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Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages
This series contains critical studies, editions, and translations pertaining to all aspects of Romance languages and literature. Series discontinued after vol. 42.
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André Breton
Author(s): John MatthewsPublication Date January 1986More LessBreton's stature is much greater than that of a number of contemporaries who have received, already, far more attention from the critics than he. It provides justification without excuse, especially when the commentator's purpose is to shed light on the intricacies of Breton's mind, the significance of his original work, or the impact of his ideas on twentieth-century culture. Hence the aim pursued in the present study may be stated without further preamble: To attempt to broaden understanding of the evolution of André Breton's thinking during a critical period in his life, the one which brought him to leadership of the surrealist movement in France. Evidently, the focus here is narrow, the goal being to give clearer definition to the intellectual state of a young man emerging from doubt—and so from self-doubt—into renewed confidence in his poetic calling.
Antigüedad y actualidad de Luis Vélez de Guevara
Editor(s): C. George PealePublication Date January 1983More LessEsta colección de estudios críticos se ha compilado con el propósito de revalorar al genial comediógrafo del siglo XVII, Luis Vélez de Guevara (1579-1644), y, posiblemente, restablecerlo como figura de importancia en la historia del teatro español.
Aspects of Góngora's 'Soledades'
Author(s): John R. BeverleyPublication Date January 1980More LessThis study of Góngora’s Soledades is intended to summarize and discuss some of the problems which seemed important for a better understanding of these poems. Special attention is paid to the two opposing ‘camps’ that developed over time; one mainly focussing on the form and the other on the content of Soledades. In this volume the authors tries to integrate the methods and results of both of the ‘camps’.
Calderón y el Barroco
Author(s): María Alicia Amadei-PulicePublication Date January 1990More LessAmadei-Pulice examines the conflict between Lope's dramatic formula (comedia) and the new polytechnic formula that in the hands of Calderon merged dramatic poetry with visual and auditory effects (comedia de teatro). The author places the Spanish baroque theater within the wider context of a revolution in the theory of representation, signs, and meanings that took place at the beginning of the seventeenth century and marked the appearance of a new dramatic style: the stile rappresentativo. Special attention is given to the techniques and applications of perspectival scenery, stagecraft, optics, and the creation of visual and sound effects contributed by the Florentine melodramma. The highlighting of Italian dramatic theory and practice reveals that Calderon was an innovator and creator of a new concept in theater.
Chanson d'Antioche, chanson de geste
Author(s): Robert Francis CookPublication Date January 1980More LessSelon une dynamique évidente mais, apparemment, irrésistible, les textes médiévaux mal connus tendent à le rester, et leur obscurité à se justifier d'elle-même. La raison immédiate en est, cette fois, une répétition régulière d'une très vieille hypothèse, jamais vérifiée, sur la nature de la Chanson d'Antioche. La présente étude vise en premier lieu à briser, au profit d'une littérature parfois incroyablement méconnue, le cercle vicieux des écrits de seconde main; elle peut aussi, à l'occasion, servir l'étude du processus d'obscurcissement lui-même. Nous nous efforçons donc de répondre ici à une double question historique et critique. Comment se fait-il qu'on entend parler si peu—et si méchamment—d'un cycle épique majeur et unifié, celui de la Croisade? Quelle est l'origine du topos critique qui assigne à ce Cycle un rang inférieur aux autres, quelquefois en le rejetant totalement hors du genre épique? Car nous avons affaire à un topos, dont il s'agit de bien mesurer l'étendue.
Le Cid: Tragi-comédie
Author(s): Pierre CorneilleEditor(s): Milorad R. MargitićPublication Date January 1989More LessMargitic's critical edition of Pierre Corneille's Le Cid (1637) provides scholar and student with a complete, accurate resource for the study of this famous play. The original text is reproduced, with subsequent variants indicated in footnotes. The book begins with an introduction which examines the play's genesis, sources, successive modifications, critical reception, and stage fortune as well as thematic and dramatic structure, and concludes with a bibliography. Three appendices contain texts contemporary with Le Cid which comment on the work. The first two include Corneille's comments on his masterpiece and his list of Spanish sources (accompanied by French translations). The final appendix presents a selection of particularly important documents that formed part of the Querelle du Cid. All the texts are amply but not excessively annotated. A comprehensive glossary follows the appendices.
