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Studies in Corpus Linguistics
<p>SCL focuses on the use of corpora throughout language study, the development of a quantitative approach to linguistics, the design and use of new tools for processing language texts, and the theoretical implications of a data-rich discipline. </p>
1 - 20 of 121 results
Academic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish
Editor(s): Giovanni ParodiPublication Date May 2010More LessThis volume offers a description and a deep examination of discourse genres across four disciplines (Psychology, Social Work, Industrial Chemistry, and Construction Engineering), in academic and professional settings. The study is based on one of the largest available corpus on disciplinary written discourse in Spanish (PUCV-2006 Corpus of Spanish containing almost 60 million words). Twelve chapters range from the theoretical guiding principles of the research in terms of genre conception, the detailed description of each corpus (academic and professional), computational analysis from multi-dimensional perspectives, and the qualitative analysis of two specialized genres (University Textbook and Disciplinary Text) in terms of their rhetorical macro-moves and moves. Theoretically speaking, a multi-dimensional perspective (social, linguistic and cognitive) is emphasized and special attention to the cognitive nature of discourse genres is supported.
The Academic Discourse of Mechanical Engineering
Author(s): Thi Ngoc Phuong Le, Minh Man Pham and Michael BarlowPublication Date March 2023More LessThis volume examines rhetorical conventions employed in mechanical engineering research to understand the knowledge-making principles of the discipline, as well as their expression within the research article. In particular, the study analyses the organisational patterns of mechanical engineering research articles using Swales’s conceptualisation of moves and steps. In addition, the research identifies the phraseology associated with specific moves and steps. The study draws on a corpus of 120 mechanical engineering research articles, equally distributed across two sub-disciplines (mechanical systems and thermal-fluids engineering), three research traditions (experimental, theoretical and mixed methods), and two publication periods (2002–2006 and 2012–2016). It adopts an integrated methodology, intertwining various approaches and perspectives including corpus linguistics, move analysis, discourse analysis and interviews to address two main strands of research enquiry: (i) What are the properties of the rhetorical structures in terms of range, frequency, and length for each section of mechanical engineering research articles? (ii) What effect does sub-discipline, research tradition and publication date have on the rhetorical structure of research articles?
Adjective Complementation
Author(s): Ilka MindtPublication Date May 2011More LessThis is the first empirical study to focus on adjectives complemented by that-clauses. The in-depth analysis of more than 50,000 cases taken from the British National Corpus gives comprehensive insights into hitherto neglected relations of lexis and grammar. The result of this corpus-driven study is a novel classification of adjectives based on co-occurrence patterns and corroborated with the help of statistical means. The inductive analysis of corpus data offers new perspectives on and innovative descriptions of well-known phenomena of English grammar, such as extraposition or the resultative construction so…that. It is based on a new methodological approach, which looks at mutual relations of both lexis and grammar in unprecedented ways.
Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics
Editor(s): Karin Aijmer and Bengt AltenbergPublication Date March 2013More LessContrastive studies have experienced a dramatic revival in the last decades. By combining the methodological advantages of computer corpus linguistics and the possibility of contrasting texts in two or more languages, the structure and use of languages can be explored with greater accuracy, detail and empirical strength than before. The approach has also proved to have fruitful practical applications in a number of areas such as language teaching, lexicography, translation studies and computer-aided translation. This volume contains twelve studies comparing linguistic phenomena in English and seven other languages. The topics range from comparisons of specific lexical categories and word combinations to syntactic constructions and discourse phenomena such as cohesion and thematic structure. The studies highlight similarities and differences in the use, semantics and functions of the compared items, as well as the emergence of new meanings and language change. The emphasis varies from purely linguistic studies to those focusing on practical applications.
Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing
Editor(s): Ute Römer, Viviana Cortes and Eric FriginalPublication Date February 2020More LessThis volume showcases some of the latest research on academic writing by leading and up-and-coming corpus linguists. The studies included in the volume are based on a wide range of corpora spanning first and second language academic writing at different levels of writing expertise, containing texts from a variety of academic disciplines (and sub-disciplines) and of different academic registers. Particularly novel aspects of the collection are the inclusion of research that combines rhetorical moves with multi-dimensional analysis, studies that cover both fixed and variable phraseological items (lexical bundles, phrase-frames, constructions), and work that is based on corpora of English as an academic lingua franca. Going beyond merely summarizing their findings, the authors also discuss what their research means for academic writing practice and pedagogical settings. The volume will be of interest to researchers, students, and teachers who would like to expand their knowledge of how academic writing functions and what it looks like in a variety of contexts.
Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics
Editor(s): Ella WehrmeyerPublication Date April 2023More LessThis collected volume showcases cutting-edge research in the rapidly developing area of sign language corpus linguistics in various sign language contexts across the globe. Each chapter provides a detailed account of particular national corpora and methodological considerations in their construction. Part 1 focuses on corpus-based linguistic findings, covering aspects of morphology, syntax, multilingualism, and regional and diachronic variation. Part 2 explores innovative solutions to challenges in building and annotating sign language corpora, touching on the construction of comparable sign language corpora, collaboration challenges at the national level, phonological arrangement of digital lexicons, and (semi-)automatic annotation. This unique volume documenting the growth in breadth and depth within the discipline of sign language corpus linguistics is a key resource for researchers, teachers, and postgraduate students in the field of sign language linguistics, and will also provide valuable insights for other researchers interested in corpus linguistics, Construction Grammar, and gesture studies.
Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics
Editor(s): Joanna Kopaczyk and Jukka TyrkköPublication Date March 2018More LessThe use of corpora has conventionally been envisioned as being either corpus-based or corpus-driven. While the formal definition of the latter term has been widely accepted since it was established by Tognini-Bonelli (2001), it is often applied to studies that do not, in fact, fullfil the fundamental requirement of a theory-neutral starting point. This volume proposes the term pattern-driven as a more precise alternative. The chapters illustrate a variety of methods that fall under this broad methodology, such as the extraction of lexical bundles, POS-grams and semantic frames, and demonstrate how these approaches can uncover new understandings of both synchronic and diachronic linguistic phenomena.
Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data
Editor(s): Ana Díaz-Negrillo, Nicolas Ballier and Paul ThompsonPublication Date December 2013More LessThis book is a critical appraisal of recent developments in corpus linguistics for the analysis of written and spoken learner data. The twelve papers cover an introductory critical appraisal of learner corpus data compilation and development (section 1); issues in data compilation, annotation and exchangeability (section 2); automatic approaches to data identification and analysis (section 3); and analysis of learner corpus data in the light of recent models of data analysis and interpretation, especially recent automatic approaches for the identification of learner language features (section 4). This collection is aimed at students and researchers of corpus linguistics, second language acquisition studies and quantitative linguistics. It will significantly advance learner corpus research in terms of methodological innovation and will fill in an important gap in the development of multidisciplinary approaches (for learner corpus studies).
Beyond Concordance Lines
Editor(s): Pascual Pérez-Paredes and Geraldine MarkPublication Date December 2021More LessIn over 30 years of data-driven learning (DDL) research, there has been a growing sophistication in the ways we collect, analyse, and put corpus data to use. This volume takes a three-fold perspective on DDL. It first looks at DDL and its role in informing language learning theory and how it might shed light on the language development process; secondly it addresses how DDL can help us characterise learner language and inform teaching accordingly, and thirdly it showcases practical applications for the use of DDL in classrooms. The contributors to this volume examine a variety of instructional settings and languages across the world. They reflect on theoretical, methodological and classroom implications using both novel and established language learning theories, natural language processing (NLP), longitudinal research designs, and a variety of language learning targets. The present volume is an invitation from some of the leading researchers in DDL to reflect on the research avenues that will define the field in the coming years.
Biomedical English
Editor(s): Isabel Verdaguer, Natalia Judith Laso and Danica SalazarPublication Date June 2013More LessThe corpus-based studies in this volume explore biomedical research writing in English from a variety of perspectives. The articles in this collection delve into the lexicographic issues involved in building an electronic database of collocations and lexical bundles, offer insight on the teaching and learning of prototypical multiword units of meaning in biomedical discourse, and view written scientific English through the lens of such diverse fields as phraseology, metaphor, gender and discourse analysis. The research presented in this book forms the theoretical and methodological foundation of SciE-Lex, a lexical database of collocations and prefabricated expressions designed to help scientists write scientific papers in English accurately. The concluding chapter on FrameNet addresses frame semantics, whose application to the cross-linguistic study of scientific language will open new and promising avenues of research in the study of specialized languages.
