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AILA Applied Linguistics Series
The AILA Applied Linguistics Series (AALS) provides a forum for established scholars in any area of Applied Linguistics. The series aims at representing the field in its diversity. It covers different topics in applied linguistics from a multidisciplinary approach and it aims at including different theoretical and methodological perspectives. As an official publication of AILA the series will include contributors from different geographical and linguistic backgrounds. The volumes in the series should be of high quality, they should break new ground and stimulate further research in Applied Linguistics.
1 - 20 of 21 results
Applied Linguistics in the Middle East and North Africa
Editor(s): Atta GebrilPublication Date July 2017More LessThis volume offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of applied research efforts in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This region has not received due attention in the literature and this publication provides a much-needed contribution to the existing body of knowledge. The editor recruited a number of renowned scholars who either work in the MENA countries or have experience doing research in this region to contribute to this project. The selection of chapters ensured representation of applied linguistics efforts in North Africa, the Levant, and the Gulf. The book looks into language research within social and educational MENA contexts. The final part of the book provides a forward-looking perspective about applied linguistics research and practices in the Middle East and North Africa. The book is primarily written for those interested in applied linguistics, particularly researchers, graduate students, and language professionals in the MNEA region.
Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Editor(s): María del Pilar García Mayo, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado and María Martínez-AdriánPublication Date February 2013More LessSecond language acquisition (SLA) is a field of inquiry that has increased in importance since the 1960s. Currently, researchers adopt multiple perspectives in the analysis of learner language, all of them providing different but complementary answers to the understanding of oral and written data produced by young and older learners in different settings. The main goal of this volume is to provide the reader with updated reviews of the major contemporary approaches to SLA, the research carried out within them and, wherever appropriate, the implications and/or applications for theory, research and pedagogy that might derive from the available empirical evidence. The book is intended for SLA researchers as well as for graduate (MA, Ph.D.) students in SLA research, applied linguistics and linguistics, as the different chapters will be a guide in their research within the approaches presented. The volume will also be of interest to professionals from other fields interested in the SLA process and the different explanations that have been put forward to account for it.
Recipient of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics 2014 Book Award.
Digital Social Reading and Second Language Learning and Teaching
Editor(s): Joshua J. Thoms and Kristen MichelsonPublication Date October 2024More LessRapid changes in communication channels, tools, and conventions of interaction over the last two decades have paved the way for increasingly digital learning environments. In second language (L2) education, shifts toward digital learning and teaching were intensified during the pandemic and many such formats are here to stay. At the same time, a growing interest in socially oriented pedagogies in L2 learning and teaching is prompting many L2 researchers and practitioners to investigate new research areas and explore post-communicative language teaching pedagogies that engage learners more deeply with cultural texts, using a range of semiotic and linguistic resources. Digital Social Reading (DSR) is a pedagogical approach that affords technology-mediated collaborative reading, where texts are read through a digital platform that allows two or more readers to highlight the same virtual copy of a text and discuss it through a digital interface that affords synchronous or asynchronous margin dialogues anchored in specific passages. This book offers empirical studies demonstrating how DSR can foster–and illuminate–learner interactions that mediate learning, and also work that focuses on language teaching perspectives in DSR environments, including task design and assessment issues.
Dimensions of Forensic Linguistics
Editor(s): John Gibbons and M. Teresa TurellPublication Date November 2008More LessThis volume functions as a guide to the multidisciplinary nature of Forensic Linguistics understood in its broadest sense as the interface between language and the law. It seeks to address the links in this relatively young field between theory, method and data, without neglecting the need for new research questions in the field. Perhaps the most striking feature of this collection is its range, strikingly illustrating the multi-dimensionality of Forensic Linguistics. All of the contributions share a preoccupation with the painstaking linguistic work involved, using and interpreting data in a restrained and reasoned way.
English in Europe Today
Editor(s): Annick De Houwer and Antje WiltonPublication Date January 2011More LessThis volume discusses several facets of English in today's multilingual Europe. It emphasizes the interdependence between cultures, languages and situations that influence its use. This interdependence is particularly relevant to European settings where English is being learned as a second language. Such learning situations constitute the core focus of the book. The volume is unique in bringing together empirical studies examining factors that promote the learning of English in Europe. Rather than assuming that English is a threat to linguistic diversity and cultural independence, these studies discuss psycholinguistic factors such as the input, and sociolinguistic factors such as the type of English that is targeted in learning. The contributing authors are well-established specialists who have worked on multilingualism, English as a Lingua Franca and second language acquisition.
