in Chinese as a Second Language
Author(s): Zheng-sheng Zhangpp.: 97–102 (6)More LessThis article reviews Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy in Chinese as a Second Language
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