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Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
Romance linguists are by definition not only aligned with their theoretical paradigm (e.g. usage-based sociolinguists to generative grammarians), but rather there is a sense of a larger community to which all Romance linguists belong by virtue of the languages studied. Spanish and Portuguese are two of the top ten most widely spoken languages in the world. They are by far the largest two in the Romance family of languages in terms of number of speakers. It is fair to say that there is a strong sub-community of Romance linguists also aligned by virtue of their research foci on Spanish and Portuguese. Beyond providing high quality work applicable to the linguistic sciences in general, the aforementioned community of Hispanic and Lusophone linguists is precisely the audience to which we believe this book series will appeal to the most.
The aim of this book series is to provide a single home for the highest quality monographs and edited volumes pertaining to Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics. In an effort to be as inclusive as possible, the series hopes to include volumes that represent the many sub-fields and paradigms of linguistics that do high quality research targeting Iberian Romance languages. We seek projects pertaining to all dialects in the world where these languages (co-)exist (e.g. Europe, South and North America, Africa) as well as projects on the acquisition of these languages anywhere Spanish and Portuguese are acquired in childhood or adulthood. Because our goal is to consider manuscripts from all relevant linguistic approaches, the common thread across the books within this series will be the languages themselves. Although we anticipate that the majority of the books will focus on Spanish and Portuguese, for obvious reasons, we would like to encourage book proposals that engage other Iberian-Romance languages in Europe (e.g., Galician, Catalan, Aragonese, etc.) and/or examine Spanish and Portuguese in their co-existence with other non-Romance languages in Europe (e.g. Basque), indigenous languages in Latin America, English in North America, and other national and regional languages across the Hispanic and Lusophone world. Projects that engage several of these languages together are especially welcome. We will consider proposals that focus on formal syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics/phonology, pragmatics from any established research paradigm, as well as psycholinguistics, language acquisition, historical linguistics, applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. The editorial board is comprised of experts in all of the aforementioned fields.
41 results
The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings
Editor(s): Tiffany Judy and Silvia PerpiñánPublication Date February 2015More LessBy examining the acquisition of Spanish in combination with languages other than English (Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Nahuatl, Quechua, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish), this volume advances novel data pertinent to the field’s understanding of acquisition of Spanish in the XXI century. Its crosslinguistic nature invites us to reconsider major theoretical questions such as the role of L1 transfer, linguistic typology, and onset of acquisition from a fresh perspective, and to question the validity of the traditional parameter (re)setting perspective taken in SLA. Additionally, this volume underscores the necessity of providing accurate descriptions of the language pairings investigated, emphasizing the interconnection between linguistic and SLA theory, and pushing us to a more atomic view of the system in which features and feature bundles mapped onto lexical items comprise the skeleton of language. This volume is of great relevance for researchers and students of SLA alike.
Advancedness in Second Language Spanish
Editor(s): Mandy R. Menke and Paul A. MalovrhPublication Date February 2021More LessThis book analyzes the construct of advanced proficiency in second language learning by bringing together empirical research from numerous linguistic domains and methodological traditions. Focusing on the dynamic nature of language use, the volume explores diverse manifestations of high-level second language Spanish, including performance on standardized proficiency assessments, acquisition of late-acquired linguistic structures, sophisticated language use in context, and individual differences. Chapters relate empirical findings to current definitions of advancedness, challenging scholars and practitioners to re-consider existing conceptualizations, and propose possible directions for future research and teaching with second language speakers of Spanish. By addressing larger issues in the field of second language learning, the volume is a valuable reference for language teachers, scholars, professionals and students with an interest in second language acquisition generally, and second language Spanish, more specifically.
Amazonian Spanish
Editor(s): Stephen FafulasPublication Date July 2020More LessAmazonian Spanish: Language contact and evolution explores the unique origins, linguistic features, and geo-political situation of the Spanish that has emerged in the Amazon. While this region boasts much linguistic diversity, many of the indigenous languages found within its limits are now being replaced by Spanish. This situation of language expansion, contact, and bilingualism is reshaping the sociolinguistic landscape of the Amazon by creating a number of Spanish varieties with innovative linguistic features that require closer scholarly attention. The current book documents this situation in detail. The chapters in this volume include work on distinct geographical regions of the Amazon, with primary data collected using different methodologies and language contact situations. The scholars in this volume specialize in an array of fields, including anthropological linguistics, bilingualism, language contact, dialectology, and language acquisition. Their work represents both formal and functional approaches to linguistics.
Aspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology
Editor(s): Manuel Díaz-Campos and Sandro SessaregoPublication Date January 2021More LessThis book focuses on contemporary sociolinguistic approaches to Spanish dialectology. Each of the authors draws on key issues of contemporary sociolinguistics, combining theoretical approaches with empirical data collection. Overall, these chapters address topics concerning language variation and change, sound production and perception, contact linguistics, language teaching, language policy, and ideologies. The authors urge us, as linguists, to take a stand on important issues and to continue applying theory to praxis so as to advance the frontiers of research in the field. This edited volume in honor of Professor Terrell A. Morgan is a means of celebrating an amazing friend, advisor, and human being, who has dedicated his career to teaching graduate and undergraduate students, performed key research in the field, and helped to further pedagogy in the classroom through his textbooks, seminars and websites.
Code-switching – Experimental Answers to Theoretical Questions
Editor(s): Luis LópezPublication Date September 2018More LessThis volume compiles eight original chapters dedicated to different topics within bilingual grammar and processing with special focus on code-switching. Three main features unify the contributions to this volume. First, they focus on making a contribution to our understanding of the human language within a coherent theoretical framework; second, they understand that a complete theory of the human language needs to include data from bilinguals’ I-languages; and third, they are committed to obtaining reliable data following experimental protocols.
Community Service-Learning for Spanish Heritage Learners
Author(s): Kelly Lowther PereiraPublication Date December 2018More LessThis book proposes community service-learning as a critical pedagogy that connects learners and communities to address key challenges in heritage language education. The book’s purpose is two-fold: to fill a crucial gap in empirical research on community service-learning in the heritage language context, as well as to provide language educators and practitioners essential guidelines for designing community service-learning courses, with particular attention paid to the characteristics and needs of Spanish heritage language learners. This book presents compelling evidence demonstrating the central role community service-learning plays in developing heritage language learners’ identities, connections to the heritage language community, language attitudes, and social, cultural, and sociolinguistic awareness. Importantly, this book also addresses the often-overlooked perspectives of community partners and liaisons. As the first original research monograph on community service-learning for Spanish heritage language learners, this pioneering book will undoubtedly aid students, instructors and administrators across all levels of language education.
Complement Clauses in Portuguese
Editor(s): Ana Lúcia Santos and Anabela GonçalvesPublication Date August 2018More LessThis volume addresses core issues on complement clauses, focusing on Portuguese (European, Brazilian and Mozambican varieties). It contributes to the discussion of complementation, providing an overview of how theoretical syntax and acquisition studies may combine to broaden our knowledge about the topic. The articles are organized in two sections, each one followed by a comment paper: the first section, more theoretical in its nature, gathers contributions analyzing major syntactic aspects of complementation in Portuguese, from a synchronic and a diachronic point of view; the second section includes articles on L1 and L2 acquisition of Portuguese complementation. Both sections especially focus on infinitival structures; mood selection and the interpretation of subjects in finite complement clauses are also topics of particular relevance. The volume is meant for researchers and students interested in formal syntax and acquisition in general and Portuguese syntax and acquisition in particular.
Contemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
Editor(s): Jonathan E. MacDonaldPublication Date February 2018More LessContemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics offers a panorama of current research into multiple varieties of Spanish from several different regions (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, Costa Rica, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras), Catalan, Brazilian Portuguese, as well as varieties in contact with English and Purépecha. The first part of the volume focuses on the structural aspects and use of these languages in the areas of syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, diachrony, phonetics, phonology and morphology. The second part discusses the effect of interacting multiple grammars, namely, first language acquisition, second language acquisition, varieties in contact, and bilingualism. As a whole, the contributions in this volume provide a methodological balance between qualitative and quantitative approaches to Language and, in this way, represent contemporary trends in Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics.
Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
Editor(s): Diego Pascual y Cabo and Idoia ElolaPublication Date June 2020More LessCurrent Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics is a 15-chapter compilation written by both established and emerging scholars representing a wide array of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives. Each chapter presents original and significant findings, contextualizes them within the broader empirical work, and identifies directions for future research on a variety of subfields of study such as phonetics/phonology studies, formal acquisition theory, second and heritage language acquisition, language variation, and linguistic landscapes. Given its scope and significance, this volume will be of relevance to not only academics and researchers of all theoretical stripes, but also to a more general audience new to the field of Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics.