Broadening the Spectrum of Corpus Linguistics
Editor(s): Susanne Flach and Martin HilpertPublication Date November 2022More LessThis volume presents a snapshot of the current state of the art of research in English corpus linguistics. It contains selected papers from the 40th ICAME conference in 2019 and features contributions from experts in synchronic, diachronic, and contrastive linguistics, as well as in sociolinguistics, phonetics, discourse analysis, and learner language. The volume showcases the particular strengths of research in the ICAME tradition. The papers in this volume offer new insights from the reanalysis of new data types, methodological refinements and advancements of quantitative analysis, and from taking new perspectives on ongoing debates in their respective fields.
Building and Using the Siarad Corpus
Author(s): Margaret Deuchar, Peredur Webb-Davies and Kevin DonnellyPublication Date May 2018More LessThis book is a research monograph divided into two parts. The first part describes the methods used to build the first sizeable corpus of informal conversational data collected from bilingual speakers of Welsh and English: Siarad. The second part describes the linguistic analysis of data from this corpus (available at bangortalk.org.uk). The information in Part One will be useful as a ‘how to’ manual on building a bilingual spoken corpus, including methods of data collection, transcription, glossing and analysis. The findings reported in Part Two throw new light on the debate regarding code-switching vs. borrowing, the application of the Matrix Language Framework (MLF) to the grammar of Welsh-English code-switching, the extralinguistic factors influencing variation in quantity of code-switching, and the extent to which the grammar of Welsh is changing in contact with English. Additional findings by other researchers using the corpus are also reported, and possible future directions are discussed.
Editor(s): Emanuela Cresti and Massimo MonegliaPublication Date May 2005More LessThe C-ORAL-ROM book and DVD provide a unique set of comparable corpora of spontaneous speech for the main Romance languages, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The corpora are accompanied by comparative linguistic studies, models and standard linguistic measures of spoken language variability. Each corpus is built to the same design using identical sampling techniques, and each corpus is presented in multimedia format, allowing simultaneous access to aligned acoustic and textual information. Texts are headed with information about provenance, participants, etc. and the transcriptions show changes of speaker. Speech acts are tagged according to the evidence of prosodic criteria. Each corpus totals 300,000 words and presents formal and informal speech in a variety of contexts of use, dialogue structure and text genres, semantic domains and speech act typologies. The corpora have great statistical relevance for spoken language structures and can address key issues in human language technology such as speech recognition in unrestricted discourse, the suitability of speech synthesis in natural prosody, and multilingual applications of the spoken language interface. The work provides new data and innovative theoretical perspectives that are relevant for corpus linguistics, romance linguistics, syntactic theory, speech and prosody research, and second language acquisition.
The original C-ORAL-ROM DVD was made to run under Windows XP when Windows 7 and 8 were not yet in existence. A new version of WINPITCH-C-ORAL-ROM makes it possible to run the C-ORAL-ROM DVD under Windows 7 and 8. It can be downloaded from www.winpitch.com/
Challenges in Corpus Linguistics
Editor(s): Mark Kaunisto and Marco SchilkPublication Date September 2024More LessThis book contributes to the discussion of challenges faced in different areas of corpus linguistics, namely the compilation, annotation, and analysis of linguistic corpora. In a field of growing corpus sizes and expanding possibilities of gathering data, some old issues persist, while at the same time new problems have emerged. As the compilation and study of language corpora gets increasingly sophisticated and complex, continuous attention on ways of dealing with the data in question and challenges in text selection and interpretation is needed. The contributions to this volume address problems relating to a variety of areas in corpus linguistic study, including corpus annotation, data variability, learner language, social media texts, and database utilization. The authors provide critical overviews and research-based analyses, discuss the nature of some of the common pitfalls, and offer solutions to existing problems.
