401 - 500 of 979 results
Editor(s): William Chisholm, Louis T. Milic and John A.C. GreppinPublication Date January 1984
Intersubjectivity and Intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse
Editor(s): Lieselotte Brems, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de VeldePublication Date August 2014
Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance
Editor(s): Meghan E. Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar VanrellPublication Date March 2016
Investigations of the Syntax–Semantics–Pragmatics Interface
Editor(s): Robert D. Van Valin Jr.Publication Date November 2008
Italian Dialectology at the Interfaces
Editor(s): Silvio Cruschina, Adam Ledgeway and Eva-Maria RembergerPublication Date February 2019
Japanese Mood and Modality in Systemic Functional Linguistics
Editor(s): Ken-Ichi KadookaPublication Date March 2021
Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation
Author(s): Makoto HayashiPublication Date January 2003
Key Features and Parameters in Arabic Grammar
Author(s): Abdelkader Fassi FehriPublication Date February 2012
Knowledge of Reflexives in a Second Language
Author(s): Margaret ThomasPublication Date October 1993
Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters
Editor(s): Anahí Alba de la Fuente, Elena Valenzuela and Cristina Martínez SanzPublication Date December 2016
Language Acquisition Studies in Generative Grammar
Editor(s): Teun Hoekstra and Bonnie D. SchwartzPublication Date January 1994
Language Acquisition and the Form of the Grammar
Author(s): David LebeauxPublication Date October 2000
Language Change at the Interfaces
Editor(s): Nicholas Catasso, Marco Coniglio and Chiara De BastianiPublication Date April 2022
Language Processing and Grammars
Editor(s): Brian Nolan and Carlos Periñán-PascualPublication Date April 2014
Language Typology
Editor(s): Alice Caffarel-Cayron, J.R. Martin and Christian M.I.M. MatthiessenPublication Date December 2004
Layers and Levels of Representation in Language Theory
Editor(s): Jan Nuyts, A. Machtelt Bolkestein and Co VetPublication Date January 1990
Left Sentence Peripheries in Spanish
Editor(s): Andreas Dufter and Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y HuertaPublication Date July 2014
Les Périphrases Verbales
Editor(s): Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Nicole Le QuerlerPublication Date December 2005
Les verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol
Author(s): Béatrice LamiroyPublication Date January 1983
Lexical Polycategoriality
Editor(s): Valentina Vapnarsky and Edy VenezianoPublication Date October 2017
Lexical Specification and Insertion
Editor(s): Peter Coopmans, Martin B.H. Everaert and Jane GrimshawPublication Date June 2000
Lexical and Syntactical Constructions and the Construction of Meaning
Editor(s): Marjolijn H. Verspoor, Kee Dong Lee and Eve SweetserPublication Date June 1997
Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar
Editor(s): Christian Leclère, Éric Laporte, Mireille Piot and Max SilberzteinPublication Date July 2004
Linear Order and Generative Theory
Editor(s): Jürgen M. Meisel and Martin D. PamPublication Date January 1979
Linguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology
Editor(s): Luca Alfieri, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo RamatPublication Date July 2021
Linguistic Reconstruction and Indo-European Syntax
Editor(s): Paolo RamatPublication Date January 1980
Linguistic Theory and Empirical Evidence
Editor(s): Bob de Jonge and Yishai TobinPublication Date June 2011
Linguistic Theory and Grammatical Description
Editor(s): Flip G. Droste and John E. JosephPublication Date December 1991
Linguistic Theory and South Asian Languages
Editor(s): Josef Bayer, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and M.T. Hany BabuPublication Date May 2007
Linguistic Variation in the Shakespeare Corpus
Author(s): Ulrich BussePublication Date November 2002
Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics
Editor(s): Brian Nolan and Elke DiedrichsenPublication Date December 2013
Main Clause Phenomena
Editor(s): Lobke Aelbrecht, Liliane Haegeman and Rachel NyePublication Date June 2012
Mass and Count in Linguistics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science
Editor(s): Friederike MoltmannPublication Date December 2020
Materials on Left Dislocation
Editor(s): Elena Anagnostopoulou, Henk van Riemsdijk and Frans ZwartsPublication Date February 1997
Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Language
Editor(s): Carlos Martín-VidePublication Date October 1998
Meaning and Structure in Second Language Acquisition
Editor(s): Jacee Cho, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena ShimanskayaPublication Date September 2018
Meta-informative Centering in Utterances
Editor(s): André Włodarczyk and Hélène WłodarczykPublication Date December 2013
Metonymy and Metaphor in Grammar
Editor(s): Klaus-Uwe Panther, Linda L. Thornburg and Antonio BarcelonaPublication Date July 2009
Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses
Editor(s): Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Constanze FleczoreckPublication Date March 2023
Microparameters in the Grammar of Basque
Editor(s): Beatriz Fernández and Jon Ortiz de UrbinaPublication Date September 2016
Microparametric Syntax and Dialect Variation
Editor(s): James R. Black and Virginia MotapanyanePublication Date November 1996
Minimal Ideas
Editor(s): Werner Abraham, Samuel David Epstein, Höskuldur Thráinsson and C. Jan-Wouter ZwartPublication Date August 1996
Minimalism and Beyond
Editor(s): Peter Kosta, Steven L. Franks, Teodora Radeva-Bork and Lilia SchürcksPublication Date September 2014
Mobilizing Others
Editor(s): Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm, Emma Betz and Peter GolatoPublication Date May 2020
Modality and Diachronic Construction Grammar
Editor(s): Martin Hilpert, Bert Cappelle and Ilse DepraeterePublication Date October 2021
Modality in Grammar and Discourse
Editor(s): Joan L. Bybee and Suzanne FleischmanPublication Date August 1995
Mood in the Languages of Europe
Editor(s): Björn Rothstein and Rolf ThieroffPublication Date December 2010
Morpho-Syntactic Patterns in Spoken Korean English
Author(s): Sofia RüdigerPublication Date July 2019
Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries
Editor(s): Aslı Gürer, Dilek Uygun-Gökmen and Balkız ÖztürkPublication Date July 2020
Morphologically Derived Adjectives in Spanish
Author(s): Antonio FábregasPublication Date November 2020
Morphology and Meaning
Editor(s): Franz Rainer, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. DresslerPublication Date February 2014
Morphology and its demarcations
Editor(s): Wolfgang U. Dressler, Dieter Kastovsky, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and Franz RainerPublication Date July 2005
Morphosyntactic Categories and the Expression of Possession
Editor(s): Kersti Börjars, David Denison and Alan K. ScottPublication Date January 2013
Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon
Editor(s): Klaus-Uwe Panther and Günter RaddenPublication Date June 2011
Mots de liaison et d'intégration
Editor(s): Thierry Ponchon, Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Annie BertinPublication Date December 2017
Movement Theory of Control
Editor(s): Norbert Hornstein and Maria PolinskyPublication Date April 2010
Multimodal Communication from a Construction Grammar Perspective
Editor(s): Kiki Nikiforidou and Mirjam FriedPublication Date January 2025
Multiple Wh-Fronting
Editor(s): Cedric Boeckx and Kleanthes K. GrohmannPublication Date August 2003