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Children’s Literature, Culture, and Cognition
The overarching aim of the CLCC series is to promote truly new theoretical approaches in the realm of children’s literature research on the one hand, and to emphasize a non-Anglo-American focus, bringing in exciting research from other areas. In addition, the new book series shall present research from many linguistic areas to an international audience, reinforce interaction between research conducted in many different languages and present high standard research on the basis of secondary sources in a number of languages and based in a variety of research traditions. Basically the series should encourage a cross- and interdisciplinary approach on the basis of literary studies, media studies, comparative studies, reception studies, literacy studies, cognitive studies and linguistics. The series should include monographs and essay collections which are international in scope and intend to stimulate innovative research in children’s literature with a focus on children’s literature (including other media), children’s culture and cognition, thus encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in this expanding field.
Children's Cultures after Childhood
Editor(s): Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Macarena García-GonzálezPublication Date August 2023More LessChildren’s Cultures after Childhood introduces theoretical concepts from new materialist and posthumanist childhood studies into research on children’s literature, film, and media texts with attention to the entanglements of which they are part. Thirteen chapters by international contributors from diverse disciplinary fields (literary studies, cultural studies, media studies, education, and childhood studies) offer a cross-section of empirical and theoretical approaches sharing an inspiration in the notion of “after childhoods”, proposed by Peter Kraftl, a children’s geographer, to conceptualize theoretical and methodological orientations in research on children’s lives and on past, present, and future childhoods. This interdisciplinary collection will be of interest to scholars working in children’s literature and culture studies, education, and childhood studies.
This e-book is made available as Open Access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Children's Literature and the Avant-Garde
Editor(s): Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-MeibauerPublication Date July 2015More LessChildren’s Literature and the Avant-Garde is the first study that investigates the intricate influence of the avant-garde movements on children’s literature in different countries from the beginning of the 20th century until the present. Examining a wide range of children’s books from Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the USA, the individual chapters explore the historical as well as the cultural and political aspects that determine the exceptional character of avant-garde children’s books. Drawing on studies in children’s literature research, art history, and cultural studies, this volume provides comprehensive insights into the close relationships between avant-garde children’s literature, images of childhood, and contemporary ideas of education. Addressing topics such as the impact of exhibitions, the significance of the Bauhaus, and the influence of poster art and graphic design, the book illustrates the broad range of issues associated with avant-garde children’s books. More than 60 full-color illustrations demonstrate the impressive variety of design in avant-garde picturebooks and children’s books.
Winner of the Edited Book Award 2017 of The Children's Literature Association.
Winner of the Edited Book Award 2017 of the International Research Society for Children's Literature.
Consumable Reading and Children's Literature
Author(s): Ilgım Veryeri AlacaPublication Date July 2022More LessConsumable Reading and Children's Literature explores how multisensory experiences enhance early childhood literacy practices through material and sensory interactions. Embodied engagements that focus on the gustatory experience and, in particular, the sense of taste are investigated by studying food-related narratives. Children’s literature and different reading scenarios involving consumable objects, packages, tableware and utensils are scrutinized. Surfaces, the underlying mechanisms that support children’s literature, are considered in connection to emerging media and groundbreaking technologies. The interdisciplinary nature of this work draws on material and surface science, human-computer interaction, arts and food studies. As innovation and everyday materials meet, the potential of hybrid narratives mimicking synesthesia emerges with discussions on cross-modal learning. This monograph will inspire the interest of not only students, teachers, scholars of children’s literature and child development but also researchers and practitioners across various artistic and scientific disciplines.