East and West of The Pentacrest
Editor(s): Timothy Gupton and Elizabeth GielauPublication Date May 2021More LessThis book is a collection of contemporary essays and squibs exploring the mental representation of Spanish and other languages in the Romance family. Although largely formal in orientation, they incorporate experimental and corpus data to inform questions of synchronic and diachronic importance. As a whole, these contributions explore two areas of particular interest to linguistic theorizing. The first is linguistic interfaces with chapters on syntax-information structure, syntax-prosody, syntax-semantics, and lexicon-phonology. The second consists of explorations of noun phrases of all sizes—from clitics to nominalized clauses. The results and conclusions of these studies encourage researchers to continue to explore individual languages in particular in order to gain insight on human language in general. This edited volume in honor of Dr. Paula Kempchinsky is reflective of the diversity of approaches that inspired her teaching, research, and mentoring for over thirty years at the University of Iowa and beyond.
The Fine-grained Structure of the Lexical Area
Author(s): Antonio FábregasPublication Date March 2024More LessThis is the first book that presents a complete description and analysis of the Spanish suffixes that alter the grammatical behaviour of nouns and adjectives without changing their grammatical category, supporting a fine-grained decomposition of the syntactic area where these word classes are defined.
In this monograph the reader will find a detailed empirical description of suffixes for gender, mereological properties of nouns, scalar properties of adjectives and a variety of nominal suffixes expressing actions, measures or locations, as well as an integral Neo-Constructionist analysis of the syntactic structure of the resulting formations. Framed within a Nanosyntactic-oriented framework, this book sheds light on the nature of lexical categories and the components of the low syntactic structure of nouns and adjectives. The book will be useful both to researchers in Spanish linguistics or theoretical morphology and to advanced students of Spanish interested in learning more about the expressive devices that nouns and adjectives allow.
Focus-related Operations at the Right Edge in Spanish
Author(s): Iván Ortega-SantosPublication Date May 2016More LessSyntactic movement is a pervasive phenomenon in natural language and, as such, has played a key role in syntactic theorizing. Nonetheless, an understanding of the mechanism that allows a constituent to appear to the right of its base-generated position has remained elusive. This groundbreaking research monograph aims to address this gap in our knowledge by expanding the inventory of languages and data sets traditionally considered in the literature. Specifically, Ortega-Santos analyzes the interplay between focus, word order and ellipsis in Spanish. A major finding that emerges from the analysis is that the tension between linearization requirements and rightward movement is diminished by ellipsis. Current debates on the syntax of the VOS order and preverbal subjects in Null-Subject Languages also figure prominently in the discussion, as novel empirical evidence for the existence of null expletives is provided: a non-trivial issue for our understanding of the Extended Projection Principle and subjecthood across languages.
Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas
Editor(s): María Irene Moyna and Susana Rivera-MillsPublication Date August 2016More LessIn the growing field of address research, Spanish emerges as one of the most complex Indo European languages. Firstly, it presents second person variation in its nominal, pronominal, and verbal systems. Moreover, several Spanish varieties have more than two address variants, which compete and mix in intricate ways. Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas showcases current research into this unique linguistic situation, by presenting the original research of twelve scholars from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. The articles cover diachronic change and regional variation, pragmatics, dialect contact, attitudes, and identity. The contributions are contextualized through an introduction and the responses of three established experts, while a conclusion delineates a research agenda for the future. This collection in English is meant to reach scholars beyond the confines of Hispanic linguistics. It should be of interest to Romance linguists and specialists on second person variation across languages.
Hispanic Contact Linguistics
Editor(s): Luis A. Ortiz López, Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo and Melvin González-RiveraPublication Date February 2020More LessThis volume comprises cutting edge research on language contact and change. The chapters present a wide scope of settings in which Spanish is in contact with other languages, such as Catalan, English, and Quechua; a large breadth of geographical areas (e.g., United States, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina); and varied participant groups, ranging from dialect contacts, second-language learners and heritage speakers to balanced bilinguals and code-switchers. Taken together, the chapters provide rich empirical descriptions of data pertaining to different levels of language, diverse – naturalistic and experimental – methodological approaches to data collection, as well as theoretical implications of the findings. The interdisciplinary perspective adopted by the authors contributes to the linguistic analysis and offers important insights into theoretical linguistics in general, and into theories of sociolinguistics, language variation, bilingualism, and second language acquisition.
Hispanic Linguistics
Editor(s): Alfonso Morales-Front, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina SanzPublication Date May 2020More LessThis volume addresses a wide range of phenomena including intonation, restructuring, clitic climbing, aspectual structure, subject focus marking, code-switching, lenition, loanwords, and heritage learning that are central in Hispanic linguistics today. The authors approach these issues from a variety of recent theoretical approaches and innovative methodologies and make important contributions to our current understanding of language acquisition, theoretical and descriptive linguistics, and language contact. This collection of articles is a testimony to the breadth and degree of specialization of the scholarly interest in the field. The selection of refereed chapters included in this volume were originally presented at the 20th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS) hosted at Georgetown University, 2016. The book should be read with interest by scholars and graduate students hoping to gain insight into the issues currently debated in Hispanic Linguistics.
