Linguistics of isolated languages
A Syntax of the Nivkh Language
Author(s): Vladimir P. Nedjalkov and Galina A. OtainaEditor(s): Ekaterina GruzdevaPublication Date September 2013
Classification Syntaxique des Constructions Adjectivales en Coréen
Author(s): Jeesun NamPublication Date October 1996
Investigating Language Isolates
Editor(s): Iker Salaberri, Dorota Krajewska, Ekaitz Santazilia and Eneko ZuloagaPublication Date January 2025
Korean Honorifics and Politeness in Second Language Learning
Author(s): Lucien BrownPublication Date April 2011
Syntaxe des verbes de mouvement en coréen contemporain
Author(s): Chai-Song HongPublication Date January 1985