An Ecology of the Russian Avant-Garde Picturebook
Author(s): Sara Pankenier WeldPublication Date February 2018More LessAn Ecology of the Russian Avant-Garde Picturebook takes a new approach to interpreting 1920s and 1930s picturebooks by prominent Russian writers, artists, and intellectuals by examining them within the ecological environment that, first, made them possible and, then, led to their demise. It argues that naturalistic models of the complex interactions of dynamic systems offer effective tools for understanding the fraught interrelations of art and censorship in the early Soviet period. Through illustrative case studies, it mounts a close analysis of word and image and their synergistic interplay in avant-garde picturebooks, while also recontextualizing them within the ecology of their original environment where extraordinary countervailing forces played out a drama of which these books survive as telling artifacts. Ultimately, it argues that the Russian avant-garde picturebook offers a uniquely illustrative example of literary ecology that sheds light on issues of creativity and censorship, politics and art, more broadly as well.
Emotion in Texts for Children and Young Adults
Editor(s): Karen Coats and Gretchen PapazianPublication Date January 2023More LessEmotion in Texts for Children and Young Adults: Moving stories takes up key issues in affect studies while putting forward new approaches and ways of thinking about the intricate entanglements of emotion, affect, and story in relation to the functions, processes, and influences of texts designed for youth. With an emphasis on national literatures and international scholarship, it examines a variety of storytelling forms, formats, genres, and media crafted for readers ranging from the very young to the newly adult. Layering recent cognitive approaches to emotion, affect studies, and feminist perspectives on emotion, it investigates not only what texts for children and young adults have to say about emotion but also how such texts try to move their readers. In this, the chapters draw attention to the ways narrative literary texts address, elicit, shape, and/or embody emotion.
Fictions of Adolescent Carnality
Author(s): Lydia KokkolaPublication Date May 2013More LessFictions of Adolescent Carnality considers one of the most controversial topics related to adolescents: their experience of desire. In fiction for adolescents, carnal desire is variously presented as a source of angst, an overwhelming experience over which one has no control, bestial, disgusting and, just occasionally, a source of pleasure. The on-set of desire, within the Anglophone tradition, has been closely associated with the loss of innocence and the end of childhood. Drawing on a corpus of 200 narratives of adolescent desire, Kokkola examines the connections between sociological accounts of teenagers’ sexual behaviour, adult fears for and about their off-spring and fictional representations of adolescents exploring their sexuality. Taking up topics such as adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, queer sexualities, animal-human connections and sexual abuse, Kokkola provides wide-ranging insights into how Anglophone literature responds to adolescents’ carnal desires, and contributes to on-going debates on the construction of adolescence and the ideology of innocence.
From Superman to Social Realism
Author(s): Helle Strandgaard JensenPublication Date March 2017More LessCan children’s media be a source of education and empowerment? Or is the commercial media market a threat to their sense of social and democratic values? Such questions about the appropriateness children’s media consumption have recurred in public debates throughout the twentieth century. From Superman to Social Realism provides an exciting new approach to the study of children’s media and childhood history, drawing on the theories of cross-media consumption and transnational history. Based on extensive Scandinavian source material, it explores public debates about children’s media between 1945 and 1985. Readers are taken on a fascinating journey through debates about superheroes in the 1950s, politicization of children’s media in the 1960s, and about television and social realism in the 1980s. Arguments are firmly contextualized in Scandinavian childhood and welfare history, an approach that demonstrates why professional and political groups have perceived children’s media as the key to the enculturation of future generations.
Growing Sideways in Twenty-first Century British Culture
Author(s): Anne MalewskiPublication Date December 2021More LessThis volume examines changing boundaries between childhood and adulthood in British society and culture at the beginning of the twenty-first century − where these age boundaries are widely debated, policed, and contested − to investigate alternatives to conventional ideas of growing up. Building on observations, especially in children’s literature criticism, that human growth is shaped by a grand narrative that privileges adulthood, and on terminologies of non-normative growth, particularly in queer theory, this monograph develops growing sideways as a concept that queers this grand narrative by destabilising childhood and adulthood, and the boundaries between them. The concept is refined through close readings of twenty-first century British children’s literature, television series, film, and participatory events, troubling age boundaries via specific strategies in three conceptual areas: appearance, play, and space. Exploring power structures around age and gender, this monograph traces growing sideways as a distinct and important alternative discourse of human growth.