Hispanic Linguistics at the Crossroads
Editor(s): Rachel Klassen, Juana M. Liceras and Elena ValenzuelaPublication Date July 2015More LessThis collection of articles, contributed by both experienced and novice researchers, addresses core issues in three different domains of Hispanic Linguistics: theoretical linguistics, language acquisition and language contact. Together these papers provide an overview of how the analysis of Spanish contributes to current formal and experimental linguistics, while on an individual level offering fine-grained analyses and innovative proposals covering a wide range of areas such as semantics and pragmatics, syntax, morphology, phonology, prosody, dialectal variation, first, second and bilingual language acquisition, as well as sociolinguistics. The volume will be a resource for graduate students, academics and researchers in theoretical, experimental and descriptive linguistics in general and Hispanic Linguistics in particular.The selection of chapters included in this volume were presented at the 17th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium hosted in October 2013 by the Language Acquisition Research Laboratory at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Canada.
Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics
Editor(s): Sara Fernández Cuenca, Tiffany Judy and Lauren MillerPublication Date June 2023More LessThis volume presents research from across the subdisciplines of Hispanic Linguistics in an attempt to showcase how new research methods, together with a renewed focus on language variation, have advanced our field. This volume is divided into three sections of original research, with the first describing regional variation of Spanish, the second synchronic variation, and the third learner profile variation. Such nuanced descriptions and analyses would not be possible without new variationist research methods and big-data techniques such as the use of online corpora and data reduction analyses. These overarching themes represent a paradigm shift affecting the whole of Hispanic Linguistics, and are, therefore, best appreciated in an edited volume composed of diverse manifestations of trends like those included herein. The data from these submissions were originally presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium hosted by Wake Forest University in 2021.
Inquiries in Hispanic Linguistics
Editor(s): Alejandro Cuza, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel OlsonPublication Date November 2016More LessInquires in Hispanic Linguistics: From Theory to Empirical Evidence showcases eighteen chapters from formal and empirical approaches related to Spanish syntax and semantics, phonetics and phonology, and language contact and variation. Drawing on data from a number of monolingual and contact Spanish varieties, this volume represents the most current themes and methods in the field of Hispanic linguistics. The book brings together both established and emerging scholars, and readers will appreciate the variety of theoretical approaches, ranging from generative to variationist perspectives. The book is geared towards researchers and students in Spanish and Romance linguistics. Given its scope and quality, this volume is also well-suited for graduate courses in Spanish morphosyntax, phonetics, sociolinguistics, and language contact and change.
Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance
Editor(s): Meghan E. Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar VanrellPublication Date March 2016More LessIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields is a volume of empirical research papers incorporating recent theoretical, methodological, and interdisciplinary advances in the field of intonation, as they relate to the Ibero-Romance languages. The volume brings together leading experts in Catalan, Portuguese, and Spanish, as well as in the intonation of Spanish in contact situations. The common thread is that each paper examines a specific topic related to the intonation of at least one Ibero-Romance language, framing the analysis in an experimental setting. The novel findings of each chapter hinge on critical connections that are made between the study of intonation and its related fields of linguistic inquiry, including syntax, pragmatics, sociophonetics, language acquisition and special populations. In this sense, the volume expands the traditional scope of Ibero-Romance intonation, including in it work on signed languages (LSC), individuals with autism spectrum disorder and individuals with Williams Syndrome. This volume establishes the precedent for researchers and advanced students who wish to explore the complexities of Ibero-Romance intonation. It also serves as a showcase of the most up-to-date methodologies in intonational research.
Linguistic Approaches to Portuguese as an Additional Language
Editor(s): Karina Veronica Molsing, Cristina Becker Lopes Perna and Ana Maria Tramunt IbañosPublication Date March 2020More LessThis book includes a selection of theoretical and practical accounts of the acquisition of Portuguese from a broad range of linguistic perspectives. This collection is particularly appealing in the broad academic sphere of language acquisition due to the fact that there has yet to be one entirely dedicated to Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL). This volume showcases the breadth of research being carried out on topics ranging from the acquisition of aspects from the main language modules (syntax, morphology, semantics, phonology, and pragmatics) to applied perspectives involving corpus-based approaches and experimental methodologies. Moreover, we present studies addressing a variety of learning contexts and learner types. The target audience includes researching scholars with a background in second language acquisition studies interested in learning more about the acquisition of Portuguese as an Additional Language from linguistic perspectives.
Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World
Editor(s): Patricia Gubitosi and Michelle F. Ramos PelliciaPublication Date July 2021More LessLinguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World is the first book dedicated to languages in the urban space of the Spanish-speaking world filling a gap in the extensive research that highlights the richness and complexity of Spanish Linguistic Landscapes. This book provides scholars with an instrument to access a variety of studies in the field within a monolingual or multilingual setting from a theoretical, sociolinguistic and pragmatic perspective. The works contained in this volume aim to answer questions such as, how the linguistic landscape of certain territories includes new discourses that, ultimately, contribute to a fairer society; how the linguistic landscape of minority or low-income communities can enforce changes on language policy and who determines advertising planning; how these decisions are made and how these decisions affect vendors, customers, and the general public alike. All in all, this collective volume uncovers the voices of minority groups within the communities under study.
Morphologically Derived Adjectives in Spanish
Author(s): Antonio FábregasPublication Date November 2020More LessThis is the first book that presents a complete empirical description and theoretical analysis of all major classes of derived adjectives in Spanish, both deverbal and denominal. The reader will find here both a detailed empirical description of the syntactic, morphological and semantic properties of derived adjectives in contemporary Spanish and a cohesive Neo-Constructionist analysis of the syntactic and semantic tools that contemporary Spanish has available to build adjectives from other grammatical categories within a Nanosyntactic-oriented framework. In doing so, this book sheds light on the nature of adjectives as a grammatical category and argues that adjectives are syntactically built by recycling functional heads belonging to other categories. The book will be useful both to researchers in Spanish linguistics or theoretical morphology and to advanced students of Spanish interested in the main ways of building new adjectives through suffixation in this language.
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World
Editor(s): Kate Bellamy, Michael W. Child, Paz González, Antje Muntendam and M. Carmen Parafita CoutoPublication Date May 2017More LessThis volume offers a multidisciplinary view of cutting-edge research on bilingualism in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking regions, with the aim of building a bridge between sub-fields and approaches that often find themselves isolated from one another. The thirteen contributions in this volume offer a glimpse of the diversity of bilingualism present in the Hispanic and Lusophone world, shedding light on the sheer variety of speaker communities, language pairings (e.g., Spanish-English, Spanish-Basque, Spanish-Dutch, Portuguese-Spanish-English, Portuguese-English, Spanish-K’ichee Maya, and Spanish-Ixcatec) and speaker types (e.g., simultaneous bilinguals, and early and late sequential bilinguals). The diversity present in this collection of papers, both in empirical coverage and methodological and theoretical approaches, will be of interest to a wide range of students and researchers in bilingualism and Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics.
Nasals and Nasalization in Spanish and Portuguese
Author(s): C. Elizabeth Goodin-MayedaPublication Date April 2016More LessNasality, whether part of a consonant or vowel, has certain phonetic and phonological characteristics that lead to outcomes seen time and again in languages with and without common ancestries. Spanish and Portuguese constitute a particularly fruitful language pairing for studying phonological aspects of synchronic and diachronic variation, given their intimate relationship as well as the array of dialectal variation in each. This research monograph offers a comprehensive exploration of nasals and nasalization in Spanish and Portuguese with a special focus on the role of perception in order to provide insight into how perception informs models of phonetics, phonology and language change. Of interest to researchers and advanced students alike, this volume integrates phonetic and phonological models of speech perception and production, and discusses these with regards to original empirical research on the perception of nasal place features and vowel nasalization by listeners of Peninsular Spanish, Cuban Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.
New Approaches to Language Attitudes in the Hispanic and Lusophone World
Editor(s): Talia Bugel and Cecilia Montes-AlcaláPublication Date April 2020More LessThe analysis of language attitudes is important not only because attitudes can affect language maintenance and language change but also because such reflections and discussions can bring light to social, cultural, political and educational matters that require an interdisciplinary approach. This volume fills a crucial void in the field of Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics by introducing the latest production in the discipline of attitudes toward Spanish, Spanish sign language, Portuguese, Guarani and Papiamentu around the world, from South America and the Caribbean to the United States, Spain and Japan. The studies presented in this collection – a variety of sociolinguistic scenarios and methodological approaches – will make an important contribution to theoretical discussions on linguistic attitudes, specifically in the domains of language integration through education, language policy, and language maintenance. This book is intended for sociolinguists, social scientists and scholars in the humanities as well as graduate students enrolled in sociolinguistics courses.
