Afro-Asiatic languages
1 - 20 of 106 results
Applied Linguistics in the Middle East and North Africa
Editor(s): Atta GebrilPublication Date July 2017
Be and Equational Sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
Author(s): Mohamed Sami AnwarPublication Date January 1979
Challenges for Arabic Machine Translation
Editor(s): Abdelhadi Soudi, Ali Farghaly, Günter Neumann and Rabih ZbibPublication Date August 2012
Corpus-based Studies of Lesser-described Languages
Editor(s): Amina Mettouchi, Martine Vanhove and Dominique CaubetPublication Date May 2015
Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics
Editor(s): Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon and Susan RothsteinPublication Date December 2008
Democracy in Contemporary Egyptian Political Discourse
Author(s): Michele Durocher DunnePublication Date September 2003
Development of Tense/Aspect in Semitic in the Context of Afro-Asiatic Languages
Author(s): Vit BubenikPublication Date April 2017
Die Anfänge der hebräischen Grammatik (1895), together with Die hebräische Sprachwissenschaft vom 10. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert (1892)
Author(s): Wilhelm BacherPublication Date January 1974