English literature & literary studies
1 - 20 of 22 results
A Corpus Linguistic Approach to Literary Language and Characterization
Author(s): Giuseppina BalossiPublication Date June 2014
A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama
Author(s): Vivian Salmon and Edwina BurnessPublication Date January 1987
European Shakespeares. Translating Shakespeare in the Romantic Age
Editor(s): Dirk Delabastita and Lieven D’hulstPublication Date March 1993
Experimentalism as Reciprocal Communication in Contemporary American Poetry
Author(s): Elina SiltanenPublication Date October 2016
Keats, Poe, and the Shaping of Cortazar's Mythopoesis
Author(s): Ana Hernandez Del CastilloPublication Date January 1981
Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English
Editor(s): Andreas H. Jucker and Irma TaavitsainenPublication Date August 2020
Othello in European Culture
Editor(s): Elena Bandín Fuertes, Francesca Rayner and Laura Campillo ArnaizPublication Date May 2022
Romeo and Juliet in European Culture
Editor(s): Juan F. Cerdá, Dirk Delabastita and Keith GregorPublication Date December 2017
Singapore and Malaysia
Author(s): John Platt, Heidi Weber and Mian Lian HoPublication Date January 1983
The Black American Short Story in the 20th Century
Editor(s): Peter BruckPublication Date January 1977
The Languages of Joyce
Editor(s): Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli, Carla Marengo and Christine van BoheemenPublication Date November 1992
The Virtues of Language
Editor(s): Dieter Stein and Rosanna SornicolaPublication Date September 1998