New Perspectives on the Study of Ser and Estar
Editor(s): Isabel Pérez-Jiménez, Manuel Leonetti and Silvia Gumiel-MolinaPublication Date October 2015More LessThis is the first book entirely and exclusively devoted to the grammar of the two copular verbs ser and estar, certainly one of the most intriguing features of Spanish grammar. Although the topic has long attracted the interest of scholars, it had never given rise to a collection of papers that covers both theoretical issues in syntax and semantics and topics in the acquisition domain. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the central research questions concerning the ser / estar alternation: the syntactic or semantic nature of the distinction, its link with aspect and with the Individual-Level / Stage-Level distinction, and its connection with interface phenomena. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in Hispanic linguistics, but can be equally attractive for researchers working on Romance linguistics, theoretical linguistics (syntax, semantics, pragmatics), acquisition theory, and historical linguistics.
The Portuguese Language Continuum in Africa and Brazil
Editor(s): Laura Álvarez López, Perpétua Gonçalves and Juanito Ornelas de AvelarPublication Date November 2018More LessThe Portuguese Language Continuum in Africa and Brazil is the first publication in English to offer studies on a whole set of varieties of Portuguese in Africa as well as Brazilian Portuguese. Authored by specialists on varieties of Portuguese in Africa and Brazil, the eleven chapters and the epilogue promote a dialogue between researchers interested in their genesis, sociohistories and linguistic properties. Most chapters directly address the idea of a continuum of Portuguese derived from parallel sociohistorical and linguistic factors in Africa and Brazil, due to the colonial expansion of the language to new multilingual settings. The volume contributes to the understanding of structural properties that are often shared by several varieties in this continuum, and describes the various situations and domains of language use as well as sociocultural contexts where they have emerged and where they are being used.
As of 26 July 2021, the ebook edition is Open Access under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Portuguese-Spanish Interfaces
Editor(s): Patrícia Amaral and Ana Maria CarvalhoPublication Date October 2014More LessPortuguese-Spanish Interfaces captures the diversity of encounters that these languages have known and explores their relevance for current linguistic theories. The book focuses on dimensions along which Portuguese and Spanish can be fruitfully compared and highlights the theoretical value of exploring points of interaction between closely related varieties. It is unprecedented in its scope and unique in bringing together leading experts in a systematic study of similarities and differences between both languages. The authors explore the common boundaries of these languages within current theoretical frameworks, in an effort to combine scholarship that analyzes Portuguese and Spanish from multiple subfields of linguistics. The volume compares structures from both synchronic and diachronic points of view, addressing a range of issues pertaining to variability, acquisition, contact, and the formation of new languages. While it provides an up-to-date resource for scholars in the field, it can also be a useful companion for advanced students.
Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception
Editor(s): Whitney ChappellPublication Date November 2019More LessThis book provides a cutting-edge exploration of the social meaning of phonetic variation in the Spanish-speaking world. Its 11 chapters elucidate the ways in which listeners process, perceive, and propagate phonetically motivated social meaning across monolingual and contact varieties, including the Spanish spoken in Spain (Asturias, Catalonia, and Andalusia), Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and the United States. The book presents a wide variety of new and innovative research by renowned scholars, and the chapters examine issues like the influence of visual cues, bilingualism, contact, geographic mobility, and phonotactic predictability on social and linguistic perception. Additionally, the volume engages in timely discussions of intersectionality, replicability, and the future of the field. As the first unified reference on Spanish sociophonetic perception, this volume will be useful in graduate and undergraduate classrooms, in libraries, and on the bookshelf of any scholar interested in Spanish sociophonetics.
Recent Developments in Hispanic Linguistics
Editor(s): Michael Gradoville and Sean McKinnonPublication Date October 2024More LessThis book brings together eleven peer-reviewed chapters of cutting-edge research produced by both established and rising scholars in the field. Given that this volume is inspired by papers from the 25th iteration of the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, the editors track the development of the field in the last quarter century and have organized the volume into three sections (linguistic structure and variation, US Spanish and heritage speakers, applied linguistics) reflecting current research trends. This edited volume will be a welcome resource for advanced undergraduate students, incoming and advanced graduate students, and researchers in the field, as well as Spanish language educators at all levels.
