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Book Series
The Development of the Anglo-Saxon Language and Linguistic Universals
Series discontinued after volume 2.
Dialogue Studies
The series "Dialogue Studies" takes the notion of dialogicity as central; it starts from the classical view of ‘language as dialogically directed’ and encompasses every type of language use, workaday, institutional and literary.
By covering the whole range of language use, the growing field of dialogue studies comes close to pragmatics and studies in discourse or conversation. The concept of dialogicity, however, provides a clear methodological profile and allows us to structure the pragmatic ‘perspective’ and the ‘pan-discipline’ of discourse. It focuses on methodological premises such as: action and reaction; the integration of the human abilities of speaking, thinking and perceiving; dialogic interaction as the intentional effort to pursue definable goals and interests.
The series aims to cross disciplinary boundaries and considers a genuinely interdisciplinary approach necessary for addressing the complex phenomenon of dialogic language use. All disciplines that deal with the human ability of dialogic interaction from different perspectives, in everyday interaction as well as in institutional contexts, are addressed: linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, rhetoric, anthropology, applied linguistics, culture sciences, the media sciences, economics, jurisprudence.
The current state of research in science in general is characterized by a turning point from closed rule-governed models to open models of probability. In this sense, Dialogue Studies aims to support new ways of theorizing and opens up innovative cross-disciplinary advances in the complex. The series will be of interest to existing theoretical approaches to competence as well as empirical approaches to performance, bridging the gap between competence and performance by focusing on human beings and their competence-in-performance.
This peer reviewed series will include monographs, thematic collections of articles, and introductory textbooks in the relevant areas.
Dialogues on Work and Innovation
The book series presents empirically based studies as well as theoretical discussions on the practice of organizational renewal. Its publications reflect the increasingly urgent need for the development of new forms of work organization. In today’s interdependent world workplace reform and orgnizational effectiveness are no longer solely the concern of individual organizations; the local and the global have become closely connected.Dialogues on Work and Innovation mirrors the fact that enterprise development and societal development cannot be kept separate. Furthermore, the series focuses on the dialogue between theory and practice, and thus on the mutuality of knowledge and action, of research and development. The dialogues stress the critical significance of joint reflexivity in action-oriented research and the necessity for participatory processes in organizational change.
This series was discontinued after volume 15.
Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture
The editors invite contributions that investigate political, social and cultural processes from a linguistic/discourse-analytic point of view. The aim is to publish monographs and edited volumes which combine language-based approaches with disciplines concerned essentially with human interaction — disciplines such as political science, international relations, social psychology, social anthropology, sociology, economics, and gender studies.
Document Design Companion Series
This series focuses on the internal and external communication of medium-sized to multinational corporations, governmental bodies, non-profit organizations, as well as media, health care, educational and legal institutions, etc.Monographs in the series cover aspects of (electronic) discourse – written, spoken and visual – combined with aspects of text quality (function, institutional setting, culture). They will be problem driven, methodologically innovative, and focused on effectivity of communication.
Document Design is ‘designed’ for: information managers, researchers in discourse studies and organization studies, text analists, and communication specialists.
This series was discontinued after volume 7.