Literature & Literary Studies
61 - 80 of 319 results
Del manuscrit a la paraula digital / From Manuscript to Digital Word
Editor(s): Manuel Pérez Saldanya and Rafael Roca RicartPublication Date September 2018
Die Wende von der Aufklärung zur Romantik 1760–1820
Editor(s): Horst Albert Glaser and György M. VajdaPublication Date December 2001
Dimensions of Iconicity
Editor(s): Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina LjungbergPublication Date September 2017
Directions in Sign Language Acquisition
Editor(s): Gary Morgan and Bencie WollPublication Date June 2002
Discourses on the Edges of Life
Editor(s): Vicent Salvador, Adéla Kotátková and Ignasi ClementePublication Date April 2020
Discurso retórico y mundo pastoral en la 'Égloga segunda' de Garcilaso
Author(s): Inés AzarPublication Date January 1981
Dutch Literature in the Age of Rembrandt
Author(s): Maria A. SchenkeveldPublication Date January 1991
El metateatro y la dramática de Vargas Llosa
Author(s): Oscar Rivera-RodasPublication Date December 1992
Emotion in Texts for Children and Young Adults
Editor(s): Karen Coats and Gretchen PapazianPublication Date January 2023
Estudis lingüístics i culturals sobre Curial e Güelfa
Editor(s): Antoni FerrandoPublication Date December 2012
European Shakespeares. Translating Shakespeare in the Romantic Age
Editor(s): Dirk Delabastita and Lieven D’hulstPublication Date March 1993
European-language Writing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Editor(s): Albert S. GérardPublication Date January 1986
Experiencing Fictional Worlds
Editor(s): Benedict Neurohr and Lizzie Stewart-ShawPublication Date February 2019
Experimentalism as Reciprocal Communication in Contemporary American Poetry
Author(s): Elina SiltanenPublication Date October 2016