The book will be of interest to applied linguists, sociolinguists and teachers of English as a foreign language.
English Pronunciation Instruction
Editor(s): Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, Alice Henderson and Jonás Fouz-GonzálezPublication Date October 2021More LessEnglish Pronunciation Instruction: Research-based insights presents recent research on L2 English pronunciation including pedagogical implications and applications, and seeks to bridge the gulf between pronunciation research and teaching practice. The volume’s 15 chapters cover a range of aspects that are central to pronunciation teaching, including the teaching of different segmental and suprasegmental features, teachers’ and learners’ views and practices, types and sources of learners’ errors, feedback and assessment, tools and strategies for pronunciation instruction, reactions towards accented speech, as well as the connection between research and teaching. Chapters offer a fully developed section on pedagogical implications with insightful suggestions for classroom instruction. This format and the variety of topics will be informative for researchers, language teachers, and students interested in English pronunciation, as it explores the diverse challenges learners of different L1 backgrounds face, and also provides research-informed techniques and recommendations on how to cope with them.
ESP in European Higher Education
Editor(s): Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez and Christine A. RäisänenPublication Date July 2008More LessThe Bologna Reform has been implemented in a large part of the European Union and it is time to take a short pause to reflect over some of the lessons learned up to now. The aim of this book is to share experiences and reflections on English for Specific Purposes pedagogy in Western European higher education. Taking as a starting point the development of the EU policies during the past couple of decades and their national implementations, the chapters in this book provide various perspectives, both theoretical and practical, on the ways in which the reform has been implemented and its effects on the teaching of ESP. Experiences of developing programmes and courses incorporating Content and Language Integrated Learning and Autonomous and Lifelong Learning are described, as well as Problem-Based Learning and Process-Genre Pedagogies. The book also includes chapters on the crucial, but often neglected issue of teacher support in meeting the challenges of teaching content through the medium of English.
Expanding Individual Difference Research in the Interaction Approach
Editor(s): Laura Gurzynski-WeissPublication Date December 2017More LessExpanding Individual Difference Research in the Interaction Approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors demonstrates why investigating the individual differences of all interlocutors with whom learners interact – including peer and heritage learners, instructors, researchers, and native speakers – is critical to understanding how second and foreign languages are taught and learned. Through state-of-the-art syntheses detailing what is known about learners and instructors, and novel empirical studies highlighting new avenues of inquiry, the volume articulates the most pressing needs for individual difference research. The book concludes with a scoping review, which reveals the many interlocutors still yet to be empirically considered and outlines next steps for this research. Uniquely combining linguistic theory, research synthesis, and empirical study, this book encourages students and established scholars alike to expand their conceptualization of individual differences. By demonstrating the importance of considering the individual differences of all interlocutors, the studies are also highly relevant to those teaching second and foreign languages in diverse contexts.
The Exploration of Multilingualism
Editor(s): Larissa Aronin and Britta HufeisenPublication Date October 2009More LessThis volume offers an ontogenetic perspective on research on L3, multilingualism and multiple languages acquisition and a conceptually updated picture of multilingualism studies and third/multiple language acquisition studies. The contributions by prominent scholars of multilingualism present state-of-the-art accounts of the significant aspects in this field. This unique collection of articles adopts a broad-spectrum and synthesized view on the topic. The volume, largely theoretical and classificatory, features main theories, prominent researchers and important research trends. The articles also contain factual and historical material from previous and current decades of research and offer practical information on research resources. For lecturers, students, educators, researchers, and social workers operating in multilingual contexts, The Exploration of Multilingualism is manifestly relevant.
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
Editor(s): Richard Smith and Tim GieslerPublication Date June 2023More LessBy adopting a historical perspective, this edited collection of papers takes a fresh look at a key concept in applied linguistics, that of innovation. A substantial introduction advocates historical re-evaluation of this notion via exploration of its rise to prominence, while the ten subsequent chapters present in-depth case studies of apparently successful as well as ineffective innovation(s), from the early eighteenth to the late twentieth century. Language learning/teaching developments in Brazil, China, England, France, Germany and Italy are considered along with ‘global’ innovations in language learner lexicography, while the languages considered include Chinese, English, French, Italian, Latin, Portuguese and Spanish. Various types of primary source material are utilized, illustrating the possibilities of applied linguistic historiography for both students and academics new to the field. The book questions ideas of perpetual innovation and progress, supporting the adoption of more critical perspectives on change and innovation in applied linguistics and language teaching.