Revisiting Modality
Author(s): Vítor MíguezPublication Date April 2024More LessThis book presents the first in-depth investigation of modality in Galician linguistics, offering a theoretical discussion of modal categories and a fine-grained description of epistemic adverbs. The first half of the monograph deconstructs the most relevant approaches to modal categories and shows how the traditional concept of modality is a problematic notion, how it relates to other concepts such as evidentiality and mitigation, and how it ought to be conceived of in order to become a more useful instrument for linguistic analysis. A new way of understanding modality is explored and illustrated through Galician examples. The second half of the book zooms in on six epistemic adverbs, which are exhaustively studied from both a formal and a functional perspective. Combining a quantitative and a qualitative perspective, the book shows that adverbs make up a rich semantic scale and establishes several factors that condition their occurrence in discourse, challenging previous conceptions of this grammatical domain.
Sound, Syntax and Contact in the Languages of Asturias
Editor(s): Guillermo LorenzoPublication Date March 2022More LessThis is the first generative-oriented volume ever published about Asturian and Asturian Galician, two Romance languages which, along with their intrinsic interest, are crucial to understand the parametric distance between Spanish and Galician/Portuguese. Its chapters offer new insights about old puzzles, like pronominal enclisis or apparent violations of bans on clitic combinatorics, but they also deal with less explored grounds, like aspect, negation or prosody. Chapters make special emphasis on how the concerned issues result from complex interactions between syntax proper and its interfaces with sound and meaning. The book focuses on particular aspects of Asturian and Asturian Galician, as well as on some effects of their contact with Spanish in their corresponding locations.
Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis
Editor(s): Sandro Sessarego and Fernando Tejedo-HerreroPublication Date May 2016More LessThis book explores the current state of Spanish sociolinguistics and its contribution to theories of language variation and change, from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives. It offers original analyses on a variety of topics across a wide spectrum of linguistic subfields from different formal, experimental, and corpus-based standpoints. The volume is organized around six thematic sections: (i) Cutting-edge Methodologies in Sociolinguistics; (ii) Bilingualism; (iii) Language Acquisition; (iv) Phonological Variation; (v) Morpho-Syntactic Variation; and (vi) Lexical Variation. As a whole, this collection reflects an array of approaches and analyses that show how in its variation across speakers, speech communities, linguistic contexts, communicative situations, dialects, and time, the Spanish language provides an immense wealth of data to challenge accepted linguistic views and shape new theoretical proposals in the field of language variation and change. Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis represents a significant contribution to the growing field of Spanish sociolinguistics.
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact
Editor(s): Rajiv RaoPublication Date August 2020More LessSpanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain brings together scholars working on a wide range of aspects of the Spanish sound system and how their coexistence with another language in speech communities across the Hispanophone world influences their manifestation. Drawing upon seminal works in the fields of language contact in general, Spanish in contact with indigenous and regional languages, and laboratory approaches tied to the languages in question, the volume’s contents employ acoustic and quantitative approaches, as well as both controlled and spontaneous data elicitation procedures, to shed light on how linguistic, historical, and social variables drive contact phenomena, and in turn, shape specific varieties of Spanish. It will pique the interest of researchers and students of fields such as contact linguistics, language variation and change, segmental and suprasegmental phonetics and phonology, and sociolinguistics.
Spanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US
Editor(s): Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo, Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita CoutoPublication Date September 2016More LessThis volume provides a sample of the most recent studies on Spanish-English codeswitching both in the Caribbean and among bilinguals in the United States. In thirteen chapters, it brings together the work of leading scholars representing diverse disciplinary perspectives within linguistics, including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, theoretical linguistics, and applied linguistics, as well as various methodological approaches, such as the collection of naturalistic oral and written data, the use of reading comprehension tasks, the elicitation of acceptability judgments, and computational methods. The volume surpasses the limits of different fields in order to enable a rich characterization of the cognitive, linguistic, and socio-pragmatic factors that affect codeswitching, therefore, leading interested students, professors, and researchers to a better understanding of the regularities governing Spanish-English codeswitches, the representation and processing of codeswitches in the bilingual brain, the interaction between bilinguals’ languages and their mutual influence during linguistic expression.
Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax
Editor(s): Miriam Bouzouita, Ioanna Sitaridou and Enrique PatoPublication Date July 2018More LessThis volume features fourteen papers by leading specialists on various aspects of historical morpho-syntax in the Ibero-Romance languages. In these papers, fine-grained analyses are developed to capture the richness of undiscussed or —often— previously unknown data. Comparative across the (Ibero-)Romance languages and diverse in terms of the approaches considered, ranging from cognitive-functionalist to generativist to variationist, they combine in this volume to showcase the merits of different, yet complementary, perspectives in understanding linguistic variation and language change. The gamut of phenomena scrutinised varies from morpho-phonological puzzles and word-formation to syntax and interface-related phenomena to, as a coda, methodological suggestions for future research in old Ibero-Romance; thus making it ideal reading for scholars and postgraduate students alike.