Collocations in a Learner Corpus
Author(s): Nadja NesselhaufPublication Date January 2005More LessCollocations are both pervasive in language and difficult for language learners, even at an advanced level. In this book, these difficulties are for the first time comprehensively investigated. On the basis of a learner corpus, idiosyncratic collocation use by learners is uncovered, the building material of learner collocations examined, and the factors that contribute to the difficulty of certain groups of collocations identified. An extensive discussion of the implications of the results for the foreign language classroom is also presented, and the contentious issue of the relation of corpus linguistic research and language teaching is thus extended to learner corpus analysis.
Colouring Meaning
Author(s): Gill PhilipPublication Date February 2011More LessPrimarily focused on idioms and other figurative phraseology, Colouring Meaning describes how the meanings of established phrases are enhanced, refocused and modified in everyday language use. Unlike many studies of creativity in language, this book-length survey addresses the matter at several levels, from the purely linguistic level of collocation, through its abstractions in colligation and semantic preference, to semantic prosody and connotation. This journey through both linguistic and cognitive levels involves the examination of habitual language and its exploitations, both mundane and colourful, explaining the phenomena observed in terms of current psycholinguistic research as well as corpus linguistics theory and analysis. The relationships between meaning in text and meaning in the mind are discussed at length and extensively illustrated with worked case studies to offer the reader a comprehensive overview of metaphorical and other secondary meanings as they emerge in real-world communicative situations.
Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research
Editor(s): Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska and Sandra GötzPublication Date December 2022More LessThis volume illustrates the high potential of learner corpus investigations for research into the CAF triad by presenting eleven original learner corpus-based studies which are set within solid theoretical frameworks, examine learner corpora with state-of-the-art analytical techniques and yield highly interesting findings. The volume’s major strength lies in the range of issues it undertakes and in its interdisciplinary thematic novelty. The chapters collectively address all three dimensions of L2 performance related to different linguistic subsystems (i.e. lexical, phraseological and grammatical complexity and accuracy, along with fluency) as well as the interactions among these constructs. The studies are based on data drawn from carefully compiled learner corpora which are analysed with the help of diverse corpus-based methods. The theoretical discussions and the empirical results shall contribute to the advancement of the fields of SLA and writing and speech research and shall inspire further investigations in the area of the CAF triad.
Conjunctive Markers of Contrast in English and French
Author(s): Maïté DupontPublication Date June 2021More LessSituated at the interface between corpus linguistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics, this volume focuses on conjunctive markers expressing contrast in English and French. The frequency and placement patterns of the markers are analysed using large corpora of texts from two written registers: newspaper editorials and research articles. The corpus study revisits the long-standing but largely unsubstantiated claim that French requires more explicit markers of cohesive conjunction than English and shows that the opposite is in fact the case. Novel insights into the placement preferences of English and French conjunctive markers are provided by a new approach to theme and rheme that attaches more importance to the rheme than previous studies. The study demonstrates the significant benefits of a combined corpus and Systemic Functional Linguistics approach to the cross-linguistic analysis of cohesion.
Corpora and Discourse
Editor(s): Annelie Ädel and Randi ReppenPublication Date June 2008More LessThis book brings together contributions from a diverse collection of scholars who explore different ways of combining corpus linguistics and discourse analysis, studying discourse at the prosodic, lexical, and textual levels. Both spoken and written discourse are investigated in a variety of settings, including academia, the workplace, news, and entertainment. Not only does the volume offer a rich sample of English-language discourse from around the world, including international, learner, and non-standard varieties of English, but it also covers a range of topics and methods. This book will be of particular interest to researchers and students specializing in discourse studies, English linguistics, and corpus linguistics.
Corpora and Language Learners
Editor(s): Guy Aston, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic StewartPublication Date November 2004More LessCorpus-aided language pedagogy is one of the central application areas of corpus methodologies, and a test bed for theories of language and learning. This volume provides an overview of current trends, offering methodological and theoretical position statements along with results from empirical studies. The relationship between corpora and learning is examined from complementary perspectives — the study of learner language, the didactic use of corpus findings, and the interaction between corpora and their users. Reflections on current theory and technology open and close the volume.With its focus on the learner and the learning setting, Corpora and Language Learners is addressed to corpus linguists with an interest in learner language, applied linguists wishing to expand their understanding of corpora and their pedagogic potential, and language teachers wishing to critically assess the relevance of work in this field.
This volume grew out of selected presentations at the 5th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in Bertinoro, Italy.