Discurso retórico y mundo pastoral en la 'Égloga segunda' de Garcilaso
Author(s): Inés AzarPublication Date January 1981More LessLa Egloga II propone el caos, lo diverso, el error, y también la posibilidad de orden. Sólo en el contexto de una especie literaria flexible y multiforme — la pastoral — y de una forma de expresión proteica — el discurso — esa vasta tarea de conciliación era posible. Discurso y pastoral constituyen el ámbito dialéctico de esa armonía discorde que la Egloga II consigue por medio de un enciclopédico esfuerzo humanístico.
El metateatro y la dramática de Vargas Llosa
Author(s): Oscar Rivera-RodasPublication Date December 1992More LessRivera-Rodas proposes a new concept about what he calls the poetics of the theatrical reception. The discussion of this phenomenon, which also deals with meta theater, focuses on the dramatic work of Mario Vargas Llosa. Examination of the complex relationships of contemporary dramatic structures provides a new definition of meta theater and its effects on the public. Meta theater is shown as a semiotic result not theatrically representable, since it takes place only in the spectator's perceptible experience. Therefore, it does not exist prior to the theatrical or reading reception, nor is it present in the staging. Instead, meta theater results from interaction among reader, text, and performance.
En Nombre de Don Juan
Author(s): Carlos FealPublication Date January 1984More LessAñadir uno más a los múltiples estudios sobre don Juan quizá parezca tarea innecesaria o vanidosa. A veces pienso que don Juan, junto a su lista de mujeres seducidas, pudiera presentar otra, más larga si cabe, de críticos seducidos por sus andanzas. Mas no sobre don Juan sólo. Pues las figuras que rondan en torno suyo, singularmente las mujeres y el Comendador, lo determinan de tal modo que sin ellas se volatizaría. Don Juan es un mito y, como tal, un objeto de fantasia o deseo, no ya del autor o del lector, sino de aquellos otros personajes que con él se rozan. Aparente protagonista, su existencia se subordina a la de los seres cuyo vacío figurativamente llena o cuyo deseo frustra, según se prefiera mirarlo. Mi estudio, aunque comprenda literaturas foráneas, se centra en la literatura española.
Estructura del Martín Fierro
Author(s): Carlos Albarracín-SarmientoPublication Date January 1982More LessLo que ante todo me propongo es compartir una lectura actual del ya centenario Martín Fierro, una lectura conforme a vigentes concepciones de la naturaleza y función de la lengua literaria. Pretendo mostrar cómo se presenta hoy el poema de José Hernández a lectores entrenados en la lectura de ficciones. Luego, y en reconocimiento de la relatividad de esta lectura pretensamente fiel al texto, refiero a la acogida que él tuvo en Argentina durante sus primeros cincuenta años.
The Fabliaux
Author(s): Mary Jane Stearns SchenckPublication Date January 1987More LessThis is an interesting book that provides a sane analysis of the relation between form and meaning in the fabliaux. It will henceforth be standard reading for those dealing with what nevertheless remains one of the most problematic genres of Old French Literature for the modern scholar.Keith Busby, Speculum — A Journal of Medieval Studies, Jan. 1990
Figures of the Text
Author(s): Michael VincentPublication Date January 1992More LessThe works of Jean de La Fontaine have invited an extraordinary variety of readings in the three centuries since their composition. By engaging selected fables and tales with contemporary notions of intertextuality, reader reception theory, and grammatology, Figures of the Text raises questions about what “reading La Fontaine” meant in the 17th century, and what it means today. The study integrates a theory of reading and a theory of textual production by drawing attention to those aspects of the text that figure writing and reading, for instance: scenes of reading; other modes of writing (emblems, hieroglyphics); inscriptions and epitaphs; proper names; and citation (proverbs, maxims, allusions); the relation of represented orality to textuality, of textuality to corporeality, and of textuality to the visual arts (ekphrasis); and the archaeology of textual figures, such as labyrinths, textiles, and veils.
