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Book Series
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Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today
Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today (LA) provides a platform for original monograph studies into synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Studies in LA confront empirical and theoretical problems as these are currently discussed in syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology, and systematic pragmatics with the aim to establish robust empirical generalizations within a universalistic perspective.
Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa
A companion series to the periodical Lingvisticae Investigationes, deals with French and General Linguistics, modern linguistic theory and fundamental descriptive studies. Texts are either in English or French.
London Oriental and African Language Library
The LONDON ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN LANGUAGE LIBRARY aims to make available reliable and up-to-date analyses of the grammatical structure of the major Oriental and African languages, in a form readily accessible to the non-specialist. With this in mind, the language material in each volume is in Roman script, and fully glossed and translated. The series is based at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, Europe's largest institution specializing in the study of the languages and cultures of Africa and Asia. Each volume is written by an acknowledged expert in the field who has carried out original research on the language and has first-hand knowledge of the area in which it is spoken.
Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication
The aim of the series is to publish theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research on the effective use of metaphor in language and other modalities (including, for instance, visuals) for general or specific cognitive and communicative purposes. The aim of the series is to offer both fundamental and applied contributions to the state of the art. The series also invites proposals for inter-cultural and cross-cultural studies of metaphor in language, cognition, and communication. Room will be given as well to publications on related phenomena, such as analogy, metonymy, irony, and humor, as long as they are approached from a comparable perspective.The scope of the series comprises approaches from the humanities and the social and cognitive sciences, including philosophy, cultural studies, linguistics, cognitive science, communication science, media studies, and discourse analysis. More focused attention may be paid to the role of metaphor in the domains of religion, literature and the arts, the media, politics, organization and management, law, economics, health, education, and science.
Multilingualism and Diversity Management
This book series collects a wide range of scholarship on different, yet mutually complementary dimensions of multilingualism. It contains the main findings of a five-year integrated research project supported by the European Commission and brings together researchers from eighteen universities across the continent.The project, known under its acronym of DYLAN (Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity), examines the interconnections between social actors’ representations of language and multilingualism, policies adopted by various organizations to deal with multilingualism, the role of context which shapes, but is also shaped by representations and policies regarding multilingualism, and actual language practices. These interconnections are explored on three types of terrain: private-sector companies, the political institutions of the European Union, and the sphere of education (with an emphasis on universities in bi- or trilingual settings). In addition, three major themes cutting across these different terrains are analysed, namely, efficiency and fairness in language choices, emerging language varieties, and the historical dimensions of multilingualism.
[Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Processing]
The scope of NLP ranges from theoretical Computational Linguistics topics to highly practical Language Technology topics. The focus of the series is on new results in NLP and modern alternative theories and methodologies.
NOWELE Supplement Series
NOWELE Supplement Series is a book series associated with the journal NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution. The supplement series is devoted not only to the study of the history and prehistory of a locally determined group of languages, but also to the study of purely theoretical questions concerning historical language development. The series contains publications dealing with all aspects of the (pre-)histories of – and with intra- and extra-linguistic factors contributing to change and variation within – Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Frisian, Dutch, German, English, Gothic and the Early Runic language. The series will publish monographs and edited volumes.
John Benjamins has taken over sales and distribution of back volumes from the previous publisher, University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense.
OCULI: Studies in the Arts of the Low Countries
This series provides a forum for historical research in the arts of the Low Countries. While the series focuses on the art of this particular region, corresponding to what are now the Netherlands and Belgium, it is not limited to a specific period. This series includes monographs as well as catalogues and critical studies on all aspects of the arts in the Low Countries.
The volumes in this series are not available as e-books. For information about the print volumes, please visit our website: https://benjamins.com/catalog/oculi
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series is a continuation of Pragmatics & Beyond and its Companion Series. The series provides a forum for scholars in any area of Pragmatics. It aims at representing the field in its diversity covering different topics and different linguistic and socio-cultural contexts, including various theoretical and methodological perspectives.
This peer-reviewed series offers a selection of high quality work covering the full richness of Pragmatics as an interdisciplinary field within language sciences. It is committed to innovative research and includes monographs and thematic collections of articles. We welcome submissions with a focus on language use without predefined boundaries for the field and with an explicit interest in work that interacts with other fields such as sociology, anthropology, semantics, historical linguistics, and so on.
Pragmatics & Beyond
From 1980–1986 texts in Pragmatics & Beyond were published at irregular intervals. The series then evolved into Pragmatics & Beyond New Series.
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers / Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague N.S.
This series was discontinued after volume 4.
Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching
Processability Theory (PT) as developed by Manfred Pienemann is a prominent theory of second language acquisition. PT serves as a framework for a wide range of research covering issues such as L2 processing, interlanguage variation, typological effects on SLA, L1 transfer, linguistic profiling and L2 assessment, stabilisation/fossilisation and teachability. The PALART series serves as a platform for making current research within the PT framework and its application to measurement and teaching, as well as the interdisciplinary discussion of PT accessible to both researchers and graduate students in the field. PALART is designed to provide a thematic platform for the presentation of current high-quality work within the PT framework. The thematic scope of the series reflects the wide scope of theoretical, empirical and practical aspects of PT.
[Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages]
This series contains critical studies, editions, and translations pertaining to all aspects of Romance languages and literature. Series discontinued after vol. 42.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory
The yearly ‘Going Romance’ meetings and the ‘Linguistic Symposia on Romance Languages’ feature research in formal linguistics of Romance languages, in the domains of syntax, morphology, phonology and semantics. Each volume brings together a peer-reviewed selection of papers that were presented at one of the meetings, aiming to provide a representation of the spread of topics at that conference, and of the variety of research carried out nowadays on Romance languages within theoretical linguistics.
Shakespeare in European Culture
Shakespeare in European Culture is an international book series promoting the historically based study of the aesthetic, cultural, linguistic and political functions that Shakespeare as a figure and his works have played in Europe’s complex and evolving multilingual and multicultural spaces during the past 425 years.
Books in the series will be either collective volumes or monographs. The series takes a particular interest in books that trace the European history of individual Shakespearean works (e.g., Romeo and Juliet in European Culture). It will, however, also welcome books with a differently defined focus (e.g., the reception of Shakespeare in a specific language, culture or genre), provided they show a keen awareness of the circulation of Shakespearean texts both below and above the ‘national’ levels within the many ‘European’ frameworks past and present.
The series aims to highlight not only how Shakespearean texts, models and myths have shaped European cultural identities, but also that there is no ‘Shakespeare’ without his European sources, influences and afterlives.
The language of publication is English. However, in the spirit of European multilingualism the series has an open and inclusive attitude towards other languages quoted or discussed.