Writing and literacy
51 - 86 of 86 results
Reading Comprehension in Educational Settings
Editor(s): José A. León and Inmaculada EscuderoPublication Date October 2017
Reading and Writing Public Documents
Editor(s): Daniël Janssen and Rob NeutelingsPublication Date February 2001
Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes
Editor(s): Rosa M. Manchón and Julio Roca de LariosPublication Date October 2023
Standard Alphabet for Reducing Unwritten Languages and Foreign Graphic Systems to a Uniform Orthography in European Letters (2nd rev.ed. London, 1863)
Author(s): Richard LepsiusEditor(s): J. Alan KempPublication Date January 1981
Students Writing in the University
Editor(s): Carys Jones, Joan Turner and Brian StreetPublication Date January 2000
Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing
Editor(s): Heidi Byrnes and Rosa M. ManchónPublication Date November 2014
Text and Technology
Editor(s): Mona Baker, Gill Francis and Elena Tognini-BonelliPublication Date June 1993
Textual Parameters in Older Languages
Editor(s): Susan C. Herring, Pieter van Reenen and Lene SchøslerPublication Date January 2001
The Art and Architecture of Academic Writing
Author(s): Patricia Prinz and Birna ArnbjörnsdóttirPublication Date August 2021
The Japanese Mental Lexicon
Author(s): Joseph F. Kess and Tadao MiyamotoPublication Date January 2000
The Linguistics of Literacy
Editor(s): Pamela A. Downing, Susan D. Lima and Michael NoonanPublication Date July 1992
The Social Uses of Literacy
Author(s): Brian StreetEditor(s): Mastin Prinsloo and Mignonne BreierPublication Date October 1996
Theories of Reading Development
Editor(s): Kate Cain, Donald L. Compton and Rauno K. ParrilaPublication Date August 2017
Tone Orthography and Literacy
Editor(s): David Roberts and Stephen L. WalterPublication Date July 2021
Towards a Critical Sociology of Reading Pedagogy
Editor(s): Carolyn Baker and Allan LukePublication Date June 1991
Untersuchungen zu den Gründungsdokumenten der färöischen Rechtschreibung
Author(s): Christer LindqvistPublication Date May 2018
Web Site Design is Communication Design
Author(s): Thea M. van der GeestPublication Date November 2001
Why Writing Matters
Editor(s): Awena Carter, Theresa Lillis and Sue ParkinPublication Date April 2009
Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences
Editor(s): Hye K. PaePublication Date July 2018
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Author(s): Insup Taylor and M. Martin TaylorPublication Date December 2014
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Author(s): Insup Taylor and Martin M. TaylorPublication Date December 1995
Writing in Nonstandard English
Editor(s): Irma Taavitsainen, Gunnel Melchers and Päivi PahtaPublication Date February 2000