Intercultural Perspectives on Research Writing
Editor(s): Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Jolanta ŠinkūnienėPublication Date December 2018More LessThis volume offers a fresh intercultural perspective on the discursive and rhetorical challenges non-Anglophone scholars face while writing and publishing in English for an international readership. The volume presents a wide spectrum of text-based intercultural analyses of academic texts written in L2 English. Placed in the context of a rapidly increasing role of English as the universal language of scientific and scholarly communication, the contributions attempt to explore native language influence on L2 English academic texts or, conversely, the influence of rhetorical or discursive features of English on L2 texts. Covering texts from Chinese to Lithuanian authors, the chapters in this volume offer a rich selection of lexico-grammatical, discursive and rhetorical elements analysed and compared across genres, disciplines and languages both within synchronic and diachronic perspectives. This volume will be of interest to both experienced and novice researchers in such fields as English for Academic Purposes, Intercultural Rhetoric, Genre Theory, Corpus Linguistics, and English as a Lingua Franca.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness
Editor(s): Marina TerkourafiPublication Date May 2015More LessInterdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness brings together the work of linguists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and second language experts in order to provide readers with a snapshot of the possibilities for studying im/politeness in the 21st century. The volume is organized along methodological lines in three parts each preceded by a brief introduction outlining the evolution and advantages and disadvantages of the relevant methodologies, while a specially commissioned epilogue places the volume in the field as a whole. Part I is dedicated to self-reporting studies, Part II covers observational studies, and Part III introduces experimental studies. A central goal of the present collection is to make a case for the relevance of all these types of data and of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to the ongoing theoretical debates in the field of im/politeness.
Language Acquisition in Study Abroad and Formal Instruction Contexts
Editor(s): Carmen Pérez-VidalPublication Date July 2014More LessThis publication constitutes essential reading for academics, teachers and language policy makers wanting to understand, plan, and implement an educational language program involving learner mobility.
The book provides data and analyses from a long-term program of research on study abroad (the SALA Project), which looked into the short and long-term effects of instructional and mobility contexts on language and cultural development from two perspectives: the participants’ language acquisition development over 2,5 years, and the practitioners’ perspective in relation to the design and implementation of a mobility program. The book is innovative in the longitudinal data it offers, the light it sheds on (i) an array of language skills, both productive and receptive, oral and written, tapping into phonology, lexis, grammar and discourse, (ii) the role of individual differences (including attitudes, motivation, beliefs, and intercultural awareness), and (iii) the insights on the effects of length of stay. In sum, this book represents a welcome addition to previous research on the outcomes of mobility policies to promote L2 learners’ linguistic development and the individual and educational conditions that appear to facilitate success in study abroad programs.
Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms
Editor(s): Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Tarja Nikula and Ute SmitPublication Date December 2010More LessThis volume explores a highly topical issue in second and foreign language education: the spreading practice in mainstream education to teach content subjects through a foreign language. CLIL has been enthusiastically embraced as a language enrichment measure in many contexts and finally research can offer principled insights into its dynamics and potentials. The editors’ introductory and concluding chapters offer a synthesis of current CLIL research as well as a critical discussion of unresolved issues relating both to theoretical concerns and research practice. The individual contributions by authors from a range of European contexts report on current empirical research in this dynamic field. The focus of these chapters ranges from theoretical to empirical, from learning outcomes to classroom talk, examining both the written and spoken mode across secondary and tertiary educational contexts. This volume is a valuable resource not only for researchers and teachers but also for policy makers.
Learner and Teacher Autonomy
Editor(s): Terry Lamb and Hayo ReindersPublication Date February 2008More LessThis edited volume offers a cohesive account of recent developments across the world in the field of learner and teacher autonomy in languages education. Drawing on the work of eminent researchers of language learning and teaching, it explores at both conceptual and practical levels issues related to current pedagogical developments in a wide range of contexts. Global shifts have led to an increase in autonomous and independent learning both in policy and practice (including self-access and distance learning).
