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- Volume 9, Issue, 2011
FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation - Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011
Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011
Author(s): Colette Laplacepp.: 1–7 (7)More LessThis paper is a short introduction to the seminar on “The translation of proper names in travel literature” organised by ESIT’s TS research group (CR-Trad Syled). While our first aim was to give linguists and translators an opportunity to exchange views on the challenges of translating proper names, we also wanted to build a bridge between the results of the Cediscor’s discourse analysis studies on proper names and the interpretive approach of ESIT.
Il était une fois un petit caporal … Ou la traduction des noms propres dans le roman de Walter Hasenclever
Author(s): Colette Laplacepp.: 9–33 (25)More LessThis paper was first presented at a seminar on “The translation of proper names in travel literature”. On the basis of a case study of the translation of well-known anthroponyms and toponyms in Walter Hasenclever’s “Exilliteratur” novel “Die Rechtlosen”, we show that proper names cannot be translated systematically by commonly accepted linguistic equivalences. On the contrary, as the names themselves often carry strong connotations in the source text and are therefore essential to its underlying meaning, they must first be submitted to a process of interpretation. Their rendering will, therefore, always have a discursive equivalence, even if it may look at first sight like a linguistic equivalence.
Norme, pragmatisme et frustration
Author(s): Anne-Lise Weidmanpp.: 35–58 (24)More LessThe television travel documentary is a curious thing: it can have elements of a commissioned report, a mannered travel guide and, more rarely, a personal creative work. Whatever its level of originality, it immerses the translator in a world s/he is more or less familiar with for a relatively short time, typically one to three weeks. The translation (or not) of proper nouns plays an important role in this exercise, of course. Beyond the sources and strategies employed to render and/or Gallicise place and people’s names, we will find out the special features of translating proper nouns in this specific genre, including the need to combine translating with writing phonetic instructions, given that a documentary text will subsequently be recorded by an actor. We will also detail the constraints of the genre: the choice of standard and so-called “reference” sources related to translation and pronunciation, as well as the pragmatism that the translator has to show when translating for a mass media with limited time available. Lastly, we will see in what way this compromise is often a source of frustration for the translator.
Le traitement du nom propre dans la traduction des ouvrages pragmatiques
Author(s): Sophie Léchauguettepp.: 59–89 (31)More LessThe corpus analysed for this study of proper names consists of guide books and unpublished working documents written as instructions for their translation. These documents are drawn from the author’s professional experience as an English-French translator specialised in pragmatic books. They reveal the complexity of the translation of the proper names of people and places. When parts of a book are translated by several different translators, issues have to be solved collaboratively. As with Think Aloud Protocols, translators’ briefs shed light on the translation process and on an overlooked characteristic of pragmatic books: their layout. Unlike literary works, pragmatic books contain illustrations and the text appears as a series of separate blocks with specific communicative functions; thus text and layout are intricately related. When dealing with proper names, the first problem is whether or not a name should be translated. Importing a name raises various difficulties related to the grammar of the target language, i.e. gender and typography issues. While not attempting to solve these problems once and for all, this paper provides a useful contribution to the debate by pointing out various criteria relevant to the publishing business but seldom taken into account in translation studies.
La traduction des noms propres en anglais, espagnol et français dans le récit de voyage d’Adelbert von Chamisso Reise um die Welt mit der Romanzoffischen Enteckungs=Expedition in den Jahren 1815-1818 auf der Brigg Rurik, Kapitain Otto von Kotzebue
Author(s): Thierry Gallèpepp.: 91–111 (21)More LessTravel literature represents a very interesting domain to analyze the translation of proper nouns. It builds a non fictional context and confronts the translator to the circulation of speech since the proper nouns travel as well as the traveller. The analysis of the translation of a travel writing such as Chamissos’ Reise um die Welt reveals the relevance of meaning construction related to the chosen way to translate the proper nouns, which can vary with the produced sense.
Les noms propres dans le Journal de voyage de Nikita Demidoff
Author(s): Evgeny Shokhenmayerpp.: 113–127 (15)More LessThe Travel Diary of N. Demidoff is a valuable source of observations of the process of penetration into Russian of foreign onomasticon because it is both written in view of its publication, thus respecting certain rules of language, and at the same time it is a travel diary, reflecting the peculiarities of the conversational speech of that time. The abundance of foreign proper names and other international words proves that the author does not adhere to the idea of linguistic purism and considers the foreign vocabulary as an opportunity to expand the representation in Russia of the overseas world. The process of linguistic interaction concerns various levels of the recipient language: phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, syntactic constructions. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the onomastic system is most permeable to the influence of foreign languages, since the proprial unit is matched with a new object and concept borrowed from another culture. This is the viewpoint, from which we will approach the analysis of proper nouns in the Travel Diary of N. Demidoff.
Les noms propres à travers 2 continents, 3 langues et 4 Pays Traduction des noms propres du roman Die Kuh auf dem Bast du docteur Lenard, auto-traduit en anglais puis en hongrois
Author(s): Zsuzsanna Vajdovicspp.: 129–143 (15)More LessThis paper proposes to analyse short excerpts of parallel texts and examine how a translation project, openly proclaimed to be target-oriented, implements adaptational strategies, even in its use of proper names, for each type of public targeted by the author-translator. The author, Alexander Lenard (1910-1972), is a doctor, poet, writer, Latinist, musician, polyglot, essayist and translator. His novel in German Kuh auf dem Bast (translated in English as The Valley of the Latin Bear), is an expression of his desire to build a bridge between two worlds in an intercultural context. It describes the life of a small Brazilian community as seen through the eyes of a refugee torn between his nostalgia of the European life he lost and the happiness of a rediscovered peace.
Conclusions de la Journée d’étude
Author(s): Freddie Plassardpp.: 145–154 (10)More LessProper names have long been considered untranslatable or not to be translated. The various examples analysed by the authors of the present Forum issue in the context of travel literature show that they are indeed translated according to different strategies. As part of discourse as opposed to language per se, proper names do convey meaning and their translation has also been subjected to translation norms over time, making it necessary for translation scholars and practitioners to combine their efforts nowadays.
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