Learning to Read, Learning Religion
Editor(s): Britta Juska-Bacher, Matthew Grenby, Tuija Laine and Wendelin SrokaPublication Date January 2023More LessCatechism primers are inconspicuous but telling little books for children combining the teaching of reading skills and religious catechesis. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, they have been produced, disseminated and used in huge numbers in many regions of the world, in particular in Europe. Remarkably, similar texts appeared across the continent, spanning confessional traditions that were in other respects highly divergent. In different places, and across the whole period, different denominations used not only similar pedagogical and religious strategies, but also shared the same formats and iconography.
This volume, edited by scholars from Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, is the result of a collaborative transnational and interdisciplinary effort including education, language teaching, children’s literature, book history, and religious studies. With contributions on seventeen European countries and regions, it sheds new light on a fascinating but largely neglected part of European cultural heritage, and, by establishing a comprehensive and authoritative summary of the field, offers fresh impetus for further transnational research.
Literary Conceptualizations of Growth
Author(s): Roberta TritesPublication Date July 2014More LessLiterary Conceptualizations of Growth explores those processes through which maturation is represented in adolescent literature by examining how concepts of growth manifest themselves in adolescent literature and by interrogating how the concept of growth structures scholars’ ability to think about adolescence. Cognitive literary theory provides the theoretical framework, as do the related fields of cognitive linguistics and experiential philosophy; historical constructions of the concept of growth are also examined within the context of the history of ideas. Cross-cultural literature from the traditional Bildungsroman to the contemporary Young Adult novel serve as examples. Literary Conceptualizations of Growth ultimately asserts that human cognitive structures are responsible for the pervasiveness of growth as both a metaphor and a narrative pattern in adolescent literature.
Maps and Mapping in Children's Literature
Editor(s): Nina Goga and Bettina Kümmerling-MeibauerPublication Date August 2017More LessMaps and Mapping in Children’s Literature is the first comprehensive study that investigates the representation of maps in children’s books as well as the impact of mapping on the depiction of landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes in children’s literature. The chapters in this volume pursue a comparative approach as they represent a wide spectrum of diverse genres and national children’s literatures by examining a wealth of children’s books from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the USA. The theoretical and methodological approaches range from literary studies, developmental psychology, maps and geography literacy, ecocriticism, historical contextualization with both new historicist and political-historical leanings, and intermediality to materialist cartographies, cultural studies, island studies, and genre studies. By this, this volume aims at embedding children’s literature in a broader field of literary and cultural studies, thus situating children’s literature research within a general context of literary theory.
The Mighty Child
Author(s): Clémentine BeauvaisPublication Date January 2015More LessThe Mighty Child offers an existentialist approach to the theorization and criticism of children’s literature, nuancing the academic claim that children’s literature, specifically defined as ‘didactic’, alienates childhood from adulthood and disempowers its implied child reader. This volume recentres the theoretical debate around the constructions of time and power which characterize conceptions of childhood and adulthood in children’s literature. The ‘hidden’, didactic adult of children’s literature, this volume argues, is not solely the dictatorial planner of the child’s future, but also a disempowered entity, yearning for unpredictability in the semi-educational, semi-aesthetic endeavor of the children’s book. Leaning on current work in the field of children’s literature theory, on French phenomenological existentialism, and on the philosophy and sociology of childhood, The Mighty Child is addressed to contemporary theorists and critics of children’s literature.
Mixed Magic
Author(s): Anna Katrina GutierrezPublication Date June 2017More LessMixed Magic: Global-local dialogues in fairy tales for young readers considers retellings and adaptations from a ‘glocal’ context: a framework focused on the reciprocal and cross-cultural exchange between global processes and local practices and their potential transformative effects. The study examines an eclectic range of retellings from the East and West from the 19th century until the present, among them orientalized picturebook versions of Beauty and the Beast and Bluebeard; Disney’s animated classics; Asian versions of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid; Gene Luen Yang's graphic novel American Born Chinese; and the fantasy films of Hayao Miyazaki. Drawing on theories of globalization, cognitive narratology, subjectivity, and eastern thought, the book reveals new implications for intertextual analysis. This beautifully illustrated volume is the first sustained study of the effects of global-local and East-West interchanges on representations of self and Others in children’s literature and folklore studies.