The book’s scope and focus will therefore be beneficial to language teachers as well as to students and researchers in applied linguistics and those involved in pre- and in-service teacher education. The book concludes with an overview of the state of research in this field, focusing on the (inter)relationships between the concepts of learner and teacher autonomy.
Learning Chinese in Diasporic Communities
Editor(s): Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen and Andy HancockPublication Date July 2014More LessThis book brings together new theoretical perspectives and bilingual education models from different sociopolitical and cultural contexts across the globe in order to address the importance of sociocultural, educational and linguistic environments that create, enhance or limit the ways in which diasporic children and young people acquire the ‘Chinese’ language. The chapters present a variety of research-based studies on Chinese heritage language education and bilingual education drawing on detailed investigations of formal and informal educational input including language socialization in families, community heritage language schools and government sponsored educational institutions. Exploring the many pathways of learning ‘Chinese’ and being ‘Chinese’, this volume also examines the complex nature of language acquisition and development, involving language attitudes and ideologies as well as linguistic practices and identity formation. Learning Chinese in Diasporic Communities is intended for researchers, teacher-educators, students and practitioners in the fields of Chinese language education and bilingual education and more broadly those concerned with language policy studies and sociolinguistics.
The Linguistics of Newswriting
Author(s): Daniel PerrinPublication Date September 2013More LessThe Linguistics of Newswriting focuses on text production in journalistic media as both a socially relevant field of language use and as a strategic field of applied linguistics. The book discusses and paves the way for scientific projects in the emerging field of linguistics of newswriting. From empirical micro and theoretical macro perspectives, strategies and practices of research development and knowledge transformation are discussed. Thus, the book is addressed to researchers, teachers and coaches interested in the linguistics of professional writing in general and newswriting in particular. Together with the training materials provided on the internet www.news-writing.net, the book will also be useful to anyone who wants to become a more “discerning consumer" (Perry, 2005) or a more reflective producer of language in the media.
Literacies, Global and Local
Editor(s): Mastin Prinsloo and Mike BaynhamPublication Date May 2008More LessThe articles collected in this volume draw on or relate to a body of work that has become known as the ‘New Literacy Studies’ (NLS), which studies literacy as situated semiotic practices that vary across sites in specific ways that are socially shaped. The collection offers a body of empirically and theoretically based papers on literacy ethnography as well as providing engagements with critical issues around literacy and education. The articles offer complementary perspectives on research and theory in literacy studies and include research perspectives from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, as well as North and South America. The researchers are all concerned to take the work of the New Literacy Studies further by expanding on its conceptual resources and research sites.
Mediating Discourse Online
Editor(s): Sally Magnan PiercePublication Date May 2008More LessInformation and communication technology is transforming our notion of literacy. In the study of second language learning, there is an acute need to understand how learners collaborate in mediating discourse online. This edited volume offers essays and research studies that lead us to question the borders between speech and writing, to redefine narrative, to speculate on the consequences of many-to-many communication, and to ponder the ethics of researching online interaction. Using diverse technologies (bulletin boards, course management systems, chats, instant messaging, online gaming) and situated in different cultural environments, the studies explore intercultural notions of identity, voice, and collaboration. Although the studies come from varying theoretical perspectives, they point, as a whole, to insights to be gained from an ecological approach to studying how people make discourse online. The volume will especially benefit researchers in the digital arena and instructors who must consider how online interaction affects language learning and use.
The Second Language Acquisition of French Tense, Aspect, Mood and Modality
Author(s): Dalila AyounPublication Date July 2013More LessTemporal-aspectual systems have a great potential of informing our understanding of the developing competence of second language learners. So far, the vast majority of empirical studies investigating L2 acquisition have largely focused on past temporality, neglecting the acquisition of the expression of the present and future temporalities with rare exceptions (aside from ESL learners), leaving unanswered the question of how the investigation of different types of temporality may inform our understanding of the acquisition of temporal, aspectual and mood systems as a whole. This monograph addresses this question by focusing on three main objectives: a) to contribute to the already impressive body of research in the L2 acquisition of tense, aspect and mood/modality from a generative perspective, and in so doing to present a more complete picture of the processes of L2 acquisition in general; b) to bridge the gap between linguistic theory and L2 acquisition; c) to make empirical findings more accessible to language instructors by proposing concrete pedagogical applications.