The Films of Alain Robbe-Grillet
Author(s): Roy ArmesPublication Date January 1981More LessAlain Robbe-Grillet (1922 –2008) was a French writer and filmmaker. His first involvement with the cinema was in the early 1960’s; scripting one of the most controversial films of the decade, L’Année dernière à Marienbad , directed by Alain Resnais.
In this study the focus lies on the cinema of Robbe-Grillet . Each chapters deals with a specific film and a specific aspect of his work.
Flaubert's Straight and Suspect Saints
Author(s): Aimee Israel-PelletierPublication Date November 1991More LessIsrael Pelletier argues that Trois contes demands a different kind of reading which distinguishes it from Madame Bovary and other Flaubert texts. By the time he wrote this late work, Flaubert's attitude toward his characters and the role of fiction had changed to accommodate different social, political, and literary pressures. He constructed two opposing levels of meaning for each of the stories, straight and ironic, which produced a more fruitful way of addressing some of his concerns and assumptions about langauge and illusion. Included in this study are a provocative feminist reading of Un Coeur, an assessment of Saint Julien as Flaubert's attempt to come to terms with his originality as a writer, and an interpretation of Hérodias as an autobiography of the writing process.
Le 'Galien' de Cheltenham
Editor(s): David M. Dougherty and Eugene B. BarnesPublication Date January 1981More LessLe manuscrit 26092 de la célèbre collection de Cheltenham comprend les ouvrages suivants, dont les quatre premiers sont en vers et le cinquième en prose: 1) Hernaut de Beaulande, 2) Renier de Gennes, 3) Girart de Vienne, 4) Galien, 5) La Chronique de Saint-Denis. Une édition critique du quatrième élément est offerte dans le présent volume.
Gender and Representation
Author(s): Lou Charnon-DeutschPublication Date January 1990More LessApplying recent European and Anglo-American feminist scholarship to the problems of gender representation, Charnon-Deutsch challenges the prevailing idea that the 19th-century Spanish novel is woman centered. The author's examination of novels by Valera, Pereda, Alas, and Galdos demonstrates that these works are instead a complex exploration of male identity. Decoding the gender ideology of women's roles, discourse, and representations, Charnon-Deutsch uncovers in the novels multiple configurations of androcentricity as well as voyeuristic tendencies, which she interprets as a means of mastering what is threatening to the male psyche.
'Germinal' and Zola's Philosophical and Religious Thought
Author(s): Philip WalkerPublication Date January 1984More Less
Gustave Flaubert, critique
Author(s): Claire-Lise TondeurPublication Date January 1984More LessMon propos est d'interroger cette Correspondance pour mettre en évidence les structures qui sous-tendent l'oeuvre critique de Flaubert. Bien que celui-ci rêve toute sa vie d'écrire des ouvrages critiques qui seraient à l'écoute de l'oeuvre, il n'en rédige aucun. La Correspondance, par contre, fourmille de commentaires sur d'autres écrivains, particulièrement sur ceux du XIXe siècle. L'opinion qu'il exprime à leur propos est plus révélatrice; car elle est moins soumise aux goûts et aux normes imposés par l'éducation qu'il les ait intégrés ou non. Ces commentaires sont la seule critique qu'il ait jamais écrite. On y trouve rarement des jugements littéraires en tant que tels, mais plutôt des réactions de tempérament utilisant un langage très personnel. Une lecture minutieuse de la Correspondance permet de déchiffrer ce langage métaphorique.
History in the Text 'Quatrevingt-Treize' and the French Revolution
Author(s): Sandy PetreyPublication Date January 1980More LessThe title of this study “History in the text” is an oxymoronic phrase, and by this, the main focus of the book is clear immediately. On the other hand, there still remains the question to what extent text and history are comparable. The author of this volume tries to answer this by discussing the famous novel of Victor Hugo Quatrevingt-Treize against the background of the French Revolution.