The Nation and the Child
Author(s): Yael DarrPublication Date May 2018More LessThe Nation and the Child – Nation Building in Hebrew Children’s Literature, 1930–1970 is the first comprehensive study to investigate the active role of children’s literature in the intensive cultural project of building a Hebrew nation.
Which social actors and institutions participated in creating a Hebrew children’s literature? How did they envision their young readership and what new cultural roles did they prescribe for them through literary texts? How tolerant was the children’s literary field to alternative or even subversive national options and how did the perceptions of the “national child” change in the transition from the pre-state Jewish settlement in Palestine to a sovereign state? This book seeks to provide answers to such questions by focusing on the literary activities of leading taste-setters and writers for children, from the most intense period of Israeli nation building – the 1930s and 1940s, the two last decades of the pre-state era, and the 1950s, the first decade following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 – through the 1960s, when the nation-building fervor gradually waned.
Photography in Children's Literature
Editor(s): Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-MeibauerPublication Date October 2023More LessPhotography in Children’s Literature is the first study that examines the wide array of artistic techniques, topics, and genres used within photographic books for children. Covering a time period from the 1870s to the 1980s, the collection offers multifaceted insights into changing perceptions of children and childhood during an era when the world changed in unprecedented ways. More than sixty full-color illustrations demonstrate an impressive variety of genres, from ABC books, concept books, and country portraits to photo reportage and poetry. By discussing photographic books from ten countries and three continents, the collection offers an international scope, providing a glimpse into the production and reception of photography in children’s literature in a range of contexts and cultures. Photographic books for children thus open up new vistas for scholars interested in an interdisciplinary and transnational investigation of children’s literature, text and images, across the centuries.
Reading for Learning
Author(s): Maria NikolajevaPublication Date June 2014More LessHow does reading fiction affect young people? How can they transfer fictional experience into real life? Why do they care about fictional characters? How does fiction enhance young people's sense of self-hood? Supported by cognitive psychology and brain research, this ground-breaking book is the first study of young readers' cognitive and emotional engagement with fiction. It explores how fiction stimulates perception, attention, imagination and other cognitive activity, and opens radically new ways of thinking about literature for young readers. Examining a wide range of texts for a young audience, from picturebooks to young adult novels, the combination of cognitive criticism and children’s literature theory also offers significant insights for literary studies beyond the scope of children’s fiction. An important milestone in cognitive criticism, the book provides convincing evidence that reading fiction is indispensable for young people’s intellectual, emotional and social maturation.
Transnational Books for Children 1750-1900
Editor(s): Charlotte Appel, Nina Christensen and M.O. GrenbyPublication Date August 2023More LessThis is the first study to take a comprehensive look at transnational children’s literature in the period before 1900. The chapters examine what we mean by ‘children’s literature’ in this period, as well as what we mean by ‘transnational’ in the context of children’s culture. They investigate who transmitted children’s books across borders (authors, illustrators, translators, publishers, teachers, relatives, readers), through what networks the books were spread (commercial, religious, colonial, public, familial), and how the new local identities of imported texts were negotiated. They ask which kinds of books were the most mobile, and they consider what happens to texts when they migrate, as well as what effects transnational dissemination had on individual readers, and on societies and cultures more broadly. Geographically, the case studies gathered here range right across Europe, from Dublin to St Petersburg, then onto North America, India and China. They extend widely across the many genres and formats of children’s reading, from cheap print such as almanacs and ABCs to fairy tales and fables, children’s novels, textbooks, and beautifully illustrated gift-books.