Studies on Variation in Portuguese
Editor(s): Pilar Barbosa, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste RodriguesPublication Date November 2017More LessStudies on Variation in Portuguese offers a collection of studies on a range of variable phenomena attested within and across varieties of Portuguese. The volume starts out with an overview of current issues in the study of intralinguistic variation and is divided in two parts. Part 1 is dedicated to research on variation within national varieties (Brazilian and European). Here, a multidimensional analysis that combines both the geographic and the social dimensions of variation emerges as a way to identify possible regional specificities and the directionality of some of the variants. Part 2 collects studies that compare the behavior of a particular linguistic variable across different varieties. The variable phenomena discussed concern several levels of grammar and are framed within different conceptions of variation, thus promoting confrontation of theoretical and methodological alternatives. Overall, the volume constitutes a significant contribution to the essential question of how to model variation at different levels.
Study Abroad and the Second Language Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation in Spanish
Editor(s): Sara L. Zahler, Avizia Y. Long and Bret LinfordPublication Date June 2023More LessThis volume offers a comprehensive snapshot of the breadth of empirical research currently being conducted on the second language acquisition of sociolinguistic variation in Spanish during study abroad. Research on this topic spans diverse methodological approaches, types of programs, linguistic structures, and learner characteristics, which is reflected in the contributions in this volume. This diversity of approaches illustrates how the second language development of sociolinguistic variation during study abroad depends crucially on a number of linguistic and extralinguistic factors and can be measured in distinct ways. Thus, this collection will be an indispensable resource to researchers and students of second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, education, and other fields interested in language development during study abroad.
Syntactic Geolectal Variation
Editor(s): Alba Cerrudo, Ángel J. Gallego and Francesc Roca UrgellPublication Date November 2021More LessThis volume brings together studies that combine both traditional and contemporary tools in the study of syntactic geolectal variation, with a special focus on a subset of Iberian varieties. There is an increasing body of research on syntactic micro-variation, but the interaction between dialectology (which makes use of atlases, corpora, databases, questionnaires, interviews, etc.) and formal syntactic studies has traditionally been weak (or even nonexistent), which is precisely the gap the contributions in this book aim at filling in. From a broader perspective, this collection is meant as a contribution to the subfield of linguistic variation and to the more general field of Romance linguistics, with special interest in Spanish and in other Iberian languages. The volume is meant for both researchers and students interested in linguistic variation or dialectology and, specifically, in syntactic variation in Iberian languages.
The Syntax of Multiple-que Sentences in Spanish
Author(s): Julio Villa-GarcíaPublication Date March 2015More LessComplementizers offer a window into the architecture of the left-periphery and further our understanding of the demarcation of the boundaries between the C(omplementizer) and T(ense) domains. Using the articulated left-periphery as a laboratory and Spanish constructions featuring more than one complementizer as a point of departure, the author delivers new insights into the syntactic positions and behavior of Spanish complementizer que along the left edge. These observations have far-reaching consequences to such fundamental linguistic concepts as the derivation of left dislocations, ellipsis, and locality of movement. Of great interest to syntax graduate students and researchers in general, this volume provides a stepping stone to cracking the code on several current syntactic questions, including the widely-contested position of preverbal subjects in null-subject languages like Spanish. In addition, it offers the linguist a bountiful toolbox for the cross-linguistic investigation of a number of left-peripheral and clausal phenomena.
Variation and Evolution
Editor(s): Sandro Sessarego, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-RiccelliPublication Date August 2020More LessThis book is a collection of original studies analyzing how different internal and external factors affect Spanish language variation and evolution across a number of (socio)linguistic scenarios. Its primary goal is to expand our understanding of how native and non-native varieties of Spanish co-exist with other languages and dialects under the influence of several linguistic and extra-linguistic forces. While some papers analyze the linguistic dynamics affecting Spanish grammars from a cross-dialectal perspective, others focus more closely on the relations established between Spanish and other languages with which it is in contact. In particular, some of these studies show how power and prestige may support (or not) the use of Spanish in different social contexts and educational realities, given that the attitudes toward this language vary greatly across the Spanish-speaking world. On the one hand, in some regions, Spanish represents the variety spoken by the majority of the population, typically related to prestige and power (Spain and Latin America). On the other hand, in other contexts, the same language is conceived as a minority variety, which may or may not be associated with stigmatized immigrant groups (i.e., in the US).